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Local Public Health System Assessment using the NPHPSP Local Instrument

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Local Public Health System Assessment using the NPHPSP Local Instrument

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  1. <?xml version="1.0"?><AllQuestions /> <?xml version="1.0"?><AllResponses /> <?xml version="1.0"?><Settings><answerBulletFormat>Numeric</answerBulletFormat><answerNowAutoInsert>No</answerNowAutoInsert><answerNowStyle>Explosion</answerNowStyle><answerNowText>Answer Now</answerNowText><chartColors>Use PowerPoint Color Scheme</chartColors><chartType>Horizontal</chartType><correctAnswerIndicator>Checkmark</correctAnswerIndicator><countdownAutoInsert>No</countdownAutoInsert><countdownSeconds>10</countdownSeconds><countdownSound>TicToc.wav</countdownSound><countdownStyle>Box</countdownStyle><gridAutoInsert>No</gridAutoInsert><gridFillStyle>Answered</gridFillStyle><gridFillColor>255,255,0</gridFillColor><gridOpacity>50%</gridOpacity><gridTextStyle>Keypad #</gridTextStyle><inputSource>Response Devices</inputSource><multipleResponseDivisor># of Responses</multipleResponseDivisor><participantsLeaderBoard>5</participantsLeaderBoard><percentageDecimalPlaces>0</percentageDecimalPlaces><responseCounterAutoInsert>No</responseCounterAutoInsert><responseCounterStyle>Oval</responseCounterStyle><responseCounterDisplayValue># of Votes Received</responseCounterDisplayValue><insertObjectUsingColor>Red</insertObjectUsingColor><showResults>Yes</showResults><teamColors>Use PowerPoint Color Scheme</teamColors><teamIdentificationType>None</teamIdentificationType><teamScoringType>Voting pads only</teamScoringType><teamScoringDecimalPlaces>1</teamScoringDecimalPlaces><teamIdentificationItem></teamIdentificationItem><teamsLeaderBoard>5</teamsLeaderBoard><teamName1></teamName1><teamName2></teamName2><teamName3></teamName3><teamName4></teamName4><teamName5></teamName5><teamName6></teamName6><teamName7></teamName7><teamName8></teamName8><teamName9></teamName9><teamName10></teamName10><showControlBar>All Slides</showControlBar><defaultCorrectPointValue>0</defaultCorrectPointValue><defaultIncorrectPointValue>0</defaultIncorrectPointValue><chartColor1>187,224,227</chartColor1><chartColor2>51,51,153</chartColor2><chartColor3>0,153,153</chartColor3><chartColor4>153,204,0</chartColor4><chartColor5>128,128,128</chartColor5><chartColor6>0,0,0</chartColor6><chartColor7>0,102,204</chartColor7><chartColor8>204,204,255</chartColor8><chartColor9>255,0,0</chartColor9><chartColor10>255,255,0</chartColor10><teamColor1>187,224,227</teamColor1><teamColor2>51,51,153</teamColor2><teamColor3>0,153,153</teamColor3><teamColor4>153,204,0</teamColor4><teamColor5>128,128,128</teamColor5><teamColor6>0,0,0</teamColor6><teamColor7>0,102,204</teamColor7><teamColor8>204,204,255</teamColor8><teamColor9>255,0,0</teamColor9><teamColor10>255,255,0</teamColor10><displayAnswerImagesDuringVote>Yes</displayAnswerImagesDuringVote><displayAnswerImagesWithResponses>Yes</displayAnswerImagesWithResponses><displayAnswerTextDuringVote>Yes</displayAnswerTextDuringVote><displayAnswerTextWithResponses>Yes</displayAnswerTextWithResponses><questionSlideID></questionSlideID><controlBarState>Expanded</controlBarState><isGridColorKnownColor>True</isGridColorKnownColor><gridColorName>Yellow</gridColorName></Settings> <?xml version="1.0"?><AllAnswers /> Local Public Health System Assessmentusing the NPHPSP Local Instrument Essential Service 8 Assure a Competent Public and Personal Health Care Workforce

  2. :10 8.1.1 Within the past three years, has an assessment of the LPHS workforce been conducted? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  3. 10 8.1.2 Whether or not a formal assessment has been conducted, have shortfalls and/or gaps within the LPHS workforce been identified? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  4. 10 Were gaps related to workforce composition identified? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  5. 10 Were gaps related to workforce size identified? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  6. 10 Were gaps related to workforce skills and/or experience identified? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  7. 10 Were recruitment and retention shortfalls identified? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  8. 10 Is this knowledge used to develop plans to address workforce gaps? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  9. 10 Have the organizations within the LPHS implemented plans for correction? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  10. 10 Is there a formal process to evaluate the effectiveness of plans to address workforce gaps? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  11. :10 8.1.3 Were the results of the workforce assessment and/or gap analysis disseminated for use in LPHS organizations’ strategic or operational plans? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  12. :10 Was this information provided to:Community leaders? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  13. :10 Was this information provided to:Governing bodies? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  14. :10 Was this information provided to:Public agencies? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  15. :10 this information provided to:Elected officials? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  16. 10 8.2.1 Are organizations within the LPHS aware of guidelines and/or licensure/certification requirements for personnel contributing to the Essential Public Health Services? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  17. 10 Are organizations within the LPHS in compliance with guidelines and/or licensure/certification requirements for personnel contributing to the Essential Public Health Services? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  18. :10 8.2.2 Have organizations within the LPHS developed written job standards and/or position descriptions for all personnel contributing to the Essential Public Health Services? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  19. 10 8.2.3 Do organizations within the LPHS conduct annual performance evaluations? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  20. :10 8.2.4 Does the LHD develop written job standards and/or position descriptions for all personnel? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  21. :10 Are job standards and/or position descriptions reviewed periodically? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  22. 10 8.2.5 Does the LHD conduct performance evaluations? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  23. :10 8.3.1 Does the LPHS identify education and training needs so as to encourage opportunities for workforce development? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  24. :10 Is workforce development encouraged and/or provided through:Distance learning technology? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  25. :10 Is workforce development encouraged and/or provided through:National, state, local and regional conferences? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  26. :10 Is workforce development encouraged and/or provided through:Staff cross-training? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  27. :10 Is workforce development encouraged and/or provided through:Coaching, mentoring and modeling? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  28. :10 Does the LPHS provide refresher courses for key public health issues (e.g., HIPAA, non-discrimination, and emergency preparedness)? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  29. 10 8.3.2 Does the LPHS provide opportunities for all personnel to develop core public health competencies? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  30. 10 Do these training opportunities include:An understanding of the Essential Public Health Services? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  31. 10 Do these training opportunities include:An understanding of the multiple determinants of health to develop more effective public health interventions? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  32. 10 Do these training opportunities include:Cultural competence to interact with colleagues and community members? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  33. :10 8.3.3 Are incentives provided to the workforce to participate in educational and training experiences? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  34. :10 Does the LHD have dedicated resources for training and education? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  35. 10 8.3.4 Are there opportunities for interaction between staff of LPHS organizations and faculty from academic and research institutions, particularly those connected with schools of public health? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  36. :10 8.4.1 Do organizations within the LPHS promote the development of leadership skills? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  37. :10 Is leadership skill development promoted by:Encouraging potential leaders to attend formal leadership training? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  38. :10 Is leadership skill development promoted by:Mentoring personnel in middle management/supervisory positions? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  39. :10 Is leadership skill development promoted by:Promoting leadership at all levels within organizations that comprise the LPHS? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  40. :10 Is leadership skill development promoted by:Establishing financial resources to support leadership development on an ongoing basis? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  41. 10 8.4.2 Do organizations within the LPHS promote collaborative leadership through the creation of a shared vision and participatory decision-making? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  42. 10 Across LPHS organizations, are there established communication mechanisms that encourage informed participation in decision-making (e.g., forums, list serve)? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  43. :10 8.4.3 Does the LPHS provide leadership opportunities for individuals and/or organizations in areas where their expertise or experience can provide insight, direction, or resources? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  44. 10 8.4.4 Does the LPHS recruit and retain new leaders who are representative of the population diversity within their community? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  45. :10 Does the LPHS provide opportunities to develop community leadership through coaching and mentoring? • No (0% or absolutely no activity) • Minimal (1% - 25%) • Moderate (26% - 50%) • Significant (51% - 75%) • Optimal (greater than 75%)

  46. Thank You! Civic Groups Schools Nursing Homes Recreation Centers Neighborhood Organizations Non-Profit Organizations EMS Home Health Hospitals Drug Treatment Laboratories Public Health Agency Mental Health Doctors Law Enforcement Faith Institutions Fire Community Health Centers Transit Tribal Health Elected Officials Employers Corrections

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