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Sev7n IB Resource Center

Sev7n IB Resource Center is a premier institute which helps you in your IB journey by literally hand-holding and providing you with the best ib resources

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Sev7n IB Resource Center

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  1. HOW TO EXTRACT YOUR RQ IN THE EE OF IBDP PSYCHOLOGY Criterion A- Focus and method www.sev7n.in Trust me IT'S YOUR RQ WHICH MAKES OR BREAKS!

  2. www.sev7n.in AVOID PROCRASTINATING Jump into your first action item Criterion A- Focus and method

  3. www.sev7n.in THERE'S NO NEED TO RUSH. Adopt a filter funnel tool to extract your RQ

  4. MOVE FROM GENERAL TO SPECIFIC www.sev7n.in Why sitting on the fence! 04

  5. Understand the key concepts Hormones are produced in endocrine glands and are secreted into the blood stream. Neurotransmitters: Neurotransmitters are released by presynaptic nerve terminal into the synapse www.sev7n.in How do you extract your RQ?

  6. Draw a nexus between explanatory and response variables www.sev7n.in About 40% of sexual offending risk is explained by genetic factors, a and about 2% of the risk is due to environmental factors shared between siblings, such as parental attitudes, neighbourhood and education. How do you extract your RQ?

  7. You have nailed it! Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) is an enzyme that breaks down important neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine and serotonin; low levels of serotonin have been associated with impulsive and aggressive behaviour. www.sev7n.in How do you extract your RQ?

  8. It's important to take a break. www.sev7n.in Gear up for Criterion B

  9. GET IN TOUCH TODAY! SAY HELLO AT +919717229659 OR DROP A LINE AT sev7nib@gmail.com www.sev7n.co.in

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