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Oral cavity, pharynx

Oral cavity, pharynx. Dr. L. Kiss Anna Department of Anatomy , Histology and Embryology Semmelweis University 2019. Parts of the body. Regions. Th12/L1. Regions. Supra-and infrahyoid muscles. Cervical trigone. Submental trigone. Submandibular trigone. Carotid trigone.

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Oral cavity, pharynx

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Oral cavity, pharynx Dr. L. Kiss Anna Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology Semmelweis University 2019.

  2. Parts of the body

  3. Regions Th12/L1

  4. Regions

  5. Supra-andinfrahyoidmuscles

  6. Cervicaltrigone Submentaltrigone Submandibulartrigone Carotidtrigone Omoclaviculartrigone

  7. Cervicaltrigone Submentaltrigone: lymphnodes Submandibulartrigone: submandibulargland lateralgroove of thetongue (nerves) Carotidtrigone: carotidsheath (commoncarotidartery internaljugularvein vagusnerve) Supraclaviculartigone: 2 parts: omotrapezoidtrigone: cervicalplexus omoclaviculertrigone: brachialplexus subclavian art. apex of thelung

  8. Cervicaltrigones omoclaviculartrigone: brachialplexus subclavial art. and vein. apex of thelung carotidtrigone

  9. Oralcavity: Anteriorborder: lips Roof: hard and softpalate Floor: mylohyoidmuscle Lateralborder: cheeks (buccinatormuscle) Isthmusfaucium: exittowardthepharynx 2 parts: oralcavityproper+vestibulum Vestibulum: slitlikespacebetweenthelips, cheeks and teeth Oralcavityproper: tongue teeth salivaryglands

  10. arcus palatoglossus uvula arcus palatopharyngeus * * *: tonsilla palatina tongue

  11. hard palate soft palate uvula

  12. Teeth

  13. Teeth dentes permanentes dentesdecidui dentes permanentes

  14. canine molars incisive praemolars Dentespermanentes

  15. crown (coronadentis) neck gingiva root (radix) pulp (pulpa) bone

  16. enamel dentine cementum periodontum

  17. Innervation of the teeth Trigeminal ganglion Maxillary nerve Inf. alveolar nerve (mandibular n.)

  18. Tongue root sulcusterminalis palatine tonsil palatine tonsil lingual tonsils circumvallate papillae foliate papillae apex fungiform papillae filiform papillae

  19. Taste sensation green: bitter blue: sour red: salty orange: sweet

  20. Innervation of the tongue Sensory innervation: general: lingual n. (V./3) – anterior 2/3 glossopharyngeal n. (IX.) – posterior 1/3 vagus n. (X.) – the most posterior part taste: chorda tympani (VII.) – anterior 2/3 glossopharyngeal n.(IX.) – posterior 1/3 Motory innervation: hypoglossal n. (XII.)

  21. Salivary glands I. parotis parotid duct Opens: vestibule, upperrow of theteeth (2nd molar)

  22. Salivary glands II. parotis submandibular gland

  23. Sublingual region frenulum of the tongue sublingual gland

  24. Salivary glands III. sublingual gland mandible root of the tongue duct of the submandibular gland submandibular gland

  25. Pharynx nasopharynx tongue oropharynx soft palate laryngopharynx epiglottis

  26. Waldeyer’s lymphatic ring Tonsils present in the ishtmus faucium: • tonsilla pharyngea • tonsillae tubariae • tonsilla palatina • tonsilla lingualis

  27. Muscles of thepharynx: elevators stylopharyngeal m. salpingopharyngeal m. palatopharyngeal m.

  28. Muscles of thepharynx: constrictors

  29. Pharynx uvula root of the tongue piriform recess epiglottis

  30. Esophagus 1.) p. cervicalis: 6. cervical vertebra, lower surface of the cricoid cartilage 2.) p. thoracalis: post. mediastinum hiatus esophageus (10. thoracal vertebra) 3.) p. abdominalis

  31. Esophagus

  32. Esophagus Physiological narrowing of the esophagus: A.) 15 cm from the teeth row: pharynx-esophagus transition – cricoid cartilage B.) 24 cm from the teeth row: aortic arch, left principal bronchus C.) 40 cm from the teeth row: at the cardia (sphincter)

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