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CLIL: Teaching English to Language Learners

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CLIL: Teaching English to Language Learners

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  1. Content and Language Integrated Learning: Language Arts ShellyTerrell.com

  2. Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours. - John Locke

  3. Go beyond traditional teaching

  4. Planning Lessons with the 4Cs • Content- How can we make the material more accessible to our language learners? What might they already know about the topic? • Communication- What vocabulary will students need to use? What grammar structures will they use? • Cognition- What thinking tasks will they do? Classifying, identifying, etc. • Culture- What cultural considerations can you make?

  5. Content knowledge? English level?

  6. Lesson Planning Realia Graphic Organizers Visual Aids TPR Foldables FlashCards Multimedia Hands-on Videos Demonstrations Pairwork/Group Work Games Storytelling Interviews PBL Role-Plays Debates Authentic Materials Questioning Techniques Diagrams Labeling

  7. Create Foldables Rainbowswithinreach.blogspot.com

  8. Rethink reading material Schooltechnology.org Elementary students using the iPad in school.Flickingerbrad, Flickr, CC 2.0

  9. Twilight The Graphic Novel Lite Character Texts • Students get in pairs • They chose character they want to be • They text to each other a conversation they imagine the 2 characters would have now • Take screen shots, post on blog & discuss

  10. Smalldemons.com

  11. Activity: Find it! • Pre-reading:Students search for music, clothing, setting, etc. • Try SmallDemons

  12. Activity: Find it! • Pre-reading:Students search for music, clothing, setting, etc. • Try SmallDemons • While reading: • Students mark in book what they found & how it gives them a better understanding

  13. Smalldemons.com

  14. Skitch App for Annotating Websites

  15. Skitch

  16. Activity: Find it! • Pre-reading:Students search for music, clothing, setting, etc. • While reading: • Students mark in book what they found & how it gives them a better understanding • Post reading: • Students post which items they can relate to in their lives. Ex. I like escaping to …. like the main character.

  17. Photopeach for Multimedia Quizzes • Create slideshows & quizzes • Upload images & choose music from library • Embed • Comments show in the slide presentation

  18. Photopeach.com/album/15oe8bu By @mscro1

  19. Glogster.com • While reading: Students post quotes, images, & video of their favorite moments in the book • Post reading: Students post poetry or reflections

  20. Take them on virtual trips!

  21. GoogleLitTrips.org • Free downloadable files that mark the journeys of characters from famous literature on the surface of Google Earth. • Placemarks with pop-up windows containing discussion starters, links, real world references, & multimedia • Make suggestions • Help create

  22. GoogleLitTrips.org

  23. Google.com/culturalinstitute/worldwonders/

  24. Airpano.com

  25. Have students create their own virtual trips!

  26. Guess the Character • Each student records clues about a character • Students exchange devices and listen to the descriptions to guess the character • You can also have them capture pictures to add as clues

  27. Character Texts • Students get into pairs • They chose character they want to be • They text to each other a conversation they imagine the 2 characters would have now • Use Google Chat, FB messenger or any other free messaging app

  28. Classtools.net/SMS/

  29. Create Comics/Videos with Figures in Literature CreazaEducation.com

  30. ZooBurst.com

  31. ZooBurst.com Character Texts • Students can upload their pics or choose from a variety of characters & backgrounds • Can narrate with text • Embeddable • Interact with a book using Augmented Reality • Free iPad app with QR Code Scans

  32. StoryKit

  33. StoryKit

  34. Create a Collaborative Music Playlist/ Soundtrack

  35. Create Book Trailers

  36. Turn a Chapter into a Movie Scene

  37. Motivate them to learn beyond the classroom

  38. EnglishStoryTime.pbworks.com

  39. EnglishStoryTime.pbworks.com

  40. Pearltree Bookmarks Pear.ly/b7VAv Pear.ly/b7VkT

  41. ShellyTerrell.com • Bit.ly/ShellTerrell • Twitter:@ShellTerrell • Pearltrees.com/shellyterrell • Diigo.com/user/shellyterrell • Facebook.com/ShellyTerrell • Pinterest.com/shellyterrell • Bit.ly/ELTLINKs

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