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Supporting Industrial Experience Students

Supporting Industrial Experience Students. Claire Revell , claire.revell@eecs.qmul.ac.uk Jane Reid, jane.reid@eecs.qmul.ac.uk Queen Mary, University of London. Workshop outline. Current support framework (20 mins ) Structure Student viewpoints Discussion groups (30 mins )

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Supporting Industrial Experience Students

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Supporting Industrial Experience Students Claire Revell, claire.revell@eecs.qmul.ac.uk Jane Reid, jane.reid@eecs.qmul.ac.uk Queen Mary, University of London

  2. Workshop outline • Current support framework (20 mins) • Structure • Student viewpoints • Discussion groups (30 mins) • Group feedback and summary (10 mins) • Invitation to join network of interested parties

  3. Current support framework: structure [1/3] • We are a School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science • Current IE programme is 4-year BSc Computer Science with Industrial Experience • Students undertake an assessed placement of 7 – 12 months in industry between their penultimate and final years of study • Also rolling out 4-year BEng Electronic Engineering and BSc (Eng) Media Arts Technology with Industrial Experience from September 2012

  4. Current support framework: structure [2/3] • Dedicated Industrial Placement Manager (IPM) • IE student handbook and other materials • Social event for all IE year groups in January • In the first year • Tutorials and information sessions run by the IPM • Individual support and advice provided by IPM • In the second year • Support during job searching and application process • Subject-specific support from the IPM • Generic support from QM Careers Service

  5. Current support framework: structure [3/3] • In the placement year • 2 visits to the student’s workplace by the IPM • A monitored discussion forum to help students keep in touch with us and with each other • A requirement for reflection on personal and professional development through the placement assessment • On return from placement, in the final year • A “welcome back” meeting with the IPM and Director of Taught Programmes • Ad-hoc job application support from IPM

  6. Current support framework: student viewpoints • Ali Cakmakyurdu, BSc Computer Science, final year • DurimManaj, BSc Business Computing, final year

  7. Discussion groups • Questions: • What lessons can be learned from our students’ viewpoints and/or the views of your own students? • Is there any good practice at your own institution that you could share with us? • What are your opinions on our possible improvements? • Mentoring for first and second year IE students from returning IE students • Structured contact with academic staff during the IE placement, e.g. to develop final year project ideas • More explicit support for the transition from academic study to placement, and back again

  8. Group feedback and summary • Reporter from each group to feed back 2 main recommendations (2 mins)

  9. Invitation to join network • We intend to set up an informal network of staff currently running, or intending to run, Computer Science / Electronic Engineering IE programmes • Opportunities could include • An email list to disseminate news • Themed meetings to share experiences • Events • Others? (ideas welcome ) • If you are interested in joining this network, please contact Claire Revell, claire.revell@eecs.qmul.ac.uk

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