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Night Guard acrylic

Colored dental hawley retainer, night guard acrylic is a best appliance made of a metal wire & colorful plastic or acrylic plate and protects the results of treatment.<br>VISIT SITE FOR MORE INFO: healthysparkles0088@gmail.com<br>

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Night Guard acrylic

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  1. Coloreddentalhawleyretainer, nightguardacrylicisabest appliancemadeofametalwire& colorfulplasticoracrylicplateand protectstheresultsoftreatment. CLICKHEREFORMOREINFO: https://www.langdental.com/products/subcategory/id/6/

  2. LangDentalManufacturing,Co.wasfoundedin1929bySamuel Lang providing dental materials of the day to dental professionals.Since1958,LangDentalhasdeveloped, manufacturedanddistributedtodentalprofessionalsglobally. Our trusted acrylics are used to fabricate tooth-colored self- curingacrylics,denturebaseacrylicsandsupportingequipment. JetandLangbrandproductsareknownfortheirexcellenceand consistent performance and are trusted by clinicians and techniciansworldwide. ABOUTUS:

  3. Our mission and commitment to you, our valued customer,istocontinuethislegacyofqualitywith efficiency in all our current and future products designedtomakeyourpracticeandbusinessmore profitableandsatisfying. OURMISSION:

  4. Acustomnightguardfromadentist istypicallymadeofaclearacrylic plasticmaterial.Theacrylicmaterial lends itself to customization, allowingforanidealfit.Thematerial isalsocomfortableforteethand gumswhileitiswornanddoesnot causeanyhealthrisksorgumor teethirritation.

  5. Adentalnightguardprotectsthe teethfromdamagebycushioning the effects of clenching while sleeping.Thiscushionbarrierhelps topreventchippedteethandworn- downteeth,twoofthemore common problems associated with theactofclenchingone'steeth.

  6. A Dental Night Guard Acrylic Is Soft, flexible night guards are made from ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), which is considered safe. This materialcanalsobeusedtolinehybridnight guards. Night guards are usually 2-3 mm thick, made ofrigidacrylic.Inspiteofbeingthemost expensiveoption,ifyouaresufferingfrom bruxism,theseheavyguardsarethebestway toprotectyourtoothenamel.

  7. Address: 175MessnerDrive Wheeling,Illinois60090, USA Phone: US&Canada +1-800-222-5264 International +1-847-215-6622 Email: orders@langdental.com

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