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Host: Tom Robinson, AYA-Math Chelan HS

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Host: Tom Robinson, AYA-Math Chelan HS

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome to the TMP/CSTP Webinar Discussion“Helping teachers improve student math performance”1. How can assessments be better integrated into everyday instruction?2. What tools do teachers use to understand which students need help, what they’re struggling with, and what kinds of interventions are necessary? Host: Tom Robinson, AYA-Math Chelan HS

  2. Start-up Tasks • Housekeeping & How-to’s • Microphones • Chat window • Hands, votes, etc. • Group Introductions (chat/voice) • Name, District/School, Subjects/Grade level, Experience • Individual or group? • Microphone Poll • Webinar Format • Open discussion • Share your experiences • Brainstorm solutions to common concerns

  3. Microphone Check • YES – I am using a microphone and I am able to talk during this session. • NO – I do not have access to a microphone, or I am limited to typing in the CHAT window for this session.

  4. Group Poll I am here because….. • I am struggling to figure out the assessment puzzle and am looking for some new ideas to implement. • I have had some success with assessment, am willing to share, but am also here to learn. • I’m just curious about assessment. • Someone told me I should attend. • I can’t think of anything better to do at 4:00 on a Thursday afternoon. Click the appropriate button on the top of your screen.

  5. 1st Key Findinghttp://www.cstp-wa.org/Navigational/Teacherleadership/Opportunity/2009/CSTP-Math-broc-final.pdf • Findings from CSTP study of high school math teachers in schools with either consistently strong scores or steady improvement on WASL over the previous 5 years. • Teachers tend to have the necessary content knowledge to teach math (83%) • Teacher are in assignments that are matched to their training (81%) • Teachers have either a major or minor in math (85%) • Teachers feel prepared to teach advanced math courses (65%) BUT • Only 46% use a variety of assessments to evaluate their students’ progress, and more than 50% never examine data or student work with other teachers.

  6. Discussion question #1 • What does assessment look like in your classroom? • Daily vs. End-of-unit • Formative vs. Cumulative • Traditional vs. ‘Authentic’ • Multiple Intelligences?

  7. Beyond Chapter Tests - Poll • Do you give Chapter Tests? YES / NO Click the appropriate button at the top of the screen.

  8. More on Tests - Poll • When you give chapter or end-of-unit tests, do you • Make your own • Use a test generator • Use prepared tests • Other Click the appropriate button at the top of the screen.

  9. Key Findings #2 • Teachers with less than 5 years of experience feel less prepared to: • Teach advanced math • Prepare students for state assessments • Use a variety of instructional approaches • Use a variety of assessments Question – which of these skills (or other) is the hardest for a younger teacher to develop?

  10. Alternate Assessments • Beyond written, paper/pencil tests, what sorts of assessments do you use to evaluate student work?

  11. One step below… • Group checks (assessing the class as a whole) • Individual assessment • Non-content-based assessent • How do you assess the non-math issues? • Time-management • Organization • Drive/desire to succeed • Attention to detail

  12. Assessment/feedbackinto instruction • National Board standards link assessment/feedback to changes in instruction. Question: How do you integrate assessment/feedback into your instruction?

  13. Daily assessment • How can we assess every student every day and use those assessments to guide our instruction?

  14. Key Findings #3 • What works for teachers in high-performing or improving schools: • A strong sense of professional community • Working together to select content and sequence to be taught • Regularly-scheduled collaboration For the group : What do YOU have that works? How does administrative support impact your success?

  15. Wrap Up • What thoughts, questions, issues have come up during this session? • Can we turn any of these into a follow up session? • For further contact or follow up: robinsont@chelanschools.org

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