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HPCC Review

HPCC Review. Part I: Immersadesk Part II: VRML. Immersive Collaborative Virtual Environment. A Next Generation Internet (NGI) Testbed. Meetings attended: Supercomputing ‘99 AMS 2000 PMEL Open House Several immersive worlds created. FOCI on the Immersadesk.

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HPCC Review

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  1. HPCC Review Part I: Immersadesk Part II: VRML

  2. Immersive Collaborative Virtual Environment A Next Generation Internet (NGI) Testbed • Meetings attended: • Supercomputing ‘99 • AMS 2000 • PMEL Open House • Several immersive • worlds created ...

  3. FOCI on the Immersadesk Fisheries-Oceanography: Sitka, AK Al Hermann SCRUM topography - blue salinity isosuface currents - white tracers - red

  4. Immersion works best “Scientific visualization, exploiting the brain’s natural pattern recognition ability, is the best means available for making sense of large, complex scientific datasets.” Animate

  5. Hydrothermal Vents demo Cave5d is Vis5d for the Cave/Immersadesk Bill Lavelle’s model output of a plume event

  6. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab GFDL - predictive model for hurricane Floyd September 9-17th, 1999 135 mph winds

  7. Tsunami Tsunami group Vasily Titov Quicktime movie and Immersadesk animation Movie

  8. Conclusions: Milestones passed Insert milestones passed here…

  9. On to next project

  10. Construction of Complex 3-D Worlds • Invited to: • NOAATech2000 • outstanding achievment award • SuperComputing ‘99 • Canadian Statistical Society Meeting • Other presentations: • AMS 1999 - Dallas • GOIN 1999 - Honolulu • AMS 2000 - Long Beach

  11. Using VRML - Leveraging from 1998 Building a single, complex VRML world in FY98 gave us coding experience. Creating Java/VTK tools for the creation of VRML objects allowed us to quickly make virtual reality demonstrations for several of the NOAA projects

  12. A First Lesson Bathymetry in Astoria Canyon offshore from the Columbia River outflow in Washington State, in 2D and 3D. High frequency spikes in the bathymetry data are obvious in the 3D plot (right) and are obscured in the 2D plot above. Calculations of bathymetry gradients to identify regions of internal tide generation would be impacted by these spikes in the bathymetry data. Data courtesy of Robert Kamphaus, NOAA Vents Program

  13. Building VRML Worlds - Java Tools Several Java tools using were designed to build the VRML worlds using VTK’s Java bindings: VTK is an open source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization. Worlds we created using these tools include ...

  14. VRML: TAO/GCCP Data from the TAO buoy array and ship-board CO2 measurements are visualized with a VRML-animator developed at PMEL Animate

  15. VRML:FOCI A Fisheries-Oceanography virtual world was made from data from Al Hermann’s SCRUM model output Click for VRML demo

  16. Global data sets • Several globel gridded data sets • were made into VRML visualizations: • ETOPO30 • SST • Climate data • VRML demo

  17. Stereographic Virtual Reality Stereo 3D, interactive virtual reality visualizations are not difficult for a scientist to create or to view, from the web or from the desktop, and the effect can be enhanced dramatically by including the capability of stereographic viewing. With a PC and a 99-cent pair of red/green sci-fi glasses, the spheres and vectors will pop out of the page in stereo, revealing the true 3D location of the fish, the steep slopes of the bathymetry, and the vertical motions near the submarine canyon. The images can be rotated, animated and zoomed. Fish larvae and velocity vectors in a submarine canyon, from a circulation model of Pribolof Canyon in the Bering Sea. Use red/green glasses to see images on the right in stereo. Stereo Courtesy of Al Hermann, NOAA/PMEL FOCI Project, under HPCC supported VRML project. Courtesy of Al Hermann, NOAA/PMEL FOCI Project, under HPCC supported VRML project.

  18. Conclusions: Milestones passed • Several Java-based VRML creation tools have been developed • “Cron” jobs use these tools to update worlds using latest data • Several professional meetings were attended, including three invited talks • Virtual worlds created from NOAA projects: • TAO • FOCI • VENTS

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