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Monday. Calescite !. Conjugate “ dō , dare, dedī ” (I give, to give, I gave) in the Present Tense. Conjugate “ dō , dare, dedī ” (I give, to give, I gave) in the Present Tense. “post cenam ” – pg. 110 . Translate together Write translation Add to “TRANSLATION” section.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Monday

  2. Calescite! Conjugate “dō, dare, dedī” (I give, to give, I gave) in the Present Tense.

  3. Conjugate “dō, dare, dedī” (I give, to give, I gave) in the Present Tense.

  4. “post cenam” – pg. 110 • Translate together • Write translation • Add to “TRANSLATION” section

  5. “animal ferox” – pg. 113 • Translate individually • Si non perfectumest, tumestpraescriptumdomesticum!

  6. Tuesday

  7. Calescite! Conjugate “dō, dare, dedī” (I give, to give, I gave) in the Perfect Tense.

  8. Conjugate “dō, dare, dedī” (I give, to give, I gave) in the Perfect Tense.

  9. “ANIMAL FEROX”“Metella et Melissa” Due cras!!!

  10. Wednesday

  11. Calescite Extractepraescriptumdomesticum. Extractetuoslibros et legete de culturamantiquaeRomae! • PollEverywhere • Roman Beliefs about Life after Death… • pg. 115

  12. Stage 7 Word Study • 466453 • Google • Include the letter “d” and the word • EX:D ambulatory • PAGE 120: Vocabulary

  13. Thursday - Test

  14. Calescite Extractepraescriptumdomesticum: Word Study!

  15. Stage 7 Test Review

  16. Flyswatter Game!!!

  17. cenatvaldēcenturiō umbra cōnspicittamen cum cēnāvitterretcōnspexit terruitpropeheri

  18. rogatingēnsparvus facitparāvitrogāvit pulcherfēcitnihil omnisparatpestis

  19. intellegitmortuusintellēxit narrāmusnarrōnarrat narrāsnarrātisnarrant

  20. laudābatlaudābatislaudābas laudābantlaudābamlaudābamus cōnspexistiscōnspexitcōnspexistī cōnspeximuscōnspexīcōnspexērunt

  21. Friday - Test

  22. Monday

  23. Calescite! Decline ira, irae(anger) {What DECLENSION and GENDER is it?}

  24. Stage 8 Model Sentences • pg. 122 • You do not have to write these down • You DO need to pay close attention, in case you are asked to translate

  25. “gladiātōrēs” – pg. 125 • Translate together • Write translation • Si non estperfectum, tumestpraescriptumdomesticum.

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