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REVIEW ASSESSMENT UNIT 1 and 2. INTRODUCTION TO HEALTHCARE SCIENCE. Ben Franklin’s medical contributions include. Bifocals Artificial lung Polio vaccine Yellow fever cure. Response Counter.

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  2. Ben Franklin’s medical contributions include • Bifocals • Artificial lung • Polio vaccine • Yellow fever cure Response Counter

  3. I have been around since early beginnings and come from a foxglove plant. I strengthen and slow the heart • Donnagel • Digitalis • Morphine • Robutissin Response Counter

  4. I discovered a way to treat yellow fever so the Panama Canal could be built. • Albert Einstein • Crawford W Long • IgnazSemmelweiss • Walter Reed Response Counter

  5. Started public health movement • Lillian Wald • Florence Barton • Clara Nightingale • Hillary Clinton Response Counter

  6. There were great epidemics, such as the Bubonic plague (Black Death), during our days when convents and monasteries were the only ones practicing medicines and they left everything in God’s hands. • Dark Ages • Ancient Times • Renaissance • Ancient Rome Response Counter

  7. Discovered a treatment for syphilis that worked on his 606th experiment • William Harvey • Gabrielle Fallopius • IgnazSemmelweiss • Paul Ehrlich Response Counter

  8. William Harvey • studied the pumping of the heart and the circulation of blood through the body • Experimented to find treatment for syphillis • Discovered the fallopian tube in women • Discovered the eustacian tube in the ear Response Counter

  9. “father of microbiology”. • IgnazSemmelweiss • Paul Ehrich • William Harvey • Robert Koch Response Counter

  10. discovered the cause of the Bubonic Plague • Jonas Salk • Paul Ehrich • Alexander Yersin (yersinispestis, the name for the bacteria causing the plague, is named after him – FYI non of this was discovered until 1894 – so long after the plague of the 1400s) • IgnazSemmelweiss Response Counter

  11. Which two physicians are credited with discovering polio vaccines in the 1950s? • Rogers and Hammerstein • Crick and Watson • Holmes and Watson • Salk and Sabin Response Counter

  12. The first nationality to keep accurate medical records was…. • Roman • Egyptian • Italian • Greek Response Counter

  13. What great inventions occurred during the Renaissance? • Invention of printing press • Acceptance of dissection • Building of Universities • All of the above Response Counter

  14. Georgia surgeon who was first to use anesthetic ether • W. Crawford Long • James Oglethorpe • James Salk • Robert Koch Response Counter

  15. Penicillin was discovered by • Walter Reed • The Greeks • Alexander Bell • Alexander Fleming Response Counter

  16. The vaccine for yellow fever was discovered by • Alexander Fleming • IgnazSemmelweiss • Walter Reed • None of the above – there is no vaccine for yellow fever Response Counter

  17. What were the contributions of the Greeks during ancient times? • Diseases • Sanitation • Use of anesthesia • A and B above Response Counter

  18. Driving out evil spirits to cure disease was the main practice of which time period • Egyptian • Earliest times – ancient times • Renaissance • Modern times Response Counter

  19. What were the contributions of Joseph Lister? • First person to use antiseptics to prevent the spread of disease during surgery • First person to use x-rays • First person to use the stethoscope • First person to establish nursing schools Response Counter

  20. Clara Barton is known for what contribution? • Founded the first public health agency • Founded the first homecare group • Founded the American Red Cross • Founded the Hippocratic Oath Response Counter

  21. William Roentgen • Invented the concept of pharmacies • Developed the 80-20 insurance payment method • Discovered the eustacian tube • Was the first person to use x-rays Response Counter

  22. Rene Laennec • Invented the microscope • Was the first person to use x-rays • Founded the American Red Cross • Invented the stethoscope (the first was wooden) Response Counter

  23. The first respectable nursing schools were started by • Lillian Wald • Dorothea Dix • Rene Laennec • Florence Nightingale Response Counter

  24. The eustacian tube leads from the throat to the ear and was named by • Farenheit • Priestly • Pittascio • Eustachio Response Counter

  25. Hippocratic Oath most closely matches which individual? • Hippocrates • Pasteur • Priestley • Farenheit Response Counter

  26. What is a home health care agency? • An agency that provides long term care in a facility separate from the home but nearby • An agency that provides care in the home • An agency that provides 24 hour care with nurses in a free standing facility • All of the above Response Counter

  27. What are long term care facilities? • Facilities that provide care for pediatric patients with a good prognosis • Facilities that provide short term care for all ages within a certain religion • Facilities that provide long term care for pregnant women • Facilities that provide care for elderly patients and others with chronic or long term illness of disease Response Counter

  28. International agency investigating and dealing with world health problems • YMCA • OBRA • WHO • CDC Response Counter

  29. What is workman’s comp? • Health insurance plan that provides treatment for workers injured on the job • Health insurance plan that is based on a sliding scale ability to pay scale • Health insurance plan that includes children • Health insurance plan that has an 80-20 percent ratio Response Counter

  30. Care for the elderly is referred to as what type of care? • Bariatric • Pediatric • Atrophic • Geriatric Response Counter

  31. Healthcare is • One of the largest and fastest growing industries in the United States • Is overpopulated with health care workers and has high unemployment rates • Is a dying industry • Is not a good career choice Response Counter

  32. Agencies providing care for terminally ill patients either in the patient’s home or in a free standing facility are called • Hospices • Hostels • Health Departments • WHOs Response Counter

  33. What is the difference between Medicaid and Medicare? • Medicaid is for the elderly, Medicare is for the disabled/pregnany • Medicaid is for the disabled/pregnancy and Medicare is for the elderly • Medicare is based on income, Medicaid is free to all • Medicare is only open to the elderly, Medicaid is open to everyone on a sliding scale fee and is not regulated by the Government Response Counter

  34. What are the services of school health? • Providing emergency care for students in a given college • Testing and holding animals suspected of having rabies • Providing insurance for military families • All of the above Response Counter

  35. What are examples of non profit agencies? • Gulfstream, verizon, comcast • American Heart Association, Goodwill, American Red Cross, American Diabetes Association • Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Cigna, United Health Care • Pharmacy companies Response Counter

  36. Examples of insurance companies are • State-Merit, blue Cross-Blue shield, Prudential, Travelers • American Heart Association, American Red Cross • WHO • CDC Response Counter

  37. What is the role of public health? • To provide services needed by the community such as immunizations • Collection of statistics to monitor community health • Inspections for sanitation • All of the above Response Counter

  38. What am I – centered in Atlanta, GA, I am the health care agency that monitors for the causes, spread and control of disease in populations. • WHO • CDC • AMA • ADRC Response Counter

  39. What is OBRA? • The state of being in optimum health • The government health insurance plan for U.S. citizens over the age of 65 or any disabled person • An act passed by Congress which requires states to establish training and competency evaluation for nursing assistants in long term facilities • The government agency that monitors for disease transmission, infection Response Counter

  40. What is wellness? • The state of being in optimum health • The government health insurance plan for U.S. citizens over the age of 65 or any disabled person • An act passed by Congress which requires states to establish training and competency evaluation for nursing assistants in long term facilities • The government agency that monitors for disease transmission, infection Response Counter

  41. What is Medicare? • The state of being in optimum health • The government health insurance plan for U.S. citizens over the age of 65 or any disabled person • An act passed by Congress which requires states to establish training and competency evaluation for nursing assistants in long term facilities • The government agency that monitors for disease transmission, infection Response Counter

  42. What is MANAGED CARE? • Program arising in the 1990s calling for all healthcare to have a purpose and to also have a second opinion prior to treatment • A government program providing care for military dependents and retired members of the armed forces • Ensures safety of food and cosmetics and the safety of medication and medical devices • Was started to provide care to ill and injured victims as quickly as possible Response Counter

  43. What is CHAMPUS? • Program arising in the 1990s calling for all healthcare to have a purpose and to also have a second opinion prior to treatment • A government program providing care for military dependents and retired members of the armed forces • Ensures safety of food and cosmetics and the safety of medication and medical devices • Was started to provide care to ill and injured victims as quickly as possible Response Counter

  44. What is the FDA? • Program arising in the 1990s calling for all healthcare to have a purpose and to also have a second opinion prior to treatment • A government program providing care for military dependents and retired members of the armed forces • Government agency that ensures the safety of food and cosmetics and the safety of medication and medical devices • Was started to provide care to ill and injured victims as quickly as possible Response Counter

  45. What is Emergency Care? • Program arising in the 1990s calling for all healthcare to have a purpose and to also have a second opinion prior to treatment • A government program providing care for military dependents and retired members of the armed forces • Ensures safety of food and cosmetics and the safety of medication and medical devices • Was started to provide care to ill and injured victims as quickly as possible Response Counter

  46. What is industrial health? • Health programs set up by large companies or industries to provide care for their employees • Government program that inspects facilities for workplace violations • A book listing all the dangerous chemicals that a workplace might use • All of the above Response Counter

  47. What is the meaning of the term DRG? • Dietary Reduction Goods (federal program for reducing calories in school lunch food) • Dairy Regulation Guide (how to pasteurize milk, store dairy products) • Diagnosis Related Groupings (correlation of diseases with length of hospital stay average) • Doctors Rating Guild (agency that provides the performance “report cards” for doctors and hospitals) Response Counter

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