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BY: Akersh20, Dkill20, CDonn32

BY: Akersh20, Dkill20, CDonn32. Background. Call of Duty 4 is the fourth installment in the series. The original Call of Duty was released on October 29,2003 It is a first person shooter game created by Activision The game has single and multi-player capabilities for both on and offline play.

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BY: Akersh20, Dkill20, CDonn32

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  1. BY: Akersh20, Dkill20, CDonn32

  2. Background • Call of Duty 4 is the fourth installment in the series. • The original Call of Duty was released on October 29,2003 • It is a first person shooter game created by Activision • The game has single and multi-player capabilities for both on and offline play

  3. Procedure • Took an SRS of 30 for the areas of Score, Kills, and Wins from Mike Hensel’s friends list of 120 gamers • Ran three separate Linear Regressiontest

  4. Assumptions 1) SRS Assumed 2) Normal popn1=30 or n2=30 > 30 n1, n2, and n3 > 30 n3=30

  5. Is there a relationship between time played and the players score? Ho:  = 0 Ha:  0

  6. Score vs. Minutes Played

  7. t = (b- ) SEb LinRegT-Test 1 We reject Ho in favor of Ha because our p-value of 1.318 x 10^-15 is α = .05. We have sufficient evidence that  is > 0. Therefore there is a positive relationship btw time played and score. = 19.989 P( t>19.989|df=28) = 1.318 x 10^-15

  8. Graph ^ y = -16627.496+26.7115X

  9. Does a higher win to loss ratio increase a players national rank? Ho:  = 0 Ha: < 0

  10. National Rank vs. Win to Loss Ratio

  11. LinRegT-Test 2 t = (b- ) P( t< -3.8854|df =28) = 2.85 x 10^-4 = -3.8854 SEb We reject Ho in favor of Ha b/c our p-value of 2.85 x 10^-4 is < α = .05. We have suff. ev. that  is less than 0. Therefore there is a negative relationship between national rank and kill to death ratio.

  12. Graph ^ y = .93797+ -1.8755x10^-7X

  13. Does a higher kill to death ratio increase a players rank in the nation? Ho:  = 0 Ha: < 0

  14. National Rank vs. Kill to Death Ratio

  15. LinRegT-Test 3 t = (b- ) We reject Ho in favor of Ha because our p-value of 2.8547 x 10^-4 is < α = .05. We have sufficient evidence that  is < 0. Therefore there is a negative relationship btw kill to death ratio and rank in nation. = -3.8854 SEb P( t<-3.8854|df=28) = 2.8547 x 10^-4

  16. Graph ^ y = 1.1415+ -2.574x10^-7X

  17. Bias/Sources of Error • Only took people off of Hensel’s friends • 30 was the minimum amount of sample size needed, when over 2 million actually play

  18. Xbox Live • Over 2 million people play Call of Duty 4 online • Different types of game you can play online: Team Deathmatch, Free-for-all, Domination, Ground War, Sabatoge, Headquarters, Search and Destroy, Team Tactical, Hardcore team deathmatch…

  19. Controls for Playing Left Analog Stick-Move Right Analog Stick-Look A-Jump Right Trigger-Shoot B-Crouch Left Trigger-Zoom X-Reload Left Bumper-Flash Grenade Y-Switch Gun Right Bumper- Frag Out

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