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Iran Tehran Bagh-e Melli1

Tehran Bagh-e Melli (The National Garden) is a government compound where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, The National Museum of Iran, Malek National Museum, and the National Museum of Post are located. It was for many years a big military parade ground, the Maidan-e-Mashq, but has now been built over.

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Iran Tehran Bagh-e Melli1

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  1. TEHRAN Bagh-e Melli (The National Garden)

  2. Internet images Bagh-e Melli (The National Garden) is a government compound where the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran, The National Museum of Iran, Malek National Museum, and the National Museum of Post are located. It was for many years a big military parade ground, the Maidan-e-Mashq, but has now been built over. Bagh-e Melli (Grădina Naţională) este un complex de clădiri oficiale destinate administrării guvernamentale, unde se află şi Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, Muzeul Naţional sau Muzeul şi biblioteca Naţională Malek. A fost timp de mulţi ani terenul pentru marile parade militare, Maidan-e-Mashq, dar a fost reorganizat în timpul dinastiei Pahlavi. Tehran

  3. DarvazehBagheMelli (The National Garden Gate) Internet image

  4. This imposing brick gateway, decorated with high Haft Rangi tiles, was built by Jafar-khan Kashani in 1906. It faces what it used to be the Ministry of War, an old Qajar building a few hundred yards to the north. The Bagh-e Melli was built in the late years of the Qajar dynasty by the order of Reza Shah Pahlavi when he was minister of War. Această impozantă poartă de cărămidă, decorată cu plăci smălţuite Haft Rangi, a fost construită în 1906 de Jafar-khan Kashani. Ea se afla în partea opusă clădirii Ministerului de Război, o construcţie tot din epoca dinastiei Qajar, aflată la câteva sute de metri spre nord.

  5. DarvazehBagheMelli (The National Garden Gate) Apart from numerous faience inscriptions, the tiling on both sides of the gateway illustrates military subjects such as machine guns and soldiers. The main faience inscription over the central arch, which is crowned by a chamber where military music was played, records well-known words of the Prophet Muhammad as quoted by the Imam Reza Another inscription states that the gateway's wrought-iron work was made in the Tehran arsenal. În afara numeroaselor inscripţii, pe ambele părţi ale porţii sunt ilustrate subiecte militare (arme şi soldaţi). Inscripţia de pe arcul central, deasupra căruia se află o încăpere unde cânta muzica militară, reprezintă cuvintele bine-cunoscute ale Profetului Mohamed citate de Imam Reza.O altă inscripţie afirmă că feroneria a fost realizată în arsenalul Teheran

  6. DarvazehBagheMelli (The National Garden Gate)

  7. Malek National Museum and Library is a museum and national library, one of the biggest library of precious manuscripts in Iran. Its contents were donated by HajHosseinAghaMalek one the most remarkable intellectuals of the turn of the century in Iran and the most important art collector in Modern Iran. The museum was inaugurated in 1997. The building has 10,000 Sq. m area and comprises galleries dedicated to the exhibition of stamps, carpets, coins and paintings, as well as an administrative section, a library and reading halls. Biblioteca şi Muzeul Naţional Malek este una dintre cele mai mari biblioteci de manuscrise preţioase din Iran. Conţinutul său a fost donat de către Haj Hossein Agha Malek un intelectual remarcabil şi important colecţionar de artă modernă. Muzeul a fost inaugurat în anul 1997. Clădirea are 10000 m² şi cuprinde galerii dedicate expoziţiilor de filatelie, monede şi covoare, galerie de artă, bibliotecă şi săli de lectură.

  8. Malek National Museum and Library

  9. DarvazehBagheMelli (The National Garden Gate) Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1st Department)

  10. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1st Department)

  11. Malek National Museum and Library

  12. Malek National Museum and Library

  13. Text: Internet Pictures:Sanda Foişoreanu Nicoleta Leu Internet slide 2 & 3 All  copyrights  belong to their  respective owners Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2014 Sound: Niyaz – Minara

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