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Summary of Polling Results From the Global Competitiveness Summit August 10, 2012

Summary of Polling Results From the Global Competitiveness Summit August 10, 2012. Summary of Polling Results From the Global Competitiveness Summit August 10, 2012. Summary of Polling Results From the Global Competitiveness Summit August 10, 2012.

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Summary of Polling Results From the Global Competitiveness Summit August 10, 2012

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  1. Summary of Polling ResultsFrom the Global Competitiveness SummitAugust 10, 2012

  2. Summary of Polling ResultsFrom the Global Competitiveness SummitAugust 10, 2012

  3. Summary of Polling ResultsFrom the Global Competitiveness SummitAugust 10, 2012

  4. What can give us the biggest boost in our competitiveness? Education Adopt a vision Connect our local politicians with this strategy Increased exports! Deep infrastructure in advanced manufacturing Change public education quickly Jobs, students ready to start school Leverage all talent and intellectual capital More students in tech programs Political collaboration Collaboration More qualified and more motivated workforce, particularly males under 30 Balance the speed, passion and plans with the quality of life. Attracting young workers is the canary in the coal mine, but we also want to engage our local citizens in the region in our future. Sense of urgency! Why wait to support start ups? Employers who will invest resources in skills and training. Larger startup community to support new business and venture capital Connect with and promote our existing business community. Utilize collaborative networks to increase local business activity while attracting new businesses. Innovation – international partnerships and increased exports Willingness to step up and create groundbreaking policy and collaboration to promote growth. Summary of Polling ResultsFrom the Global Competitiveness SummitAugust 10, 2012 What industry do you think provides a critical competitive advantage for our region in the future Energy Travel Manufacturing Big Data Energy and advanced manufacturing Technology Energy, CPCC Recycling Manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing Biotechnology Education Technology The green jobs sector. Battery development and nano Technology. Support UNCC's efforts on R and D and fund community colleges to prepare and retrain our workforce. Logistics Health Care IT, Hospitality, Sustainability Energy, Duke, ABB, UFS, etc. Health Care and Biotech Agricultural Biotechnology Energy and manufacturing will lead the way in Charlotte.

  5. What steps do you think we should engage in as the Charlotte region from the perspective of your industry Seamless linkage K12-Community College-Four yr. college Sell location, location, location Public policy advocacy for smart government Meaningful brand Educational form, reform K12 education Internships Private sector investment in education Communicating our message Collaboration to be collectively competitive Send the message loud and clear that upgrading skills is a lifelong endeavor. Businesses need to invest in their workforce, and workers need to invest in themselves. Use community colleges as the most cost-effective training source. Coordinated messaging Apprentices push, gather data as benchmark, celebrate entrepreneurs Still amazed that Charlotte doesn't have a top tier med school or law school yet Coordinated post-high school education Meaningful tax legislation to promote manufacturing Small business support to support manufacturing Summary of Polling ResultsFrom the Global Competitiveness SummitAugust 10, 2012 What is the first action that you and your organization can do to help the region become an international hub of business Train more great students. Get serious about finding students and mentoring them. Train and educate people better and faster. More business study abroad programs Understand we are the USA that someone meets. Education is the key. Adopt a school – resources, people, hire students, show them (students and staff) real path. Help students have a global perspective. Coops and other work based learning opportunities. Increasing transparency and knowledge about other areas of the world. Perfect my “elevator speech” for the region. Change mindset of staff and partners. Be a catalyst by inviting County Commissioners to engage in regional thinking through meetings and business leaders. Reach out and learn the globalmarketplace. Communicate messages from today on website at CPCC Corporate Learning Center. Study some of these great handout resources. Promote global awareness and an international perspective, student study abroad. Student work abroad. Fund new training opportunities. Help get word out.

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