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What is the Mobile App Development Lifecycle

People use mobile devices to access digital media more than half of the time. Top mobile app development companies account for 90% of smartphone screen time. Native apps are chosen by more than 85% of consumers over cross-platform mobile webpages.<br>

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What is the Mobile App Development Lifecycle

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  1. What is the mobile app development lifecycle? With over 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide, there is no doubt that business is booming. The stats continue to rise steadily, with no signs of slowing down. According to research, the average American checks their phone at least once every twelve minutes, with more than 10% checking their phone every four minutes. There are further statistics to consider. People use mobile devices to access digital media more than half of the time. Top mobile app development companies account for 90% of smartphone screen time. Native apps are chosen by more than 85% of consumers over cross-platform mobile webpages. Mobile app development is the process of producing mobile apps that function on mobile devices. These applications can be pre-installed or downloaded and installed by the user at a later time. They take advantage of the network capabilities of the device to access computing resources remotely. As a result, the mobile app development lifecycle process requires building software that can be loaded onto the device, enabling back-end services for data access via APIs, and testing the app. on target devices. To build scalable mobile apps, consider screen sizes, hardware requirements, and a variety of other components of the mobile app development lifecycle process. With the number of employees in the mobile app development lifecycle app business expanding, it is critical that entrepreneurs, startups, and developers properly define and understand the process. Here's how the experts at Hyena Information Technologies approach the mobile app development lifecycle: 1. The Research/Planning Stage Your first step should be to delve into the research phase – discovering your market and existing competitor apps. Brainstorm details such as the purpose of your app, your target audience, preferred platforms, app development language and frameworks, features offered by your competitor's app (and whether you want the same/different ), a development and release schedule, and how you would like to market it. Strategic business analysis at an early stage will help you calculate the correct ROI, the return on investment factor that will eventually guide you in deciding and sticking to the budget. 2. Wireframes The next step is where you document and structure your application. Drawing detailed sketches of your vision for the app (what it would look like, what features it would have, etc.) goes a long way in bringing it to life in later stages. After drawing, wireframes come to refine all your ideas. Now you can arrange all the components of your design precisely and see if there are any visible

  2. usability issues. This step aims to gain a clear understanding of what the proposed working application will look like once all its features and ideas are combined. Needless to say, at this juncture, allow your inner artist. 3. Technical feasibility and back-end evaluation Once you have a firm grasp on your photos, you must assess whether the back-end technologies can support the functionality of your application. Consider APIs, data visualizations, data integration, servers, push alerts, and other similar technologies. You will have various needs based on whether you are looking for an apps development company in Dubai. Platform formats will also need a slightly different back-end operation depending on whether it is a smartphone, handheld device, tablet, etc. At the end of this step, you may find that some of the initial features are not feasible for you. . So we help you rethink and revisit those features. 4. Prototypes Now that you are at this stage, you need to build a rapid prototype. You can't really understand the experience of an app without touching it and seeing how the workflow works. Create a prototype and put it in the hands of a user to get a quick idea of how it works and feels. Take honest feedback as this will point you in the right direction in future stages of development. 5. Design Once the prototyping is done, you can dive into coding. Here, your UX and UI designers take control. Your user experience (UX) designer creates interaction between different design elements, while your user interface (UI) designer creates the overall look and feel of your app. What you get here are visual instructions and blueprints. These act as a guide to inform your engineers about your vision for the final product and how your interaction with customers should feel. 6. Develop This phase starts quite early in some sense. Working on a working prototype and revising it at every step, it's part of the development stage. But as this stage progresses, core functionalities are heavily tested. The application then proceeds to the deployment phase. All bugs are also fixed and fixed. If it's a complex project, the large app is broken down into smaller modules and discussed in parts before everything is put together, so the app is ready for release. 7. Tests Consider APIs, data diagrams, data integration, servers, push notifications, and so forth. It's often a good idea to start testing early, as this could help keep final costs in check. The further you go in the development lifecycle, the more expensive it is to fix bugs and other technical issues.At this stage, the

  3. application should ideally be tested on all aspects, including usability, compatibility, interface, security checks, stress, and performance. Inviting some of your target audience to try it out would be a good idea. These beta user feedback will indicate whether your app can work in a real situation. 8. Deployment And lastly, keep in mind that this is not the end of your process. In fact, it is a new beginning of its own. This is why most companies often want to hire experts who can create a suitable application for their specific needs. At Hyena Information Technologies , we pride ourselves on providing world-class services to both iOS app development companies and Android app development companies. Finally, at this point, your app should be ready to ship. Select a day to hold the formal launch. Release policies will vary for Android app development and iOS app development. Keep those factors under control. With years of experience building apps for different industries and sectors, our experts have a track record of successfully launching and maintaining apps for businesses of all types and sizes. We allow companies to focus on their core business and take full care of building and maintaining your app from scratch. This app then advertises their company without consuming too much of their time and attention. If your business is at a stage where an app is what you need to speed it up, even more, don't wait. Conclusion For the mobile app development process to be efficient and seamless, app developers need to accurately understand the app development lifecycle. It helps you in many ways to make your app perfect, feature-rich and functional as compared to its rival apps. An efficiently developed app reduces the chances of rejection by the app store. From concept discovery to application launch, each phase has its own importance in the application development lifecycle; therefore, mobile app developers must understand the importance of each phase before proceeding. Read Also: How much does it cost to develop an app like Amazon

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