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Umm ’ Ammarah Naseebah

Umm ’ Ammarah Naseebah. The Prophet said :. ‘ O Allah! Make this family my friends in Paradise . ’. Ka’b. ?. P ARENTS. B ROTHER. ‘Abdullah bin Ka’b Mazni. Companion of Prophet Participated in Battle of Badr. M ARRIED T O …. Zaid bin ‘ Asim Mazni. Ghazyah Bin ‘ Amru Mazni.

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Umm ’ Ammarah Naseebah

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Umm ’AmmarahNaseebah

  2. The Prophetsaid: ‘ O Allah! Makethisfamilymyfriends in Paradise. ’

  3. Ka’b • ? PARENTS

  4. BROTHER ‘Abdullah bin Ka’bMazni Companion of Prophet Participated in Battle of Badr

  5. MARRIED TO… Zaid bin ‘AsimMazni Ghazyah Bin ‘AmruMazni

  6. BLESSED WITH… Abdullah Bin Zaid Habib Bin Zaid

  7. HerStatus • Among the ‘Sabiqun Al-Awwalun’. • Participated in the ‘Second Oath’ calledBai’tul ‘Aqabahthaniah. • Present in the ’Treaty of Hudaibiyah’ • Present in the conquest of makkah. • Called the ‘Lady of Uhud’. • Participated in manybattles

  8. BattlesFought... Yamamah Uhud Hunain Khaibar

  9. Lady of Uhud ?? Umm Amarah Her husband Her 2 sons 1 hand – Sword Other hand – Shield

  10. Lady of Uhud ?? Avenged her son’s injury Sustained 12 major wounds Deepest wound-fainted-regained consciousness asked about Prophet

  11. Outcome of battles • Prophetpraised and made dua for the family of UmmAmmarah • Given a share in the warbooty, for everybattlesheparticipated in.

  12. What did we learn ? Jazak-Allahu-Khaira

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