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  1. Рыбы Бутов Илья

  2. AKVARIUMNYE RYBY • AKV ARIUMNYE RYBY, divorce in(to;at) aquarium with(since) decorative(ornamental) and scientific purpose(aim;target;goal). In(To;At) natural condition(term) inhabitants tropical and subtropical fresh водоемов (the горами, sword-bearer, neon, нанностомусы, расборы, colicky and others.). Much(Many;Plenty of) decorative(ornamental) forms(shapes) and sorts(breeds;rocks) (барбусы, danmark, скалярия, goldfish and her(its)(her) forms(shapes) вуалехвост, telescope, шубункин). Usually divorce freshwater fish, but in(to;at) sea(naval;maritime) aquarium possible to divorce and sea(naval;maritime) аквариумных of fish.

  3. AMURY • AMURY, the general(total;public) name(title) two sorts(genders) of fish (in(to;at) each(every) on(over;along;down;under) one type(air;view;complexion)) family карповых white Amur(cupid) (Ctenopharyngodon idella) and black Amur(cupid) (Mylopharyngodon piceus). The Length before(till;priorto;to) 1,2 m, weigh before(till;priorto;to) 32 kgs. Wide-spread in(to;at) river Kitaya and pool Amur(Cupid), are acclimatized in(to;at) European part of Russia and CENTRAL ASIA. The Object(Entity;Target) handicraft industry and breedings.

  4. . ARAVANOOBR AZNYE RYBY • ARAVANOOBR AZNYE RYBY (Osteoglossiformes), fish лучеперых troop(detachment). Unites(Combines;Merges) beside(about) 13 types(airs;views;complexions) from(of;out of) 3 families: аравановых, пантодоновых and клюворылах. The Known(Famous) with(since) the end(tip;finish) триаса. The Length of the body from 8 refer to before(till;priorto;to) 4,5 m, mass from 20 before(till;prior to; to) 200 kgs. The Air bladder unites with(since) gullet. Scales циклоидная. All rays(beams) in(to;at) fin soft(mild;gentle), dorsal(spinal) fin is shifted кзади, abdominal(ventral) sometimes are absent. Dwell(Inhabit) in(to;at) fresh water South and North America, Africas, SOUTH-EAST Asia and North Australia.

  5. DVOYAKOD YSHASCHIE RYBY • DVOYAKOD YSHASCHIE R YBY (Dipneustomorpha), надотряд лопастеперых. Includes(Switches on;Lists) 11 families, in(to;at) 3-h from(of;out of) which(who) (Protopteridae, Lepidosirenidae and Ceratodontiformes) there is дожившие before(till;priorto;to) our days of fish. Dvoyakodyshaschie fish are a contemporary кистеперых. The Known(Famous) with(since) average(middle) dehalitosis, were multiple(numerous) before(till;priorto;to) пермского of the period. Modern двоякодышащие are presented(introduced;represented) 6 types(airs;views;complexions), united in(to;at) 2 troops(detachments). Dwell(Inhabit) in(to;at) fresh tropical water of the Africa, America and Australia, are adapted to(towards) lifes in(to;at) drying up водоемах. Aside from gills, have light(easy;facile), formed from(of;out of) swimming bubble and cognate on(over;along;down;under) construction with(since) light(easy;facile) overland(land-mobile) vertebral.

  6. EZHI-RYBY • EZHI-RYBY, family of sea(naval;maritime) fish of the troop(detachment) иглобрюхообразных. The Length before(till;prior to;to) 60 refer to. 14-15 types(airs;views;complexions), in(to;at) tropical океанических water. The Body spherical, is coated sharp(keen) rolling thorn(tenon). The Skin and guts poisonous.

  7. KAMBALOOBR AZNYE RYBY • KAMBALOOBR AZNYE RYBY (Pleuronectiformes), fish лучеперых troop(detachment). Unites(Combines;Merges) beside(about) 550 types(airs;views;complexions). The Known(Famous) with(since) эоцена. The Body beside(at;by) adult(grown-up) flat, asymmetric compressed with(since) side. Thereby, they rest upon day(bottom) and sail(float) on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) side. The Length from 6 refer to before(till;priorto;to) 4,5 m, mass before(till;priorto;to) 330 kgs. The Lower side(party) of the body light, upper is brightly painted. Both eyes on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) one side(party) of the body; the skull, fresh fins, mouth, nerves, guts asymmetric. The Air bladder is absent, thorn(barb) in(to;at) fin usually no. Scales ктеноидная or циклоидная. Maliki have typical(peculiar) appearance for(on;of;to;with) fish, but on(over;along;down;under) measure of the development they уплощаются, eye are displaced on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) one side(party), and fish lies(falls;spreads) on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) side . In the event of danger can(may;be able) turn round on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) rib and quickly swim the short distance by back upwards. • Dwell(Inhabit) in(to;at) all ocean from Arktiki before(till;priorto;to) Subantarktiki, some types(airs;views;complexions) meet in(to;at) fresh водоемах. In(To;At) north river of the Russia lives the arctic(polar) plaice (Liopsetta glacially) and river plaice (Platichthysflesus). Prefer the shallow water, but there is and deep-water types(airs;views;complexions), for instance, deep-water эмбассихт (Embassichthys bathibius) and бородавчатая plaice (Clidodermaasperrimum) usual(ordinary) at the depth 1800-2000 m. The Most of time(tense;period) conduct, on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) day(bottom) lying down and закопавшись in(to;at) soil(priming). Eat the зообентосом. The Large(Big) types(airs;views;complexions) (the halibuts and other) predators.

  8. KARPOVYE FISH • KARPOVYE FISH (Cyprinidae), family of fish of the troop(detachment) карпообразных; counts beside(about) 275 sorts(genders), over 1700 types(airs;views;complexions). Freshwater and communicating fish. Morphological are characterized presence жерновка and 1-3-рядными нижнеглоточными teeth. The Moustache(Whiskers) or are absent, or their 1-2 pair(vapour)s, exception gudgeon восьмиусый. The Length of the body from 1,5 refer to before(till;priorto;to) 2 m. The Male, as a rule, small(fine;shallow) and стройнее of the females. Wide-spread in(to;at) North America, Evrazii, Africa, at the end 19 ages завезены in(to;at) Australia.

  9. LABIRINTOVYE RYBY • LABIRINTOVYE RYBY, collective fish name(title), having лабиринтовый organ. Such fish belongs to to(towards) family макроподовых (Belontiidae) and half-news, or анабасовых (Anabatidae), as well as some other troop(detachment) окунеобразных. The Whole 19 sorts(genders) refer(carry) to(towards) лабиринтовым and more than 60 types(airs;views;complexions), including анабасы (the crawlers), змееголов. Many types(airs;views;complexions) лабиринтовых (the гурами, cockerel, colick, нитеносцы) аквариумные of fish. They dwell(inhabit) in(to;at) fresh and солоноватых водоемах South and SOUTH-EAST Asia, Indonesia, Central and South Africa.

  10. LETUCHIE RYBY • LETUCHIE RYBY (Exocoetidae), family of sea(naval;maritime) fish of the troop(detachment) сарганообразных, includes(switches on;lists) over 70 types(airs;views;complexions). This(It) relatively small fish (15 55 refer to), with(since) short jaw, enormous(huge) breast(thorax;chest) (sometimes abdominal(ventral)) fin and large(big) чешуей. They are capable to plan midair before(till;priorto;to) one minute, пролетая for(as;after;of;to;per;on;behind) this(it) time(tense;period) two hundred, sometimes before(till;prior to; to) 400 m. To come off from water of the flying fishes of the sort(gender) Exocoetus develop the velocity 75 km at hour. Taking off on(above) water, flying fishes leave from predator. Itself(Himself) they eat the plankton.

  11. R YBY- ANGELS • R YBY- ANGELS, several sorts(genders) of fish (Pomacanthus, Centropyge and others.) family щетинозубов. The Typical(Peculiar) inhabitants coral reef. Differ необычайно bright(vivid) coloration and whimsical form(shape) of the body, fin and heads(nobs). The Sizes(Amounts) from 10 before(till;priorto;to) 60 refer to. Presence differ From the other representatives(officials) fish family-angels well developed thorn(tenon) on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) предкрышечной of the bones. Many change its colouration during(for;within) life. Inwardly, the groups exists fine(wry;thin;slim) and multiform food specialization that finds the reflection in(to;at) morphological particularity of the oral device(system). The Bright(Vivid) painter of the body щетинозубов is connected with территориальностью of these fish, as well as with(since) existence beside(at;by) them constant monogamous vapour(pair). It Is Expected(Intended), bright(vivid) painter helps the partner not to lose each other.

  12. HRYASCHEVYE RYBY • HRYASCHEV YE R YBY (Chondrichthyes), class of fish, includes(switches on;lists) two subclasses: пластиножаберных of fish (Elasmobranches) and цельноголовых of fish (Holocephali). The Class unites(combines;merges) beside(about) 800 types(airs;views;complexions), prepared on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) 12-15 troops(detachments). Hryaschevye fish pertain to(towards) челюстноротым animal, their jaws are formed bone first жаберной arcs. The Subclass пластиножаберных unites(combines;merges) the most modern хрящевых fish and counts beside(about) 750 types(airs;views;complexions) of the sharks and slope. Beside(At;By) these fish жаберные petal in the manner of plates are located(situated) on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) кожистых partiton(barrier) between 5-7 vapour(pair)s жаберных slots (thence(hereof) name(title)). ZHabernyh lid no. Beside(At;By) sharks жаберные to slots are located(situated) on(over;along;down;under) side of the head(nob), but beside(at;by) slope on(upon;in;to;for;at;per;for) abdominal(ventral) side(party). There is small fresh hole(orifice;mouth) Beside(At;By) many пластиножаберных, being rudiment else one жаберной to slots (the брызгальце). Beside(At;By) цельноголовых of fish four pair(vapour)s жаберных slots, брызгальце is absent.

  13. конец

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