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Northern Irland

Northern Irland. Facts. Area: 13,843 sq km Population : 1,700,000 Capital: Belfast Major cities : Londonderry, Newtownabbey English and Irish Gaelic Currency : Pound Sterling Highest point : Slieve Donnard Largest river: the Bann (122 km) Largest lake: Logh Neagh

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Northern Irland

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NorthernIrland

  2. Facts Area: 13,843 sq km Population: 1,700,000 Capital: Belfast Major cities: Londonderry, Newtownabbey English and IrishGaelic Currency: PoundSterling Highestpoint: SlieveDonnard Largest river: theBann (122 km) Largest lake: LoghNeagh National Day: 17 March, St. Patrick’sDay National flower: theshamrock

  3. MAP


  5. IrishGaelic

  6. SlieveDonnard Is thehighestpoint. It is 858 metres It is also the 19th highest peak on the island of Ireland.

  7. The Bann The bann is thelongest river in NorthernIreland. It is 122 kilometres. The river winds its way from the south east corner of NorthernIreland to the north west coast

  8. St. Patricks Day

  9. The conflict in NorthernIreland

  10. Abouttheconflict Religiousconflict Startedalreadyin the 16th century Ireland: The Catholicswere in controll. Northern Irland: The Protestants were in controll. The armedwarstarted in 1921. The Protestants tooknearly all thegood land in the area. It is thisway, eventoday. Manyinnocentpeopledied.

  11. SundayBloodySunday

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