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Workload Management System on gLite middleware - commands

Matthieu Reichstadt CNRS/IN2P3 ACGRID School, Hanoi (Vietnam) November 5th, 2007. Workload Management System on gLite middleware - commands. Create a proxy : voms-proxy-init –voms <vo_name> Enter your certificate’s password Get your proxy Submit the job: edg-job-submit mytest.jdl

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Workload Management System on gLite middleware - commands

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  1. Matthieu Reichstadt CNRS/IN2P3 ACGRID School, Hanoi (Vietnam) November 5th, 2007 Workload Management System on gLite middleware - commands

  2. Create a proxy : voms-proxy-init –voms <vo_name> • Enter your certificate’s password • Get your proxy • Submit the job: edg-job-submit mytest.jdl • You get your job unique identifier (JobId) • Get the job status : edg-job-status JobId • Request the L&B in order to know the status of your job • When the job status is “OutputReady” you cabn get the output : edg-job-get-output JobId • The system returns the output in a temporary folder on the UI

  3. Minimal version ( helloworld.jdl) • We specify : • The executable • STDOUT and STDERR Executable = “/bin/echo”;Arguments = “Hello world”;StdError = “hello.out”;StdOutput = “hello.err”;OutputSandbox = {“hello.out”, “hello.err”};

  4. Get the proxy [reichma@clrlcgui01 reichma]$ voms-proxy-init --voms auvergrid:/Role=lcgadmin Your identity: /O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=LPC/CN=Matthieu Reichstadt Enter GRID pass phrase: Creating temporary proxy .................................................... Done Contacting cclcgvomsli01.in2p3.fr:15002 [/O=GRID-FR/C=FR/O=CNRS/OU=CC- LYON/CN=cclcgvomsli01.in2p3.fr] "auvergrid" Done Creating proxy ................................................ Done Your proxy is valid until Sun Nov 4 19:58:21 2007

  5. Job submission [reichma@clrlcgui01 test]$ edg-job-submit --vo auvergrid helloworld.jdl Selected Virtual Organisation name (from --vo option): auvergrid Connecting to host lapp-rb01.in2p3.fr, port 7772 Logging to host lapp-rb01.in2p3.fr, port 9002 ************************************************************************************** JOB SUBMIT OUTCOME The job has been successfully submitted to the Network Server. Use edg-job-status command to check job current status. Your job identifier (edg_jobId) is: - https://lapp-rb01.in2p3.fr:9000/zGuUkhru2xQzZZzPAbB2H ************************************************************************************** JobId

  6. Get the Job status [reichma@clrlcgui01 test]$ edg-job-status https://lapp-rb01.in2p3.fr:9000/zGuUkhru2xQzZZzPAbB2H ************************************************************* BOOKKEEPING INFORMATION: Status info for the Job : https://lapprb01.in2p3.fr:9000/zGuUkhru2xQzZZzPAbB2H Current Status: Done (Success) Exit code: 0 Status Reason: Job terminated successfully Destination: iut15auvergridce01.univ-bpclermont.fr:2119/jobmanager-lcgpbs-auvergrid reached on: Sun Nov 4 07:08:33 2007 *************************************************************

  7. Get the job output [reichma@clrlcgui01 test]$ edg-job-get-output https://lapp-rb01.in2p3.fr:9000/zGuUkhru2xQzZZzPAbB2H Retrieving files from host: lapp-rb01.in2p3.fr ( for https://lapp-rb01.in2p3.fr:9000/zGuUkhru2xQzZZzPAbB2H ) ********************************************************************************* JOB GET OUTPUT OUTCOME Output sandbox files for the job: - https://lapp-rb01.in2p3.fr:9000/zGuUkhru2xQzZZzPAbB2H have been successfully retrieved and stored in the directory: /tmp/jobOutput/reichma_zGuUkhru2xQzZZzPAbB2Hw ********************************************************************************* [reichma@clrlcgui01 test]$ cat /tmp/jobOutput/reichma_zGuUkhru2xQzZZzPAbB2Hw/hello.out Hello World

  8. edg-job-submit [–r<res_id>] [-c<config file>] [-o<output file>] [--vo <VO name>] <jdl_file> • -r : the job is directly submitted to the CE identified by <res_id> • -c : uses the configuration file <config file> in order to overload the default values of the UI • -o : returns the jobID in <output file> • --vo : the virtual organization on which the job is submitted

  9. edg-job-list-match <jdl_file> • Lists the resources corresponding to the job description • Allows he user to know the result of the scheduling without submitting the job. • edg-job-cancel [–i<file_job_id] [<job_id>] • Cancels the job. • edg-job-status [–i<file_job_id] [<job_id>] • Gets the job status. • edg-job-get-output [--dir <output_dir>][–i<file_job_id] [<job_id>] • Gets the content of the OutputSandbox • edg-job-get-logging-info [–i<file_job_id] [<job_id>] • Displays the informations on the status taken by the job during his life cycle.

  10. Thank you

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