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Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) Noncredit Instruction

Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) Noncredit Instruction. Esther Matthew Professor/Counselor San Diego Continuing Education San Diego Community College District. Today’s Agenda. Introduction A Bit of History – Before CDCP SB 361 Title 5 Changes CDCP.

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Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP) Noncredit Instruction

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  1. Career Development and College Preparation (CDCP)Noncredit Instruction Esther Matthew Professor/Counselor San Diego Continuing Education San Diego Community College District

  2. Today’s Agenda • Introduction • A Bit of History – Before CDCP • SB 361 • Title 5 Changes • CDCP

  3. Noncredit (Adult Continuing & Community Education) As a key aspect of lifelong learning, noncredit instruction: • serves as a gateway to college and/or a career path • assists parents to develop skills … • provides programs for immigrants … • supports persons with disabilities … • increases community awareness of health, safety, family and consumer issues; • provides access to basic skills and English as a Second Language; and • keeps older adults active and healthy. California Community Colleges System Office @ www.cccco.edu

  4. History - Before CDCP 1. Discussions about funding formula - League Issues Brief , 2003 2. Boards of the CCCT & CEOCCC request that a workgroup be formed to make recommendations on the funding formula for CA colleges Workgroup recommends (among other things) a significant investment for noncredit. Higher funding tied to alignment with credit

  5. Reminder of Funding

  6. ASCCC: Informing the Body - 2005 Mark Wade Lieu – article in Senate Rostrum The Proposal to Increase Funding for Noncredit: Informing the Discussion CBO/CCLC asked the Senate to identify TOP codes that fall under ESL, Citizenship, Basic Skills and Vocational – targeted groups

  7. Percentage of CDCP 2005-2006(Had it Existed) 27,467.60 (32%) 59,254.60 (68%) , All CD and CP FTES Non CD and CP FTES Total FTES 86,722.20 SB 361 Noncredit Enhanced Funding Legislative Progress Report Fiscal Year 2006-2007

  8. Finally and Congratulations!A New Funding System S.B. 361 – New Funding System • New Funding System Goals: Fairness, Simplicity, and Predictability

  9. S.B. 361 – New Funding System What is S.B. 361? As of 10/1/06 (Urgency Statute), replaced Program Based Funding with a new methodology for the allocation of apportionment revenue beginning with FY 2006-07 (Education Code §§84750.5/84760.5) S.B. 361 also resulted in enhanced funding for qualified Noncredit courses (Career Development and College Preparation – CDCP – Noncredit Courses) CACCRAO Annual Conference May 2007,Current Activities and Issues in Attendance Accounting and Reporting, Elias Regalado

  10. S.B. 361 – New Funding System Equalized FTES funding rates beginning in 2006-07:

  11. S.B. 361 – New Funding System Implementation: On January 16, 2007, BOG adopted two sets of emergency regulations to be consistent with underlying statute (S.B. 361) and Education Code First set made changes in the basic formula for the allocation of general apportionment revenue Second set dealt with enhanced funding for qualified CDCP Noncredit courses Emergency regulations in effect for 180 days or 6 months CACCRAO Annual Conference May 2007,Current Activities and Issues in Attendance Accounting and Reporting, Elias Regalado

  12. S.B. 361 – New Funding System • Implementation continued: • Noncredit Certificate Applications were due Feb. 28, • 2007 for purposes of the 06-07 (Certificate of • (Completion and Certificate of Competency) • Necessary for enhanced funding allocation and S.B. 361 • reporting requirements • Certificate and Course data to be submitted annually to • Legislature and Department of Finance CACCRAO Annual Conference May 2007,Current Activities and Issues in Attendance Accounting and Reporting, Elias Regalado

  13. Title 5 Regulation Changes Decision to Review Chapter 6 regarding curriculum: • As part of the implementation of the Strategic Plan and • Prompts by several significant policy discussions that were underway in the fall 2006: • Assembly Bill 1943 – regulations for stand-alone course approval • Emergency regulations allowed for enhanced funding for certain noncredit courses

  14. 55151. CDCP- Enhanced Funding Eligibility A noncredit CDCP course will be eligible if : (a) The course is approved by the college curriculum committee, the district governing board and the Chancellor's Office and is either a short-tem vocational program or a sequence of courses in approved areas (basic skills, ESL, or workforce prep) (b) The program or sequence of courses is designed to result in either a noncredit certificate of completion or competency (c) Each program or sequence of courses must be submitted to and approved by the Chancellor. Pursuant to Education Code sections 84750.5 and 84760.5

  15. Types of Eligible Noncredit Courses A short-term vocational program with high employment potential Elementary and secondary basic skills Workforce preparation courses in basic skills of speaking, listening, reading, writing, mathematics, decision-making, problem-solving skills that are necessary to participate in job-specific technical training English as a second language and vocational English as a second language

  16. Noncredit Instruction

  17. Courses Must Be Designed to Result in One of Two Possible Noncredit Certificates Noncredit certificate of completion leading to improved employability or job opportunities, or Noncredit certificate of competency in a recognized career field articulated with degree-applicable coursework, completion of an associate degree or transfer to a baccalaureate institution

  18. High Employment Potential Employment Development Department (EDD) data on employment High demand occupations High growth occupations List of eligible occupations at: http://www.cccco.edu/SystemOffice/Divisions/AcademicAffairs/InstructionalProgramsandServicesUnit/Noncredit/ReferenceMaterials/tabid/532/Default.aspx

  19. New Rules ReinforceQuality Educational Practices All courses must be approved by local curriculum committee composed of faculty and others as agreed upon by the academic senate and the administration. (§55002). All courses must be approved by the district governing board (§55002). All courses must be approved by the Chancellor’s Office, with the exception of courses being added to an approved noncredit program providing for 288 hours or more of instruction.

  20. Accountability Design The Legislative Analyst and Department of Finance to agree to accountability design Must be a part AB 1417/ARCC Annual Report

  21. California Community Colleges Guidelines for Title 5 Regulations, Chapter 6, Part 2 Adopted by the California Community Colleges Board of Governors May, 2008 Effective June 16, 2008 Posted at: http://www.cccco.edu/OurAgency/AcademicAffairs/tabid/229/Default.aspx Guidelines CDCP Handout Available

  22. Career Development and College Preparation Noncredit Instruction - Enhanced Funding Enhance funding is available for noncredit programs that create opportunities for career development and college preparation through career-technical education (short-term vocational), educational development (basic skills, ESL and VESL) and workforce preparation. For noncredit courses to be eligible for enhanced funding they must be part of a sequence of courses that lead to either a certificate of completion or a certificate of competency with the intended result of improving student progress towards college or a career path.  (Title 5, Section 55151) http://www.cccco.edu System Office  Divisions  Noncredit

  23. Questions?

  24. Thank You! Contact Information: Esther Matthew 619 388-4901 ematthew@sdccd.edu

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