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Streamlining the Grant Submission Process

Streamlining the Grant Submission Process. Jennifer Barrett Department of Medicine Sponsored Program Services Medical Center North D-3100 jennifer.barrett@vanderbilt.edu 343-2813. Typical Research Administrator Language (We use a lot of acronyms).

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Streamlining the Grant Submission Process

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  1. Streamlining the Grant Submission Process Jennifer Barrett Department of Medicine Sponsored Program Services Medical Center North D-3100 jennifer.barrett@vanderbilt.edu 343-2813

  2. Typical Research Administrator Language (We use a lot of acronyms) The PI from USW received an RFP from NIH and would like to submit a proposal on the due date of June 1 to the NIAID. The budget will be modular and the TDC can not exceed $150K a year. I have spoken to the GMO at the I/C and the F&A will only be allowed at the 20% rate of the MTDC. There will be 2 Co-PIs on the grant, one from UWK and the other from VU. Each university will need to provide IRB and IACUC approval. We do not want any trouble with OHRP. They will also submit this same grant to NSF and the GPG allows for full F&A.

  3. Identifying Funding Opportunities Research Research http://www.researchresearch.com/ GrantsNet http://www.grantsnet.org/ NIH Roadmap http://nihroadmap.nih.gov NIH Guide http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/guide/index.html NIH OER and NIH Institute/Center Pages NIH CRISP Database (of past and currently funded NIH awards) http://crisp.cit.nih.gov/

  4. http://www.vanderbilt.edu/SponsoredResearch/vucos.html

  5. http://www.researchresearch.com/

  6. http://www.grantsnet.org/

  7. NIH Roadmap http://nihroadmap.nih.gov

  8. Bench Bedside Practice Problem Addressed by NIH Roadmap Initiatives

  9. Criteria for Roadmap Initiative • Is it ‘transforming’ -- will it change how or what biomedical research is conducted in the next decades? • Would its outcome enhance the ability of all ICs to achieve their missions? • Can the NIH afford NOT to do it? • Will it be compelling to our stakeholders, especially the public? • Is it something that no other entity can or will do?

  10. Roadmap Implementation • All Institutes and Centers committed to invest jointly in a pool ofresources to support current and future Roadmap initiatives • $128 M in FY 2004 (Director’s funds and 0.34% each ICs budget) • Over $2 B by FY 2009

  11. NIH Guidehttp://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/index.html

  12. http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/funding/funding_program.htm

  13. Institute/Center Specific Information http://www.nih.gov

  14. http://www.nih.gov/icd/

  15. http://www.nci.nih.gov/

  16. Identify NIH Staff who can help

  17. CRISP Database

  18. Office of ResearchFunding Opportunities and Services

  19. Mail room 1

  20. Receipt Dates http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/funding/submissionschedule.htm

  21. http://www.niaid.nih.gov/ncn/grants/charts/timeline_prep.htm

  22. How To Write a Grant Application http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/grant_tips.htm http://www.niaid.nih.gov/ncn/grants/ http://www.nnlm.nlm.nih.gov/scr/edn/grants-resources.htm http://www.nigms.nih.gov/funding/tips.html http://www.nigms.nih.gov/funding/moregrant_tips.html http://deainfo.nci.nih.gov/EXTRA/EXTDOCS/gntapp.htm http://chroma.med.miami.edu/research/Ellens_how_to.html http://www.cfda.gov/public/cat-writing.htm http://cpmcnet.columbia.edu/research/writing.htm

  23. Forms and Applications Applicants are urged to always check the PHS 398 and PHS 2590 websites to download the most current versions of the instructions and forms prior to submission of an application to NIH. http://medschool.mc.vanderbilt.edu/oor/gm/

  24. NIH APPLICATIONS: OBTAINING DEPARMENTAL/INSTITUTIONAL APPROVAL Documents needed for Department of Medicine Faculty • The Department of Medicine requires three business days for application review and approval. • The Office of Research requires three business days for application review and approval. • Please notify Jennifer Barrett (DOM) and the Office of Research if an application in progress will not be submitted within these timeframes. • New/Competing/Revised Modular • Transmittal signed by PI, Division Chief, and any other areas if applicable (CRC, VA, other departments) • Conflict of Interest – signed by ALL faculty with effort on the project and any internal consultants • Copy of Animal or Human approval if applicable • Face Page signed by PI • Abstract Page (draft form is acceptable) with key personnel listed • Form Page 4 - First Year Detailed Budget Page (does not go to NIH) • VUMC’s Internal Modular Budget Form (does not go to NIH) • NIH’s Internal Modular Budget Form with Justification • Subcontract Letter of Intent signed by subcontract institution, if applicable • Resources Page (draft form is acceptable) • Research Plan (only the portion dealing with animals/humans if applicable – draft from is acceptable) • Checklist Page Note: An MOU (signatures not needed) should also be included if applicable.

  25. BUDGETING • DO consider the start date of the proposal and escalate salaries and other categories appropriately. Check with your Chair/Chief to see if any faculty involved are to receive a promotion/salary increase. • DO watch out for easy targets: • Personnel is generally not > 70% of the total direct costs requested per year. • For an R01, 2 FTE technicians would generally be MAX. • Travel - $1,500 per domestic trip • Computers should be well justified and not exceed $1,500. • NOTE: On training grants - $1,000 per trainee for travel is acceptable.

  26. Submit the Application With a Cover Letter • Suggest Key Areas of Expertise Required • Do Not Suggest Specific Reviewers Names • Suggest Institute(s) for Potential Funding • Suggest Study Section(s) for Review

  27. From Receipt to Review

  28. Want to see the Assignment Information and Summary Statements Sooner?

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