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Teeth Whitening York

As the name suggests, teeth whitening, or teeth bleaching, is the process of brightening oneu2019s teeth. As a modern dental clinic, the team working at Smile Dental Centre provides advanced yet affordable teeth whitening in York to whiten our valued patientsu2019 discolored teeth. Nothing can make us happier and satisfied than your beautiful smile with your pearly teeth.

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Teeth Whitening York

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  1. Teeth Whitening York What Is Teeth Whitening? As the name suggests, teeth whitening, or teeth bleaching, is the process of brightening one’s teeth. As a modern dental clinic, the team working at Smile Dental Centre provides advanced yet affordable teeth whitening in Yorkto whiten our valued patients’ discolored teeth. Nothing can make us happier and satisfied than your beautiful smile with your pearly teeth. There are three types of teeth whitening methods. The first and most effective one is in-office whitening, which is done under the supervision of a dental professional. There are also at-home whitening kits, special kits provided by your dentist that you can use at home. These kits work more slowly, bleaching your teeth gradually. They work best for deep stains that resist the intense one-hour whitening sessions at your dentist’s office. Lastly, we have drugstore whitening tools, such as stripes and pens. Although they might be effective, this last method could adversely impact your teeth due to insufficient clinical research. If you want to remove your teeth stains sooner than expected, no method is better than in-office teeth whitening. Smile Dental Centre is proud of its dedicated dental specialists, who are hands down the best teeth whitening specialists in York. The primary whitening agents used in all three of the tooth whitening methods mentioned above are hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide. However, the ratio and the intensity with which they’re used differentiate which type of tooth whitening they’re suitable for. For instance, in- office bleaching uses a high-intensity hydrogen peroxide gel. In contrast, at-home bleaching kits whiten the teeth using a high concentration of carbamide peroxide. Should I Get In-office Bleaching, or Should I Use At-home Whitening Kits? This question can’t be answered for sure, not unless you have consulted with our experienced cosmetic dentist, who performs one of the most professional teeth whitening in York. Generally, in-office bleaching is usually recommended for risk-free cases because it is more effective and safer. With recent advances in dentistry, in-office whitening causes less tooth sensitivity, despite being linked to post-bleaching tooth sensitivity before. Furthermore, we proudly apply the safest and most effective in-office teeth whitening in York, which is a suitable option for patients with discolored teeth due to aging, consumption of pigmented foods and beverages, and tobacco use. On the other hand, at-home bleaching kits are an excellent option for patients who want to avoid tooth hypersensitivity or patients with deep stains on their teeth. The most sought-after cosmetic dental treatment here at Smile Dental Centre is teeth whitening. If you are one of those, who want to remove the stains on your teeth and look for the safest teeth whitening services in York, look no further than Smile Dental Centre. The dedicated and experienced dentists working with us use top-of-the-line dental equipment to perform one of the best in-office teeth whitening processes in York that can alter your smile

  2. dramatically. Most of our patients who think a smile makeover is the only way to redeem their smiles are advised to whiten their teeth first. Many can’t imagine how dramatic teeth bleaching can be. This simple cosmetic dental treatment could brighten your teeth up to 10 shades in only one to two hours. That is why here in Smile Dental Centre, we proudly work with dentists who are more than experienced enough to provide professional yet affordable teeth whitening treatment in York and the surrounding area. Of course, it should be noted that when the stains on your teeth are not removable through our teeth whitening process, we highly suggest you go for our perfect dental veneers in York. If you want to replace your teeth with top-of-the-line dental implants in York, or if you strive to save your teeth through a painless root canal therapy in York, look no further than Smile Dental Centre. We also take pride in performing a comfortable wisdom teeth extraction in York for all valued patients. https://smiledentaltoronto.ca/services/teeth-whitening-york/

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