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There are a few things you need to consider when you embed streaming video on your website. These things include the format, speed, and progressive download. The steps to add the video are simple once you have considered these three important things.u0099<br>The format of your video is extremely important. This is because if you want people to be able to view your file then they will need to have a video player on their computer that works with the type of file you have on your website.<br>Currently, the best format to use for streaming video online is Flash. This is because people using PCs, Macs and L
Posting online video is a fairly simple process. Informative videos that will educate people about something new or a way to solve the problems work very well online. A video can be a real life recording of something you want to promote. For example if you are creating video on "better chess moves" you can show two player splaying the game with pawns moving and end the video with how the player with "that" move won the game. A video can also be a simple slide show of text that will educate the viewers about a process. It can be a 10 tips or 7 tips slide show with a call to action in the end. If you are good creating animation, it works very well too. There are many software applications available to convert the video into the kind of format that can be uploaded online. Where to upload the video, so that everyone can watch it? It entirely depends on what exactly you want to achieve from the online videos. If you have created the videos for the sole purpose of traffic generation, then you must post your videos online at several "video portals" such as Youtube.com, Google Video, Metacafe.com. These video portals receive millions of hits everyday. If you make the video with a call to action in the end, you will end up receiving thousands of visitors in a matter of hours. Another way is to post videos on your own website to educate the existing visitors about your product. This can be in the form of someone using the product in real life. This will increase the awareness of your product in your visitors. You can make the online video "viral" by allowing other people to use it on their website so that your product gets more exposure. This posting online videos has got many advantages and you can see amazing results in a few hours. Copyright Shrinivas Vaidya Anti-Virus: An anti-virus is crucial as it allows your computer to run smoothly without crashing and burning. In this sense it is the anti-virus software that allows all other software to perform. Downloading a virus checker then should be your first port of call upon getting a new computer and you should also ensure to update it regularly. McAfee is an effective option. Anti-Spyware: Spyware and adware are just as annoying as viruses and can cripple your PC's performance. Ad- Aware is a good option, though for Vista users there's one built in called 'Windows Defender'.
Firewall: A firewall prevents spyware, adware and viruses from attacking your computer in the first place making it possible the most important part of your three-point defense against malicious software. Again one comes free with Vista known as 'Windows Firewall'; for other users, ZoneAlarm is a great choice. Gimp: If you enjoy making and editing pictures then Gimp makes a great free alternative to Paint Shop and includes almost the exact same features. This makes it a fantastic piece of software for budding artists, students or web developers, but also has its uses for anyone who fancies playing around with their photos to erase those irritating blemishes or add funky backgrounds. Spotify: Spotify is one of the newest software fads to storm the internet and rightly so. Unlike other music players, Spotify enables you to search and stream songs directly from the internet with no need for downloads. This also means hundreds of songs available to listen to free and legally. Windows Messenger: Possibly the king of instant messaging and a great way to stay in touch with friends. Skype: Skype is another piece of software that offers great value for money, letting you speak to friends and colleagues across the globe free of charge. It's crucial for video conferencing and even allows you to call landlines at discounted rates. Who needs a phone? Acrobat Reader: E-books, instructions, newsletters and more all come as PDF files so you'll need Acrobat Reader to view them (you may also want to check out DoPDF which allows you to save your word documents as PDF files). Open Office: Open Office essentially provides you with Microsoft Office for free, allowing you to open and edit files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint and any other office format. Considering the significant price tag on Microsoft Office this is a more youtube converter than prudent download. Ask and Record Toolbar: This tool bar is one of the most useful programs you can download and serves a variety of functions. While it's annoying that it works as a toolbar rather than a standalone programs, its impressive array of easy-to-use features makes it one of the few that's more than worth it. The main function of this software is to record sound and videos as they're played from your computer. That means that if you see a video you like on YouTube you can then save it to your computer as a FLV file to watch at your leisure - or even just record the sound as an MP3 file. As though that wasn't enough however, this toolbar also acts as a file converter and can convert those FLVs and MP3s into almost any format you could want to use more easily and reliably than many programs designed specifically for that purpose. And best of all it's free!