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Agricultural impacts of climate in Mexico and Argentina.

Agricultural impacts of climate in Mexico and Argentina. Cecilia Conde, Roberto Seiler, Marta Vinocur. LA - 29. MEXICO Central Region. Veracruz. Climatic Events. Veracruz. Eakin,H. Coffee T,Pcp requirements. Risk space . Veracruz. MAM. Risk space . Veracruz. JJA.

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Agricultural impacts of climate in Mexico and Argentina.

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  1. Agricultural impacts of climate in Mexico and Argentina. Cecilia Conde, Roberto Seiler, Marta Vinocur. LA - 29

  2. MEXICOCentral Region. Veracruz

  3. Climatic Events. Veracruz Eakin,H.

  4. Coffee T,Pcp requirements

  5. Risk space. Veracruz. MAM

  6. Risk space. Veracruz. JJA

  7. Risk Space” Veracruz, Mex. DEF

  8. Season CCC GFDL T Pcp T Pcp Winter + - + + Spring + - + - Summer + - + + Autumn + + + + Climate & Coffee Production Changes.Downscaling model Palma, 2004

  9. Equation for Coffee ProductionMexico. 1969 – 1998. Coffee Production = - k1 + k2 (T summer) – k3 (T summer)2 + k4 (Pcp Spring) + k5Twinter + k6 (T Winter)2 + k7 (Minimum Wagesummer) Est. Real Gay, Estrada, Conde, Eakin, Villers

  10. Cafe2. Effects of summer temperature on coffee production. Gay, Estrada, Conde, Eakin, Villers

  11. Climate & Coffee Production Changes. Equation. 2020

  12. Córdoba, Argentina

  13. Córdoba Province Argentina Study area

  14. Climatic Risk in Southern Córdoba • FARMERS’ Perceptions • Droughts • Hailstorms • Floods

  15. Risk space. Laboulaye, Cba. DEF

  16. Risk space. Laboulaye, Cba. SON

  17. Risk space. Río Cuarto, Cba. DEF

  18. Risk space. Pilar, Cba. DEF

  19. Pcp Laboulaye, 1961 -2003

  20. Changes in Drought Risk. Córdoba 2050 Scenario. ECHAM, A2. 1961 -1990

  21. Conclusions • Risk spaces are a useful tool to identify: • Climate variability and extreme weather events, which strongly affect agricultural production • Climate change conditions that might open windows of opportunities in some regions, • Climate change conditions that might severily affect agricultural production • In any case, it is still an open question how changes in future varibility will affect agricultural production.

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