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Clinical trial management system in clinical trials ppt

Clinion's Clinical Trial Management Software (CTMS) gives enhanced visibility into all aspects of the clinical trial Management process - from study plan, Remote monitoring, and Clinical data management.<br><br><br><br>

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Clinical trial management system in clinical trials ppt

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cinion CTMS Clinical Trial Management System Integrated Solution To Plan, Manage and Track All Your Clinical Studies

  2. An Integrated Trial Management System That Gives CROs And Sponsors Greater Control And Visibility Into Their Clinical Trials Manage Clinical Trial Operations, Collaborate With Stakeholders And View Real-Time Data All At One Place With Clinion CTMS. Wardiere Inc. 06/12

  3. Why Clinion CTMS Accelerate Trials Enhanced Visibility Clinion CTMS is an Integrated Clinical Trial Management Software that allows users real-time visibility across the study spectrum, allowing for real-time interventions and course correction, leading to accelerated study timelines. Real-time Integration gives enhanced visibility into all aspects of the clinical trial process - from study plan, design, site selection, subject recruitment, data capture, monitoring, remote monitoring, drug allotment, Inventory management and data management. Reduced Trial Costs Feature-rich and Versatile Customized workflows, pre-set processes, real-time status reports, automated alerts, real- time monitoring, holistic visibility – result in immediate and sustained efficiencies to reduce trial costs significantly. Clinion CTMS Software manages a large part of clinical trial operations. Moreover, it is constantly evolving, adding new features and modules almost daily, making it more versatile and user- friendly for its users.

  4. Cinion CTMS Project management IP Inventary management Robust Financial Management Advanced Dashboard & Reporting Site Monitoring Document Mnanagement

  5. See how our industry leading CTMS helps you gain complete control over clinical operations! Request a Demo @Clinion https://www.clinion.com/ sales@clinion.com +91 733 738 2327

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