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New Horizon College English Unit 5 Graceful Hand

New Horizon College English Unit 5 Graceful Hand. Expression & Patterns. Pre-reading Activities. Picture guessing Questions for discussion. Summary. Text Analysis. Text structure Devices for developing it. Main idea. Writing. Exercises. Writing skill

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New Horizon College English Unit 5 Graceful Hand

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  1. New Horizon College English Unit 5 Graceful Hand

  2. Expression & Patterns Pre-reading Activities Picture guessing Questions for discussion Summary Text Analysis Text structure Devices for developing it Main idea Writing Exercises Writing skill Writing practice Homework & Revision Words using Words game

  3. Pre-reading Activities Picture guessing Look at the following pictures to guess their connotative meanings

  4. Pre-reading Activities Picture guessing

  5. Pre-reading Activities Picture guessing

  6. Pre-reading Activities Picture guessing

  7. Pre-reading Activities Picture guessing

  8. Pre-reading Activities Picture guessing

  9. Pre-reading Activities Picture guessing

  10. Pre-reading Activities Questions for discussion work in pairs to discuss the following questions.

  11. Questions for discussion Pre-reading Activities 1. Why was the word “graceful” used to describe the grandmother? 2.What does the physician find out and what does she learn?

  12. Expressions & patterns Words & ExpressionWord UsingWord Game

  13. Words using 1. …but I know from her medical chart and the report I received from the precedingshift that tonight she will die. (Para.1) Meaning: …but I know from her medical chart and the report I received from the doctor and nurses who worked in the earlier shift. 1) preceding a. 在前的,在先的,前面的 记忆法:动词precede(领先于)+ ing a. pre-表示“在前” 考点:preceding 通常指时间、顺序等,常置于名词前作定语,如: This kind of garments was very fashionable in the preceding years.这种服装在前几年很流行。此外,动词precede的用法也要掌握,如: He came into the room preceded by a small dog.他走进房间,一只小狗走在他前面。 2) shift 在此作“值班”解,常与on 连用,又如: He is on the night shift this week. 这星期他上夜班。 The doctors and nurses in the hospital work in three shifts. 这家医院的医生和护士分三班工作。

  14. Words using 2. …which is flashing its red light as if in warning. (Para.2) Meaning: …which is shining with its red light on and off as if it gives a warning of the patient’s life. 解析:as if 引导状语从句需用表示与事实相反的虚拟语气,又如: She looks as if she’s just got out of bed. 她看上去好象刚起床。 He behaved as if nothing had happened. 他做出若无其事的样子。 3. … as I remember the smell of decay from past experience. (Para 2 ) decay n. 变坏,腐烂,衰败;vi.腐烂,变坏;衰退,衰落,衰败 考点:decay 作名词解,与in连用,表示“已塌坏”,如be far gone in decay“衰弱过甚,破败不堪”;fall into decay(=go to decay)“衰败,衰微,塌坏,年久失修”。作动词时表示衰退,不能带宾语,e.g. : The cabbages had already be far gone in decay.这些卷心菜已经开始腐烂了。

  15. Words using 4. …, and I quickly move to the wrist and feel for the faint pulse. (Para. 4) faint: a. 微弱的,虚弱的 派生:faintness n. 虚弱 faintly ad. 虚弱地 e.g. The candle shed a faint light in the room. 房间里蜡烛发出微弱的光亮。 5. …a few drops of the cool moisture to slide into her mouth and ease her thirst.(Para4) 1) moisture n. 潮湿,湿气 记忆:moist a. 潮湿的 moisturize v. 变潮湿,使增加水分 The sun dried the moisture on the ground. 太阳晒干了地上的潮气。 2) slide v. 使滑动,使悄悄的移动;n. 滑行,幻灯片 记忆:slide—slid(过去式)—slid(过去分词) e.g. Tom slid out of the house when no one was noticing. 汤姆趁别人不注意偷偷地溜出了屋子。

  16. Words using 6. She is too weak for conversation, so without asking, I go about providing for her needs. (Para. 5) Meaning: As she is too weak to talk, I begin to provide for her needs (water) without asking. 解析:go about (doing) sth.: begin to do sth. 着手做,开始做 如: How shall we go about the job? 我们该如何着手干这件工作呢? 7. …, feeling perfectly the outline of each bone in the back. (Para. 5) outline n. 轮廓,外形;要点,大纲;vt. 概述 考点:1)作名词时常用搭配有:to draw up/make/sketch an outline 画出轮廓;to give sb. an outline (of) 向某人介绍…的概要;in outline 以轮廓(或外形)显示 ;2)作动词时常用搭配有:to outline sth. to 向…概述…; to outline against 使衬托出轮廓 The outline of her face in the light of the candle looked very beautiful. 她的面部轮廓在烛光中显得很美。

  17. Words using 8. There is no hint in the room anywhere that… (Para 6) hint n. 细微的迹象;暗示,提示 v. 暗示 考点:1)作名词:to give a hint 给一点暗示,to take a hint 领会暗示,a hint about/of 关于…的提示,a hint that + clause 暗示,at a hint 见…的迹象;2)作动词:to hint at 暗示,to hint (to sb.) that + clause 向(某人)暗示… e.g. Give me a hint so that I can solve the riddle. 给我一点提示我就可以揭开这个谜。 The book is full of hints and tips on low-fat eating and healthy living. 这本书里全是有关低脂肪饮食和健康生活的忠告和提示。 I hinted to him that I was dissatisfied with his work. 我向他暗示我对他的工作不满意。 He has already hinted at a piece of around 4 million dollars. 他已经暗示了一个价格,大约400万美元。

  18. Words using 9. Some unknown interval of time passes before her eyes again, … interval n. 间隔,间断;中场休息,幕间休息 考点:at intervals 间隔,每隔… e.g. It snowed at intervals this week. 这星期不时下雪。 There was a long interval before he replied. 他过了很久才答复。 Trains will run from Shanghai to Nanjing at 20-minute intervals. 上海至南京的火车每20分钟发一班。 (=Trains will run … at intervals of 20 minutes.)

  19. Words using 10. Slowly, still holding her hand, I become aware that I do not mind this emotional battle, that in fact, it was a privilege she has allowed me, and I would do it again,gladly. (Para. 8) Meaning: While I still hold her hand, I gradually realize that I do not mind this emotional struggle between having her with me and saying good-bye to her. I also become aware that in effect, the struggle was a special right she has given me, and I would experience it again, and with pleasure. 解析:holding…为伴随状语, that I do not…和that in fact it was…为并列宾语从句,作aware的宾语,…and I would do it again中it 指代句中的this emotional battle. privilege n. 特权,优惠 考点:privilege 为可数名词,常与of 连用 e.g. I had the privilege of meeting the Queen when she visited our school. 我有幸在女王访问我校时见到了她。

  20. Words Game think about complete the words based on the meanings

  21. Words Game coming or going earlier in time, order, etc. preceding decay the state of gradually going bad famine a serious lack of food, causing illness and death outline a line showing the shape of sth. secure hold sth. firmly in place slide move smoothly over a surface

  22. Text Analysis Part I (1—4)they lean Mrs. Clark was dying. Part II (5) the nurse looked after her who was too weak for anything. Text Structure Part III (6—7)the exchange exists between the nurse and Mrs. Clark. Part IV (8) the nurse was glad that she was there when Mrs. Clark died. Part V (9) After Mrs. Clark died, the nurse knew what she was. Part V (10) Mrs. Clark’s hands impressed the nurse greatly.

  23. Text Analysis devices for developing it dominant impression supported by details(paras. 3 & 4) detail 1 Mrs. Clack lies motionless, too weak to say or to do anything. She is thin; the skin hangs loosely around her skeleton dominant impression detail 2 I find the patient’s thin fingers ice-cold and her pulse faint. She whispers to ask For some water

  24. summary Main Idea The story deals with a doctor’s view of a terminally ill grandmother as a terrible-looking lady with graceful hands from the outset but a considerate lady with graceful heart and mind in the end.

  25. 写作模式 参考范文 My Way of Seeing Something 1. 人们从不同的角度看待某一事物 2. 我的看法是······(说明理由) (理由陈述类)

  26. Ⅵ. Writing Back 写作模式(理由陈述类) 1)Something may be many things to many people.2)Some may see it as …while others may view it as…(人们的看法举例)3) As far as I am concerned, however, I would prefer to value it as … (我的看法)(Para. I) (划线部分可替换)

  27. Ⅵ. Writing Back 4)My insight into sth.(My outlook on sth. / My understanding of sth.) is bound up with three major factors. 5) Primarily, sth. is so …that …(理由I) 6) …(进一步阐述)7) Secondly, sth. is also …(理由II) 8) ... (进一步阐述)9)And most of all,…(理由III) 10)…(进一步阐述) (Para. II) (划线部分可替换)

  28. Ⅵ. Writing Back 11) I have (not) much freedom / option in this matter, but I have never found any other way of seeing sth.more reasonable and acceptable than mine. 12) Thus, I will leave no stone unturned during the course of … in order to pave the way for ...(Para. III) (划线部分可替换)

  29. Ⅵ. Writing Back My Way of Seeing Life 1. 人们从不同的角度看待人生 2. 我所推崇的看法是······(说明理由)

  30. Ⅵ. Writing Back My Way of Seeing Life 1)Life may be many things to many people.2)Some may see it asbuilding up as much material wealth as possiblewhile others may view it asenjoying to the fullest the pleasures each day offers.3) As far as I am concerned, however, I would prefer to value it as my sole chance to enrich myself with knowledge first, then to serve the society with all my heart, and finally to leave the world without any regrets.

  31. Ⅵ. Writing Back 4)My outlook onlifeis bound up with three major factors.5)Primarily,lifeis sowondrousthat I am eager to explore it.6) Set your heart on a mystery and you can find something new; attach more of your mind to a challenge and you can get a sense of success, all of which, however, depends on how much knowledge you have equipped yourself with first.7) Secondly,life is also short to any

  32. Ⅵ. Writing Back individual like me. 8) The flower you have just kissed for the first time is now fading away while the love from others you have come to cherish more is already on the wane.9) And most of all, both wondrousness and shortness of life push me to seize every golden minute and every golden chance.10)Once I idle away the time I am supposed to grasp to study or work for the people, there will be no more hope of making up for it.

  33. Ⅵ. Writing 11) I have much option in this matter, but I have never found any other way of seeinglifemore reasonable and acceptable than mine. 12) Thus, I will leave no stone unturned duringthe course ofmy college studiesin order to pave the way formy meaningful and colorful life.

  34. Exercises • Learn the new words and expressions of the text by heart. • Go over the text and try to get the main idea of the text. • Do the exercises on pages.

  35. Everyday Sentence An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一日一个苹果,身 体健康不求医。

  36. Thank You for Your Attention!

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