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If you keep all these things in check, your school can easily prevent severe injuries and a potential lawsuit. Parents and school administration must take the necessary steps to ensure the safety and well-being of their young ones.<br><br>
When it comes to school safety, most people immediately think of an active shooter scenario. And though school shootings are a sad reality, they are not the top issue regarding injuries inside your classroom. Thousands of students get injured at school yearly, even though the leading cause of severe injuries amongst children – traffic accidents – is not included. However, school is critical in teaching young children to keep themselves safe. Educators and parents need to be aware of all the particular risks a school may pose and take steps to help kids stay safe when within the vicinity.
ALWAYS HAVE A FIRST AID KIT ON HAND. All classrooms must have a first regardless of their grade must have a first- aid kit. You can find several comprehensive checklists of first-aid supplies online. They are a great guide to follow. Such lists often include several staples such as: Band-aids Surgical gloves Alcohol wipes Adhesive pads Ice packs Gauze If you are a concerned parent or teacher, you can add other items to your first-aid kit. However, you first need to check with the school administrators for guidelines.
INSTALL DOOR HINGE PROTECTORS Door-related finger injuries are becoming common every year, especially in schools and other public areas hosting kids. Thousands of children are rushed to the emergency room each year in the UK due to a broken, crushed, or pinched finger from doors. All schools must look out for any such door-related injuries. However, one teacher can't always keep all the children in check. Hence, we suggest you install door hinge protectors on all high-traffic doors in your school. These door protectors help you cover the hinge side of the door, which is often responsible for severe injuries like broken fingers, ruptured ligaments, and more, with the worst-case scenario being amputation.
CONSIDER USING FREE-FLOW PVC CURTAINS. PVC curtains can also be an excellent way for you to reduce any door- related injuries in schools. Installing free-flow PVC curtains in all high- traffic areas will allow children to see whatever is on the other side, helping you completely mitigate any damages. Moreover, PVC curtains are excellent at maintaining temperature and can even help you keep any insects out.
KEEP WALKWAYS AND FLOORS CLEAR. Falls are also a critical risk to children. And while many falls tend to happen in classrooms and playgrounds, many schools nowadays have computer labs, where cables can be the root cause of a fall. Schools also feature floor cushions which may create tripping hazards. Take the following precautions if you wish to avoid common falls:
Take the following precautions if you wish to avoid common falls: Ensure all cables are taped securely. Use sleeves and cases to protect any tablets and laptops from damage Teach kids not to run or act rough around computers Ensure there are no tripping hazards on the floors
If you keep all these things in check, your school can easily prevent severe injuries and a potential lawsuit. Parents and school administration must take the necessary steps to ensure the safety and well-being of their young ones.