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Cryptography against continuous memory attacks

Cryptography against continuous memory attacks. NYU. Yevgeniy Dodis , Kristiyan Haralambiev , Adriana Lopez-Alt and Daniel Wichs. MIT/MSR Reading Group. Motivation: Leakage-Resilient Crypto. Security proofs in crypto require an adversarial attack model .

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Cryptography against continuous memory attacks

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  1. Cryptography against continuous memory attacks NYU YevgeniyDodis, KristiyanHaralambiev, Adriana Lopez-Alt and Daniel Wichs MIT/MSR Reading Group

  2. Motivation: Leakage-Resilient Crypto • Security proofs in crypto require an adversarial attack model. • e.g. adversary sees public-keys but not secret-keys. • Reality: schemes broken using attacks outside of model. • Side-channels: timing, power consumption, heat, acoustics, radiation. • The cold-boot attack. Hackers, Malware, Viruses. • Usual Crypto Response: Not our problem. • Blame the Engineers… • Leakage-Resilient Crypto: Let’s try to help. • Primitives that provably allow some leakage of secret key.

  3. Modeling Leakage • During an attack, adversary can query “leakage-oracle” with “leakage-functions” f : {0,1}* ! {0,1}.Learns f(sk). • Need to restrict leakage so adv. does not learn sk in full. • Bound number of queries during various stages of attack. • Restrict type of allowed leakage-functions. sk f f(sk)

  4. Modeling Leakage • Type:Restricted functions vs. Memory Attacks. • Restricted leakage functions f. • Individual bits, AC0 circuits... [Riv97, ISW03, FRR+10, …] • “Only computation leaks information” [MR04, DP08] • Memory Attacks [AGV09]: All efficient functionsfare legal. • Amount: One-Time vs. Continuous. • One-time: Total number of leakage queries is bounded by L. • Continuous: • The secret key of the scheme gets updated periodically. • Number of queries is bounded by L in each “period” but not overall.

  5. Prior Work Continuous One time Restricted Memory

  6. Continuous Leakage + Memory Attacks? Question: Can we get the best of both worlds? Continuous Leakage Resilience (CLR)

  7. Model of CLR Security • Secret key can be updated using onlylocal randomness. • Public-key stays the same. • Other users do not need to know about updates. • Number of leakage queries bounded by Lin between updates. • No bound on number of queries over the lifetime of the system. • No restriction on the type of leakage (memory attacks). • Adversary cannot predict randomness for future updates. • (No leakage during the update). • Efficiency does not degrade with the number of updates.

  8. Initial Steps Towards CLR • [ADW09]: Construct CLR signatures but updates require an “external master key” that never leaks. • [BKKV10]: Construct CLR signatures, but… • Requires a non-standard and non-black-box assumption. • Uses PCP theorem, so not practical. • (Main results to follow. Stay tuned…)

  9. Our Results • Build the first CLR schemes under standard assumptions (K-Linear in bilinear groups). • Signatures, ID schemes, Authenticated-Key-Agreement • In each period, leak up to ½ of the secret key. • All schemes are efficient/practical. • Main technical result: CLR One-Way Relation.

  10. Main Technical Problem:CLR One-Way Relation sk • KeyGen()generates (pk, sk) pairs. • Relation R tests if (pk, sk) are valid. (pk, sk) ÃKeyGen() pk R(pk, sk)=1 Basic One-Wayness: Given pk, can’t find sk* s.t. R(pk,sk*) = 1.

  11. Main Technical Problem:CLR One-Way Relation sk Rerand(sk) • KeyGen()generates (pk, sk) pairs. • Relation R tests if (pk, sk) are valid. • Rerand(sk) refreshes the secret key. • Can refresh arbitrarily many times. pk R(pk,sk)=1 Rerand Rerand Rerand …

  12. Main Technical Problem:CLR One-Way Relation sk Security • Adversary gets pk. • Can ask for up to L bits of information about sk. What’s the2ndbit of sk? pk What’s the 3rdbit of SHA-1(sk)?

  13. Main Technical Problem:CLR One-Way Relation sk Security • Adversary gets pk. • Can ask for up to L bits of information about sk. • Key is refreshed. pk

  14. Main Technical Problem:CLR One-Way Relation Security • Adversary gets pk. • Can ask for up to L bits of information about sk. • Key is refreshed. • Wins if R(pk, sk*) = 1. pk sk* =

  15. Difficulty of Constructing CLR-OWR • In a reduction, need to know many valid secret-keys in full. • Nevertheless, need to solve some hard problem given a valid forgery by the adversary. • Hope: forgery of different type then secret-keys we know. • Adversary gets unbounded amount of information in total. Why can’t it “learn” the type?

  16. Outline of Construction 1. General strategy to handle continuous leakage. Reduce “continuous leakage” to “one-time leakage”. 2. Construction from (special) PKE/NIZK. 3. Instantiate components based on DDH/K-Linear.

  17. Strategy for CLR-OWR All possible sk • For each public-key pk: • Valid: { sk : R(pk, sk) = 1}. • Good½Valid • Bad = Valid\Good • Can sample pkalongwith: • samG: Samples sk2Good. • samB : Samples sk2Bad. • dk : isGood(sk, dk) = 0/1. • Re-randomize inside Good. • Given pk, samG, sk 2Good: Rerand(sk) ¼Sample(samG) bad Valid for pk good

  18. Strategy for CLR-OWR Leakage Indistinguishable Re-randomizable Relation (LIRR) • Security • HardnessofGood Keys: • Given pk, samB, find sk*s.t. isGood(sk*, dk) = 1. • Hardnessof Bad Keys: • Given pk, samG, find sk*s.t. isGood(sk*, dk) = 0. • L-Leakage-Indistinguishability: • Adv. gets pk, samG, samB. • Challenger randomly chooses {good, bad} key sk. • Adv. gets L bits of leakage on sk. • Wins if produces sk* in the same category as sk. Only “one-time memory attack”. bad good

  19. 1. LIRR ) CLR-OWR • Claim: An L-LIRR is a L-CLR-OWR • Proof: • Adversary only sees random good keys. • Forgery must be a good key by “hardness of bad keys”. • One-by-one, switch good keys for bad keys. • Pr[forged key isgood] does not decrease by “L-Leakage-Ind.”. • Adversary only sees bad keys. Yet forgery is good. • Contradicts “hardness of good keys”.

  20. Outline of Construction 1. General strategy to handle continuous leakage. Reduce “continuous leakage” to “one-time leakage”. 2. Construction from (special) PKE/NIZK. 3. Instantiate components based on DDH/K-Linear.

  21. Constructing LIRR • Let E1, E2be two PKE and ¦ be a NIZK argument-system. • The LIRR scheme samples: • pk = (CRS, pk1, pk2, c1) where c1 = Encpk1(m;r) for randm. • Secret-keys have form sk = (c2, ¼). • Valid sk: ¼ proves that “(c1, c2) encrypt same message”. • Good sk: (c1, c2) actually encrypt the same message. • Sample good keys with samG = (m , r). • Samplebadkeys with samB = TD (simulation trap-door). • Distinguish good/bad withdk = (sk1, sk2)

  22. Constructing LIRR • Re-randomization. • Hardnessof Good Keys. • Hardnessof Bad Keys. • L-Leakage-Indistinguishability.

  23. Constructing LIRR (Hardness) pk = (CRS, pk1, pk2, c1)sk = (c2, ¼). samG = (m , r) ,samB = TD ,dk = (sk1, sk2) • Valid sk: ¼ proves that “(c1, c2) encrypt same message”. • Good sk: (c1, c2) actually encrypt same message. • Claim: The “hardness of good/bad keys” holds if E1 is “one-way secure” (weaker than semantic-sec) and ¦ is sound. • Proof: • Given samG = (m , r), producing a bad key, requires proving an invalid statement (break soundness). • Given samB = TD, producing a good key inverts c1 (break one-wayness of E1).

  24. Constructing LIRR • Re-randomization. • Hardnessof Good Keys. • Hardnessof Bad Keys. • L-Leakage-Indistinguishability.

  25. Constructing LIRR (Re-randomization) pk = (CRS, pk1, pk2, c1)sk = (c2, ¼). • To re-randomize sk = (c2, ¼) need to: • Re-randomize the ciphertext c2. (same message, fresh rand.) • Update the NIZK proof ¼(new statement, fresh rand).

  26. Constructing LIRR (Re-randomization) pk = (CRS, pk1, pk2, c1)sk = (c2, ¼). Assume E1, E2, ¦ are homomorphic over some groups. • Hom. Encryption:Enc(m; r) + Enc(m’; r’) = Enc(m + m’; r + r’). • Hom. Language: x 2 L, x’ 2 L ) x + x’ 2 L. • Hom. NIZK for Hom. Language. If ¼, ¼’ are proofs of x, x’ then¼ + ¼’ is a proof of x+x’. • Notion of re-randomizable/malleable NIZKS defined in [BCC+09]. • Language “(c1, c2) encrypt the same message” is homomorphic. • Notice (c1 , c2 + Enc(0;r)) = (c1, c2) + (Enc(0;0), Enc(0;r) ).

  27. Constructing LIRR • Re-randomization. (IfE1, E2, ¦ are “homomorphic”) • Hardnessof Good Keys. • Hardnessof Bad Keys. • L-Leakage-Indistinguishability.

  28. Constructing LIRR (Leakage Ind.) pk = (CRS, pk1, pk2, c1)sk = (c2, ¼). • To get leakage indistinguishability, need “something” from E2. • Given L bits of leakage on ctextc, can’t produce related ctextc’. • Adversary gets pk. Chooses m0, m1. • Challenger chooses b à {0,1}. Sets c = Enc(mb). • Adversary gets L bits of leakage on ciphertextc. • Adversary makes 1 decryption query on anyc*. Wins if guesses b. • Call this L-“Leakage-of-Ciphertext Non-Malleability” (L-LoC-NM). • Notice: Non-malleable Enc ) |m|-LoC-NM ) CPA. • But we need L-LoC-NM + Homomorphic encryption! Is it possible?

  29. Constructing LIRR • Re-randomization. (IfE1, E2, ¦ are “homomorphic”) • Hardnessof Good Keys. • Hardnessof Bad Keys. • L-Leakage-Indistinguishability. (If E2 is L-LoC-NM)

  30. Outline of Construction 1. General strategy to handle continuous leakage. Reduce “continuous leakage” to “one-time leakage”. 2. Construction from (special) PKE/NIZK. 3. Instantiate components based on DDH/K-Linear.

  31. Homomorphic NIZKs • Groth-Sahai NIZKs are homomorphic for “systems of equations” over prime-order groups (with a pairing). • Secure under K-linear assumption for any K¸ 1. • 1-linear = DDH. Can only hold for “asymmetric pairings” (two base groups are different). • 2-linear is a standard assumption for symmetric and asymmetric pairings. • K-linear assumption gets weaker as K grows.

  32. Homomorphic Encryption • For E1, use ElGamal (generalized to K-linear). • For E2, use “Cramer-Shoup-Lite” Encryption (generalized). • Full Cramer-Shoup: CCA-2 secure. Not homomorphic. Enc(m;r) = (gr , hr, (f0)r m, (f1)r (f2)r a ) where a = H(gr , hr) • Cramer-Shoup-Lite: Only CCA-1 secure. Is homomorphic. Enc(m;r) = (gr , hr, (f0)r m, (f1)r ) • In general, CCA-1 security does not imply L-LoC-NM. • But proof technique extends to show L-LoC-NM for L ¼ ¼|c|. • Can generalize scheme to get L-LoC-NM for L ¼ (1-²)|c|. Enc(m;r) = (gr , hr, (f0)r m, (f1)r , (f2)r, (f3)r, …).

  33. Summary of CLR-OWR • Construct L-CLR-OWR based on the K-linear assumption. • Relative leakage L/|sk| > 1/(K+1). • 1/2 for DDH , 1/3 for 2-linear. • “Practical Efficiency”: • Constant number of group elements, group operations.

  34. Applications • Build CLR signatures, ID schemes, Authenticated-Key-Agreement (AKA) generically from CLR-OWR, using prior techniques [ADW09, KV09, DHLW10]. • Preserve leakage L and “relative leakage” L/|sk|. • Can even preserve efficiency!

  35. Extensions • Leakage-of-Randomness of Computation: • So far, only assumed that sk leaks. • For signatures (and ID/AKA) need to hide “local randomness”. • Can be done. Standard model for ID. RO model for Sigs/AKA. • Bounded-Retrieval Model (BRM): • Allow “huge” amount of leakage, by increasing secret-key size. • Does not effect efficiency (pk size, signature size, computation). • (More extensions in the paper.)

  36. Follow-up Results of [BKKV10] • Show how to do CLR Public-Key Encryption, IBE. • Under 2-linear assumption. • Leads to alternate construction of signatures (worse leakage). • Show all CLR OWR/Signature/Encryption schemes also allow small (logarithmic) leakage of the update process.

  37. Thank you! ePrint Report 2010/196

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