Tips To Find The Right Auto Insurance Cover It is very crucial that you invest in the right auto insurance to get maximum coverage and that too at a reasonable price. Here are a few tips that can help you find the right auto insurance - Maintain a good credit score since your credit score can put an impact on the amount of premium you have to pay. 1 Invest in the vehicles that come with in-built safety features as this will reduce the cost of insurance policy. 2 Set an appropriate amount of deductible. Paying a higher deductible however reduces the amount of premium. 3 Choose coverage options depending on the type of risk you are exposed to and the minimum insurance requirements of the state. 4 Insurance companies charge less from people with a good driving record. So do not forget to avail such discounts if you have a safe driving record. 5 www.shawncampinsurance.com Shawn Camp Insurance Agency, Inc 2705 E. Stan Schlueter Loop, Suite 101, Killeen, Texas 76542 Phone: (254) 526 - 0535