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Biogas in Denmark - status and framework conditions

Biogas in Denmark - status and framework conditions. BIOGASS11 March 09 2011. Lars Rohold Danish Biogas Association. Biogas as renewable energy in EU.

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Biogas in Denmark - status and framework conditions

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  1. Biogas in Denmark- status and framework conditions BIOGASS11 March 09 2011 Lars Rohold Danish Biogas Association

  2. Biogas as renewable energy in EU In relation to the objective of 20 to 30% renewable energy in the EU there is a long way before biogas becomes more common to use as energy source. Wearehere !!! Source: European Environmental Agency

  3. Renewable energy in Denmark Heat pumps Waste Biogas Wood Straw Wind

  4. Biogas in the Danish Energy System • Biogas is a “Small player” • Renewable energy is depending on political will • Competition with other RE, Combustion and wind energy.

  5. Renewable energy in Denmark Heat pumps Waste Biogas Wood Straw Wind ’11

  6. Central biogas plants in Denmark Nordic BIoEnergy Reference plant Endeavour of the Danish Energy Authorities: About 20 central biogas plants were built in the late 80s and early 90s. They represent a total unique international reference

  7. Number of plants  21 centralized biogas plants  60 farm scale biogas plants Joint and farmscale biogas plants 2003 Manure 1.742.156 t Organic residues 450.708 t Total 2.192.864 t Danish biogas plants 

  8. Methan for heat and electricity Tank Storage tank Digested biomass Liquid biomass and Raw Slurry Solid Biomass Linkogas A.m.b.a 15 – 20 yearsexperience in operation of biogas plants Co-operative owned by 60 farmers

  9. Linkogas A.m.b.a

  10. Organic Manure waste Biogas Plant Digested Renewable biomass energy Co-digestion

  11. Biogas Potential for selected types of biomass BiomassGaspot. TS% Pig/Cattle Manure 20 – 30 m3/ton 5 – 10% Slaughter house Waste 50 m3/ton 15% Conc. Manure 70 m3/ton 25% Energy Crops (In general) 150 m3/ton 33% Maize Silage/Corn Silage 200 m3/ton 33% Wheat Straw 400 m3/ton 90% Pure Fat 1000 m3/ton 95 -100% Biofuel residuals Ethanol Effluent (wheat) 75 - 85 m3/ton 12% Glycerin (from Biodiesel) 600 m3/ton ---

  12. Centralized production in the mid 80’s Decentralized production of today Danish energy sectorFrom centralized power plants to decentralized production Legend: • Decentralized CHP • Centralized CHP • Wind mill park

  13. Danish Political Model • Biogas to Decentralized CHP for heat and power production • Subsidized by the electricity producer • Utilization of heat in the district heating (Only one “costumer” and only one “integration” )

  14. Advantages of biogas plants • Greenhouse gas reduction • Efficient • heat and power: 220 % • transportation: 167 % • Cheap • 0 to 5 CAD

  15. Greenhousegasreduction Utilisation of organic waste Win-win situation increased gas production tipping fee reduced costs for industry new types of biomass: energy crops animal by-products glycerine from biodiesel Advantages of biogas plants Joint biogas plants 2002

  16. Greenhousegasreduction Utilisationoforganicwaste Redistribution of manure from livestock farmers to plant producers farm to field tractors to lorries 20-30 km distance Advantages of biogas plants 10 km

  17. Greenhousegasreduction Utilisationoforganicwaste Redistributionofmanure Organic fertiliser declarated nutrient content free of pathogens and weed seeds Advantages of biogas plants Kg/ton Total N: 5,0 NH4-N: 4,0 P: 0,9 K: 2,8

  18. Greenhousegasreduction Utilisationoforganicwaste Redistributionofmanure Organicfertiliser Smell from slurry reduced thinner liquid disperses quicker into soil Advantages of biogas plants Wind direction Raw manure Digested manure 5 minutes 12 hours

  19. Greenhousegasreduction Utilisationoforganicwaste Redistributionofmanure Organicfertiliser Smellfromslurryreduced Improved nitrogen utilisation Reduced risk of leaching Separation of digested biomass low technology net energy surplus Advantages of biogas plants

  20. Biomass potential in Denmark • Overall inventory shows that there is enough biomass to hundreds of biogas plants (All values in TJ)

  21. Political Energy Settlement (2004) Energiforlig giver fremtidstro for biogas Fredag 2. april 2004 Med regeringens energiforlig i denne uge med alle Folketingets partier på nær Enhedslisten gennemføres omsider sidste års aftale om at sikre den danske biogas en afregningspris på 60 øre pr. kWh i 10 år frem.

  22. Biogas production in Denmark

  23. Biogas development Government January 19 2007: Biogasproduction to be trippled before 2025

  24. Political Energy Settlement (2008) Fakta: Energiaftalens hovedpunkter Her er de 14 hovedpunkter fra torsdagens energi-forlig, som alle partier undtagen Enhedslisten står bag. Af Thomas Djursing, fredag 22. feb 2008 kl. 10:32 - Biogasanlæg – både gamle og nye - får en fast elafregningspris på 74,5 øre per kilowatt-time. (Kilde: Ingeniøren)

  25. Payment for electricity from biogas Payment from 2008 - All plants

  26. Political influence Show examples: With palyers in the business

  27. Præsentation for Energipolitisk Udvalg Torsdag den 15. januar 2009 Levering af biogas til naturgasnettet

  28. Opfordring Afsætning af biogas til naturgasnettet bør kunne finde sted under samme vilkår som afsætning til kraftvarmeproduktion. Derved skabes der bedre muligheder for biogas skabes der mulighed for optimal udnyttelse sikres den fremtidige udvikling

  29. Hvorfor naturgasnettet? Afsætning via naturgasnettet giver • optimal anvendelse af gassen – intet spild • fleksibel placering – bedst mulig logistik • udvidelsesmuligheder – sikret afsætning • flere anvendelsesmuligheder for gassen

  30. Hvorfor naturgasnettet? Afsætning via naturgasnettet giver • mulighed for udvidelse af bestående anlæg • intet ”monopol” for kraftvarmeværket • biogas i tyndere befolkede områder • total fremtidssikring

  31. Promotion in biogas through From currently 5 % to 50 % of manure into biogas in 2020 Co-ordination plan for construction of biogas plants Plan for integration of biogas into the energy sector Obligation for municipalities to point out where to build plants Distribution in natural gas grid on equal terms as direct co-generation Equal opportunities for biogas to earn money as natural gas suppliers Financing 20 % construction subsidy (in total 300 mill. DKK from 2010 to 2012) loans guaranteed by municipalities capital from investors Government Green Growth Plan 2009

  32. Next Energy Settlement (2011)

  33. Next Energy Settlement (2011)

  34. Denmark 1.1 TWh – 4,000 TJ power/heat 82 manure based plants 64 sewage sludge plants 5 industrial wastewater plants 25 landfill gas plants

  35. Sweden – origin of biogas Gas production (pct) 1.4 TWh – 4,900 TJ 8 farm and 17 (14) co-digestion plants 140 (138) waste water treatmant plants 4 (3) industrial wastewater plants 58 (60) landfill gas plants

  36. Filling stations in Sweden • Distribution • Local grids • Natural gas grid • By truck Source: Swedish Gas

  37. Transportation - Sweden

  38. Transportation - Sweden

  39. Sweden – gas utilisation (pct) Heat most important Transportation fastet growing

  40. Norway - waste in 29 biogas plants Source sep. household/food waste Food wasteretailers Food waste hotels & restaurants Slaughterhouse waste (cat. 2) Slaughterhouse waste (cat. 3) Fish waste (cat. 3) Fats - sewage in foodindustry

  41. Ecopro, Verdal Norway Total area 9000 m2 Start up Sludge March 2008, Food waste April 2008

  42. WASTE FEEDSTOCKS Food waste (source separated household waste) Approx. 15 000 t/a Sludge (from waste water treatment plants) Approx. 15 000 t/a ABP (has not started to receive ABP yet) Approx. 5000 t/a (slaughterhouse waste and dead salmons from fish farms)

  43. Typical mass balance

  44. DIGESTATE – BIO-FERTILIZER • The produced digestate (approx. 13 300 t/a) • do not need to go through any maturing process • At Ecopro they intend to distribute the organic • bio-fertilizer to the agricultural sector and to • the private sector. • Attractive bio-fertilizer due to: • - 100% pathogen-free & nutritious • - Minimal odour (smells like soil) • - 30% DS content • - < 0,5% plastic in weight Cambi bio-fertilizer as produced Scotland: Spreading the Cambi bio-fertilizer into grasslands

  45. Suggestions for Norway • Look at the neighbors (Denmark and Sweden) …do not repeat bad experience! • Find the political argumentation for Biogas in the RE strategy (…you need political support) • Calculate the economical “break even” for investment (…you need investors) • Find the biomass and waste available for biogas production (…you need biomass and preferably a “waste problem”, ex fish industry) • Recycling og Nutrients as a part of future strategy.

  46. Thank you for your attention www.biogasbranchen.dk lars@cambi.dk

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