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Aligning assessment & feedback with 21st century needs

Aligning assessment & feedback with 21st century needs. Cluster A project teams from the Assessment and Feedback Programme: Bath Spa/Winchester Universities Cornwall College University of Exeter University of Hertfordshire & Peter Bullen – Critical Friend .

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Aligning assessment & feedback with 21st century needs

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  1. Aligning assessment & feedback with 21st century needs Cluster A project teams from the Assessment and Feedback Programme: • Bath Spa/Winchester Universities • Cornwall College • University of Exeter • University of Hertfordshire & Peter Bullen – Critical Friend IBLC 2012

  2. Strand A: Institutional change • The eight projects in this strand aim to redesign assessment and feedback practices, making best use of technology to deliver significant change at programme, school or institutional level. • www.jisc.ac.uk/assessmentandfeedback

  3. Objectives of this session • To gain an overview of the work of the four projects • To stimulate dialogue about technology supported assessment and feedback • To enable participants to consider how this work can be transferred into their contexts

  4. FASTECH Joelle Adams and Bex Lewis FAST Using readily available technologies to support the systemic enhancement of assessment and feedback strategies and practices at programme, faculty and institutional levels. Feedback and Assessment Strategy Testing Tony Harris Integrating technology within assessment and feedback activity to enhance employability.

  5. COLLABORATE Rich Osborne ITEAM Bringing together staff, students and employers to create employability focused assessments enhanced by technology. Julie Vuolo Providing an integrated approach to supporting a range of in- and out- of-class technologies that enhance assessment and feedback opportunities for all our students.

  6. Session - activities • Introduction (5 min) • Engaging with Posters by adding comments/questions (20 min): Task: Please provide one comment/question on one challenge per poster (5 min/poster). Supplementary task: Add other questions/comments as time permits.

  7. Session – activities (continued) • In depth discussion with one of the teams, around their poster (15 min) • Plenary – summary - one key point/group raised in the in-depth discussion (5 min)

  8. For more information about these projects see: http://jiscdesignstudio.pbworks.com/w/page/49920023/Assessment%20and%20Feedback%20Programme To continue the discussion and provide further comment go to: http://bit.ly/iblcjiscassess1

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