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New Opportunities for equality and entrepreneurship through culture, Arts and third sector

New Opportunities for equality and entrepreneurship through culture, Arts and third sector. THE PARTNERS. TCA SUMMARY. Common interests : development of cultural sector as a potential source of jobs, specially for women.

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New Opportunities for equality and entrepreneurship through culture, Arts and third sector

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  1. New Opportunities for equality and entrepreneurship through culture, Arts and third sector


  3. TCA SUMMARY Common interests: development ofcultural sector as a potential source of jobs, specially for women. Methodology: analysing barriers to business and job creation (specialily for women) in cultural sector from different points of view. Underlying problem: barriers exist because of 1. Special relationship between cultural sector and economy. 2. Third sector as a key agent. 3. Women as a disavantadged group in labour market and under-represented in business leading. Common objectives: 1. Improve position of women in labour market through business creation in cultural sector using local resources and third sector potential. 2. Develop methodologies for analysis and training tools in diff. areas. 3. Exchange/dissemination of experiences/good practices/beneficiaries. 4. Set a permanent support for potential entrepreneurs in cultural sector.

  4. TCA SUMMARY Added value: 1. Diversity of approaches (target groups, territories, institutional frameworks, nature of DPs, etc.). 2. Contribution to analysis of one of the most important activities for society, economy and equal opportunities. 3. Possibilities for further co-operation and building of an european network on “culture and employment”. Methodology for sharing information...: 1. Telephone, fax, e-mail, etc. 2. Transnational meetings (between six and eight). 3. Technical workshops. Time schedule: synchronize with national projects and with different action 2 deadlines. Decision making: consensus (1 DP = 1 vote, if necessary). Two levels (general dissemination and joint work). Working language: english for documents and meetings.


  6. TCA SUMMARY Contribution and responsabilities: 1. Resources, experiences, contacts (specially those arising from national project). 2. Participate, create a specific transnational work group, involve all relevant national partners. 3. Intellectual Property Rights regulations fulfilment. Role ans Tasks of TCA “Secretariat” (think about two levels): 1. Representative and intermediary of behalf of the project. 2. Coordinate the work, monitor TCA, suggest possible solutions. 3. Organise transnational meetings. 4. Draft and edit documents and keep general archives. Monitoring and evaluation: 1. Transnational meetings & reports. 2. Build up an indicator system for each action. 3. Intermediate and final evaluation (parallel to national evaluations). Cost sharing: none.

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