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Effort Reporting

Effort Reporting. The Truth Revealed Business Centers. Personnel Activity Reports . Used to reasonably substantiate the activities (effort) of employees who are compensated in any part by restricted funds or cost share funds

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Effort Reporting

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  1. Effort Reporting The Truth Revealed Business Centers

  2. Personnel Activity Reports • Used to reasonably substantiate the activities (effort) of employees who are compensated in any part by restricted funds or cost share funds • Includes Hatch (Ag), McIntire-Stennis (Forestry), and Smith-Lever (Extension) funds and state match

  3. Personnel Activity Report Reporting Process Hiring Personnel Preparing the Proposal Budget Award Management/Charging Salary Certifying Effort The PAR form system encompasses more than just certifying effort… • Employment terms are established, including # of months, % full time, salary base • Effort is proposed, a commitment is made to the sponsor • Salary is charged or cost shared • Effort is verified and documented

  4. OMB Circular A21 J10c(2)(b) “These reports will reflect an after-the fact reporting of the percentage distribution of activity of employees. Charges may be made initially on the basis of estimates made before the services are performed, provided that such charges are promptly adjusted if significant differences are indicated by activity records.”

  5. Uses of PAR Forms • Certify effort for OMB Circular A-21, section J.10 compensation requirements • State and Federal (A-133) Compliance Audits • Properly Classify the use of individual offices for the Space Inventory (including the F&A Rate Proposal)

  6. Who Needs PAR Forms • Any employee paid on a Research or Cost Share index, including Academic, Classified and Grad Students • Employees paid on Ag, Extension, and Forestry Formula Funds and Match • Not generated for student and temporary employees. Time sheets must be kept in the departments.

  7. Department Procedures • Forms and logs sent quarterly as an email attachment to PAR Coordinators for all orgs served by the Business Center • Print hard copies of the PAR forms • Review with employee or individual with first hand knowledge of the employee’s effort (principal investigator or direct supervisor such as a lab manager) • If correct, sign by employee or individual having first-hand knowledge and scan into Nolij

  8. Procedures Cont • If not correct, make corrections on the PAR form. Do not create a new form. • Process a labor distribution and attach a copy to the PAR form • When entered by the department, attach authorization for change and report PHRLRAR • Have the PAR form signed, and scan it into Nolij • The PAR form and payroll distribution must match

  9. Revised PAR Form Procedures • Review the revised PAR form for accuracy by comparing with the HR Data Warehouse • PAR forms that do not match payroll need to be reviewed, and either pay or the PAR form corrected • When the PAR form and the pay match and no further corrections are needed, scan into Nolij

  10. PAR Form Notes • Employee’s time is represented as 100%, no matter how many hours are worked • Overload must be paid by E & G funds and approved by Human Resources • Project work conducted while on sabbatical leave is not allowed on a sabbatical account code

  11. Additional Notes • A revised PAR form with a new signature is required whenever there is a retroactive payroll redistribution that affects a prior quarter’s reporting period. • Reference the Grant Contract and Gift Accounting Manual at this link for more information about cost transfers http://oregonstate.edu/dept/budgets/GCGManual/GCG209-08.htm

  12. Additional Notes • PAR forms are sent to the Business Center for the home org of the employee as listed in Banner • If a PAR form is received for someone who is not in your Business Center, notify OPAA • We will investigate and send a copy of the form to the correct location

  13. Additional Notes • The information accumulated in the PAR system is subject to audit verification and, if found to be inaccurate by federal auditors, can result in the disallowance of both direct and indirect costs. • AND PAR forms are used for verification of space for the F&A proposal

  14. Duties of PAR Coordinators • Receive PAR forms, logs and letter with instructions as an email attachment • Print PAR forms and process as before • Scan the PAR form into Nolij • Retain the original for one year

  15. PAR Process in OPAA • Run PAR forms after the mid-month payroll processing at the end of the quarter. • The run creates a table that mirrors the PAR log is created in Banner • PAR forms and logs are sent as email attachments • Scanning the PAR form automatically updates the table to record receipt of the PAR form

  16. PAR Process in OPAA Cont. • Banner Report FRR0260 is run to show whether or not PAR forms have been returned and scanned • Business Centers are contacted if PAR forms have not been scanned by the 60 day deadline • Scanned forms will be retained electronically for eight years

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