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Summary of Experimental Uncertainty Assessment Methodology

Summary of Experimental Uncertainty Assessment Methodology. F. Stern, M. Muste, M-L. Beninati, W.E. Eichinger. Table of Contents. Introduction Test Design Philosophy Definitions Measurement Systems, Data-Reduction Equations, and Error Sources Uncertainty Propagation Equation

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Summary of Experimental Uncertainty Assessment Methodology

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  1. Summary of Experimental Uncertainty Assessment Methodology F. Stern, M. Muste, M-L. Beninati, W.E. Eichinger

  2. Table of Contents • Introduction • Test Design Philosophy • Definitions • Measurement Systems, Data-Reduction Equations, and Error Sources • Uncertainty Propagation Equation • Uncertainty Equations for Single and Multiple Tests • Implementation & Recommendations

  3. Introduction • Experiments are an essential and integral tool for engineering and science • Experimentation: procedure for testing or determination of a truth, principle, or effect • True values are seldom known and experiments have errors due to instruments, data acquisition, data reduction, and environmental effects • Therefore, determination of truth requires estimates for experimental errors, i.e., uncertainties • Uncertainty estimates are imperative for risk assessments in design both when using data directly or in calibrating and/or validating simulation methods

  4. Introduction • Uncertainty analysis (UA): rigorous methodology for uncertainty assessment using statistical and engineering concepts • ASME (1998) and AIAA (1999) standards are the most recent updates of UA methodologies, which are internationally recognized • Presentation purpose: to provide summary of EFD UA methodology accessible and suitable for student and faculty use both in classroom and research laboratories

  5. Test design philosophy • Purposes for experiments: • Science & technology • Research & development • Design, test, and product liability and acceptance • Instruction • Type of tests: • Small- scale laboratory • Large-scale TT, WT • In-situ experiments • Examples of fluids engineering tests: • Theoretical model formulation • Benchmark data for standardized testing and evaluation of facility biases • Simulation validation • Instrumentation calibration • Design optimization and analysis • Product liability and acceptance

  6. Test design philosophy • Decisions on conducting experiments: governed by the ability of the expected test outcome to achieve the test objectives within allowable uncertainties • Integration of UA into all test phases should be a key part of entire experimental program • Test description • Determination of error sources • Estimation of uncertainty • Documentation of the results

  7. Test design philosophy

  8. Definitions • Accuracy:closeness of agreement between measured and true value • Error:difference between measured and true value • Uncertainties (U):estimate of errors in measurements of individual variables Xi (Uxi) or results (Ur) obtained by combining Uxi • Estimates of U made at95% confidence level

  9. Definitions • Bias errorb: fixed, systematic • Bias limitB: estimate of b • Precision errore: random • Precision limit P: estimate of e • Total error:d = b + e

  10. Measurement systems, data reduction equations, & error sources • Measurement systems for individual variables Xi: instrumentation, data acquisition and reduction procedures, and operational environment (laboratory, large-scale facility, in situ) often including scale models • Results expressed through data-reduction equations r = r(X1, X2, X3,…, Xj) • Estimates of errors are meaningful only when considered in the context of the process leading to the value of the quantity under consideration • Identification and quantification of error sources require considerations of: • Steps used in the process to obtain the measurement of the quantity • The environment in which the steps were accomplished

  11. Measurement systems and data reduction equations • Block diagram showing elemental error sources, individual measurement systems, measurement of individual variables, data reduction equations, and experimental results

  12. Error sources • Estimation assumptions: 95% confidence level, large-sample, statistical parent distribution

  13. Uncertainty propagation equation • Bias and precision errors in the measurement of Xi propagate through the data reduction equation r = r(X1, X2, X3,…, Xj) resulting in bias and precision errors in the experimental result r • A small error (Xi) in the measured variable leads to a small error in the result (r) that can be approximated using Taylor series expansion of r(Xi) about rtrue(Xi) as • The derivative is referred to as sensitivity coefficient. The larger the derivative/slope, the more sensitive the value of the result is to a small error in a measured variable

  14. Uncertainty propagation equation • Overview given for derivation of equation describing the error propagation with attention to assumptions and approximations used to obtain final uncertainty equation applicable for single and multiple tests • Two variables, kth set of measurements (xk, yk) The total error in the kth determination of r (1) sensitivity coefficients

  15. Uncertainty propagation equation • We would like to know the distribution of dr (called the parent distribution) for a large number of determinations of the result r • A measure of the parent distribution is its variance defined as (2) • Substituting (1) into (2), taking the limit for N approaching infinity, using definitions of variances similar to equation (2) for b ’s and e ’sand their correlation, and assuming no correlated bias/precision errors (3) • s’s in equation (3) are not known; estimates for them must be made

  16. Uncertainty propagation equation • Defining • estimate for • estimates for the variances and covariances (correlated bias errors) of the bias error distributions • estimates for the variances and covariances ( correlated precision errors) of the precision error distributions equation (3) can be written as Valid for any type of error distribution • To obtain uncertainty Ur at a specified confidence level (C%), a coverage factor (K) must be used for uc: • For normal distribution, K is the t value from the Student t distribution. For N  10, t = 2 for 95% confidence level

  17. Uncertainty propagation equation • Generalization for J variables in a result r = r(X1, X2, X3,…, Xj) sensitivity coefficients Example:

  18. Uncertainty equations for single and multiple tests Measurements can be made in several ways: • Single test (for complex or expensive experiments): one set of measurements (X1, X2, …, Xj) for r • According to the present methodology, a test is considered a single test if the entire test is performed only once, even if the measurements of one or more variables are made from many samples (e.g., LDV velocity measurements) • Multiple tests (ideal situations): many sets of measurements (X1, X2, …, Xj) for r at a fixed test condition with the same measurement system

  19. Uncertainty equations for single and multiple tests • The total uncertainty of the result (4) • Br : same estimation procedure for single and multiple tests • Pr : determined differently for single and multiple tests

  20. Uncertainty equations for single and multiple tests: bias limits • Br : • Sensitivity coefficients • Bi: estimate of calibration, data acquisition, data reduction, conceptual bias errors for Xi.. Within each category, there may be several elemental sources of bias. If for variable Xi there are J significant elemental bias errors [estimated as (Bi)1, (Bi)2, …(Bi)J], the bias limit for Xi is calculated as • Bik: estimate of correlated bias limits for Xi and Xk

  21. Uncertainty equations for single test: precision limits • Precision limit of the result (end to end): t: coverage factor (t = 2 for N > 10) Sr: the standard deviation for the N readings of the result. Sr must be determined from N readings over an appropriate/sufficient time interval • Precision limit of the result (individual variables): the precision limits for Xi Often is the case that the time interval is inappropriate/insufficient and Pi’s or Pr’s must be estimated based on previous readings or best available information

  22. Uncertainty equations for multiple tests: precision limits • The average result: • Precision limit of the result (end to end): t: coverage factor (t = 2 for N > 10) : standard deviation for M readings of the result • The total uncertainty for the average result: • Alternatively can be determined by RSS of the precision limits of the individual variables

  23. Implementation • Define purpose of the test • Determine data reduction equation: r = r(X1, X2, …, Xj) • Construct the block diagram • Construct data-stream diagrams from sensor to result • Identify, prioritize, and estimate bias limits at individual variable level • Uncertainty sources smaller than 1/4 or 1/5 of the largest sources are neglected • Estimate precision limits (end-to-end procedure recommended) • Computed precision limits are only applicable for the random error sources that were “active” during the repeated measurements • Ideally M 10, however, often this is no the case and for M < 10, a coverage factor t = 2 is still permissible if the bias and precision limits have similar magnitude. • If unacceptably large P’s are involved, the elemental error sources contributions must be examined to see which need to be (or can be) improved • Calculate total uncertainty using equation (4) • For each r, report total uncertainty and bias and precision limits

  24. Recommendations • Recognize that uncertainty depends on entire testing process and that any changes in the process can significantly affect the uncertainty of the test results • Integrate uncertainty assessment methodology into all phases of the testing process (design, planning, calibration, execution and post-test analyses) • Simplify analyses by using prior knowledge (e.g., data base), concentrate on dominant error sources and use end-to-end calibrations and/or bias and precision limit estimation • Document: • test design, measurement systems, and data streams in block diagrams • equipment and procedures used • error sources considered • all estimates for bias and precision limits and the methods used in their estimation (e.g., manufacturers specifications, comparisons against standards, experience, etc.) • detailed uncertainty assessment methodology and actual data uncertainty estimates

  25. References • AIAA, 1999, “Assessment of Wind Tunnel Data Uncertainty,” AIAA S-071A-1999. • ASME, 1998, “Test Uncertainty,” ASME PTC 19.1-1998. • ANSI/ASME, 1985, “Measurement Uncertainty: Part 1, Instrument and Apparatus,” ANSI/ASME PTC 19.I-1985. • Coleman, H.W. and Steele, W.G., 1999, Experimentation and Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY. • Coleman, H.W. and Steele, W.G., 1995, “Engineering Application of Experimental Uncertainty Analysis,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 33, No.10, pp. 1888 – 1896. • ISO, 1993, “Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement,", 1st edition, ISBN 92-67-10188-9. • ITTC, 1999, Proceedings 22nd International Towing Tank Conference, “Resistance Committee Report,” Seoul Korea and Shanghai China.

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