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Crime Science and Security Research Group

Crime Science and Security Research Group. Linda Reid Detective Chief Inspector Visiting Fellow. LEADERSHIP & INNOVATION. What is domestic abuse?.

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Crime Science and Security Research Group

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  1. Crime Science and Security Research Group Linda Reid Detective Chief Inspector Visiting Fellow


  3. What is domestic abuse? Any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults, aged 18 or over, who are or who have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO, 2004)

  4. How much of a problem is domestic abuse? • In 2009/10 domestic violence accounted for 14% of violent crime • Women were victims in 77% of incidents • 2 women are killed every week by a male partner or former partner • 40% of all female homicide victims are killed by their current or ex-partner, compared with 5% male victims

  5. Serious Cases use Public ResourcesAudit Commission (2011) Typical cost of one case over one year £20,000

  6. The Cost of Domestic ViolenceWalby (2009)

  7. Domestic abuse-related offences • Harassment • Stalking • Honour-Based Violence • Forced marriage • Missing from home • Rape & sexual offences • Assault • Criminal damage • Threats to kill • False imprisonment

  8. Current Government Policy:Call to End Violence against Women and Girls Home Office, 2010 The strategic vision is for a society in which no woman or girl has to live in fear of violence. United Nations (UN) Declaration (1993): ‘Any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivationof liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life’.

  9. BBC News: Salford murder victim Clare Wood 'was not protected‘ …A woman who was strangled and set on fire by a violent and obsessive ex-boyfriend was not given enough police protection, an inquest has heard. Clare Wood had made several complaints to police about George Appleton before her death in Salford in 2009. Appleton, who had a history of violence against women, was still able to get into her home and kill her, Bolton Coroner's Court was told…. The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) concluded Miss Wood, 36, had been let down by "individual and systemic" failures by Greater Manchester Police (GMP).

  10. The Independent Police Complaints Committee (IPCC) and domestic abuse Claire Woods and Katie Boardman “a catalogue of mistakes and failings by GMP” • Officers underestimated the threat posed • The risk was not recognised for 3 months • Failures in completion of files • Officers were absent – no alternative arrangements • Full risk assessment not completed • Failure to act by specialist Domestic Violence Unit • Lack of response to 999 calls • Flaws in intelligence systems

  11. PhD Business & Management at Manchester Business School How do police and partners identify and manage the risk of violence to those who seek police assistance, and where are the areas for improvement? • Leadership response • Partnership arrangements may not be sufficient to identify and manage the risk of violence • Failings

  12. Nature of the problem A typology of problems and authorityGrint (2005)

  13. Frontline Leadership FrameworkVinzant and Crothers (1998) • Wicked problems are layered and unmanageable. • They demand increasing amounts of discretion. • Complex decision-making. • Use of power must be legitimate. • External standards • Service standards • Public norms and values

  14. New Public Leadership: A form of collective leadership in which public bodies and agencies collaboratein achieving a shared visionbased on shared aims and values and distribute this through each organisation in a colleagiate way which seeks to promote, influence and deliver improved public value as evidenced through sustained social, environmental and economic well-being within a complex and changing context. Brookes and Grint (2010) and Brookes (2011)

  15. Critical Components of Public Leadership • Shared Leadership: • Collaboration between public bodies, agencies and the public • Development of shared vision based on shared values and aims • Discourage ‘organisational egos’ • Focus on public values

  16. Large Data Set • 60,000 incidents of domestic abuse reported every year to GMP – recordedonincident information reports • Risk assessmentsconducted on every incident • Crime reportscreated when there are criminal offences Also • Interviews with senior leaders • Interviews and questionnaire to police officers • Interviews with partner agencies • Interviews with victims • Leadership inventory

  17. The Domestic Abuse, Stalking, Harassment, and Honour-Based Violence Model (DASH, 2008) risk assessment • 27 questions determine whether risk is standard, medium or high. • High risk factors include separation, conflict over child contact, stalking & harassment, pregnancy or new baby, child abuse, increase in frequency or escalation of violence/abuse, controlling and jealous behaviour, threats to kill, attempt to strangle/suffocate/drown, sexual abuse, suicide attempts. • Drugs, alcohol, mental health problems

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