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Trends and impacts of Students Mobility at Mexican universities . The case of the University of Colima.

Trends and impacts of Students Mobility at Mexican universities . The case of the University of Colima. NAFSA Conference 2011. Vancouver, Ca. May 28- june 4, 2011 University of Colima Secretariat of International Relations and Academic Cooperation .

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Trends and impacts of Students Mobility at Mexican universities . The case of the University of Colima.

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  1. Trends and impacts of StudentsMobility at Mexicanuniversities. The case of theUniversity of Colima. NAFSA Conference 2011. Vancouver, Ca. May 28- june 4, 2011 University of Colima Secretariat of International Relations and AcademicCooperation. Genoveva Amador Fierros.

  2. Contents • IntroductiontotheUniversity of Colima. • Overview of studentsflows. • Thevoice of students. • Video

  3. TheUniversity of Colima. • University of Colima. Founded in 1940. • 26,500 students. • 6 campuses. • 2,026 professors. 450 full-time professors. • 64 Bachelor's degrees, • 36 Graduate degrees. • 10 research centers • 13 Specialized Libraries

  4. Member of organizations. • National and internationallevel: • OUI • AUIP • UMAP • CONAHEC • AMPEI • IAU • ANUIES • CUMEX • ECOES • International visibility. • Qualitycounterparts. • New cooperationopportunities .

  5. International Policy. “At the University of Colima, we prepare our staff and students to understand, work, contribute, and coexist successfully in the society of knowledge as well as in multicultural settings.”   Miguel Ángel Aguayo López Rector.

  6. Internationalization As an objective: It is a means to help the institution meet international quality standards whenperformingits essential roles. Jesús Sebastián (2002)

  7. Internationalization As a process: It involves adding the international and intercultural dimension to the essential roles of the institution. Knight, Jane (1994)

  8. Theeducationalmodel:International dimension in thecurriculum. Internationalizationstrategy

  9. 10 ID indicators. • International Dimension. • Students and facultymobilityProgram. • Foreignstudents in theclassrooms. • Foreignfacultyteaching local studens in regular courses. • Online internationalcourses. • DoubleDegreePrograms.. • JointStudyPrograms. • International internships. • Coursestaught in English. • Foreignstudentstocreate multicultural environments. • Coursesspeciallydesignedforforeignstudents.

  10. Studentsflows…underourmobilityprogram.

  11. Local 140 National 113 120 International 94 100 80 Bilateral 56 Multilateral 60 50 40 30 18 Especific 20 11 General 0 TOTAL 200 International MOU.

  12. StudentsMobility 389 UdeCstudents in 2010. 3.3% of enrolledstudents. 41.38% men 58.61% women 224 studiedonesemester. 355 undergraduatelevel 34 graduatelevel

  13. StudentMobility The students travelled to 115 HEIs in 24 countries. Germany Argentina Bolivia Brazil Canada South Korea Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Spain United States France England Italy Japan Mexico New Zealand Panama Peru Puerto Rico Sweden Thailand Uruguay

  14. StudentMobility Financialsupportformobility. Sources. Federal Government. StateGovernment. Banco Santander. (Santander Bank) CUMEX. International organizationsornetworks. PIMA-OEI, UMAP, PAME-UDUAL, JIMA. Canadian Government: ELAP Scholarships. TheUniversityof Colima.

  15. 2010 VisitingStudents 344 visitingstudents. 2.9% of studentsenrolled in highereducation. 65.40% are women. 36.33% are men. 65.41% are foreign. 34.59% are Mexican.

  16. 2010 VisitingStudents They come from 107 HEIs in 31 countries. Africa (1) Germany (22) Argentina (8) Canada (24) Denmark (1) Spain (57) USA (7) France (3) England (9) Italy (2) Japan (11) Honduras (1) Nicaragua (2) Belize (1) China (5) Mexico (119) Ukraine (1) Switzerland (1) Costa Rica (1) Venezuela (1) South Korea (39) Peru (5) Sweden (1) Chile (3) Bolivia (1) Paraguay (2) Belgium (2) Colombia (11) New Zealand (1) Ecuador (1) Antigua and Barbuda (1)

  17. 2010 VisitingStudents What do they do at our institution? • 73.84% in regular programs • 7.56% in complete programs receive scholarships from the SRE. • 11.63% Spanish courses for foreigners • 4.64% internships at research centers and departments. • 2.03% volunteer programs or social service • 0.29% undertaking a doctoral research residency

  18. ServicesProvidedtoVisitingStudents • Sociologycourse in Colima forCanadian Students. • Courseontourism and immersionintotheculture of Mexico. • Spanishforforeignersprogram. EAPE • CustomizedSpanishcourses. • Specialprograms • forforeign • students. • Amigo Loro Program • Host Families and AccommodationProgram

  19. StudentsMobility: time´s line.Studentsleaving.

  20. Studentsmobility: Time line.Incomingstudents. Comparedwiththepreviousyear: _9% decreasingon 2009. _9.8% decreasingon 2010.

  21. Conclusions El ambiente externo cambiante ha modificado las tendencias en los flujos de movilidad de la UdeC. • La influenza en 2009 • El ambiente de inseguridad en 2010. Los estudiantes se sienten felices y no perciben el entorno de la Universidad de Colima como inseguro. (video)

  22. Thankyou genoveva@ucol.mx

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