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Preparedness for the detection of emerging-and re-emerging pathogens in Croatia

Preparedness for the detection of emerging-and re-emerging pathogens in Croatia. Alemka Markotić, MD, PhD Associate professor University Hospital for Infectious Diseases Department for Research Department for Cinical Immunology Zagreb Croatia. History.

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Preparedness for the detection of emerging-and re-emerging pathogens in Croatia

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  1. Preparedness for the detection of emerging-and re-emerging pathogens in Croatia Alemka Markotić, MD, PhD Associate professor University Hospital for Infectious Diseases Department for Research Department for Cinical Immunology Zagreb Croatia

  2. History The University Hospital for Infectious Diseases was founded in the spring of 1893, under the name of the City Hospital for Contagious Diseases

  3. Central Diagnostic Laboratory

  4. BSL-3

  5. Hantaviruses

  6. POZITIVAN GRANIČAN NEGATIVAN Serology – acute case detection and sero-survey • Puumala and Dobrava viruses • ELISA (IgM, IgG – reagents provided by CDC) • POC Markotić et al. Nature Med 1995 Markotić et al. Nature Med 1996 Markotić et al. J Med Virol 2002 Markotić et al Scand Infect Dis 2002 Miletić Medved M et al. Lancet 2002 Markotić et al. Croat Med J 2002 BSL2

  7. Molecular detection – human and rodents samples BSL2 Markotić et al. J Med Virol 2002 Cvetko et al. J Med Virol 2005 Cvetko et al. Am J Trop Med Hyg 2006 Plyusnina A et al. J Med Virol 2011 Tadin A et al. VBZD (under review) Puumala, Dobrava, Tula, Saarema viruses

  8. Culture based techniques Vero Vero E6 MRC-5 293-HEK THP-1 Prim. monocytes BSL3 Markotić A et al. J Gen Virol 2003 Markotić A et al. Coll Antropol 2007

  9. Merdić E. et al., Infektološki glasnik (Croatian Journal of Infection) 2008; 1: 17-21. Out of 50 mosquito species recorded in Croatia, 15 have potential medical significance. Anopheles atroparvus, An. plumbeus, An. sacharovi, Culex pipiens, and Aedes albopictus are among the most significant species that are potential vectors in Croatia. Climatic changes play an important role in changing the condition of habitats, making it possible for new species to enter certain areas. The tiger mosquito was recorded in Croatia in 2004, and it can now be found in Istria, and more increasingly in Zadar, Šibenik, Split and Dubrovnik, with new sites found on the islands of Cres and Lošinj, which are very attractive tourist destinations.

  10. Dengue virus 1-4 (human samples, mosquitos) Pozitivna kontrola Pacijentica 2 Pacijentica 1 Marker 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 tipDENV • Combined Ag/Ab POC test • OneStep RT-PCR • Nested PCR • Sequencing • Virus isolation BSL2

  11. Tick-borne encephalitis (human samples, ticks) BSL2 • ELISA • PCR • Sequencing • Virus isolation (in the pipeline) • PCR • ELISA (temporary) BSL3 West Nile Virus (human samples, mosquitos) BSL2

  12. Chikungunya virus (human samples, mosquitos) BSL2 • PCR • H1, H3, H1N1 2009 • POC • PCR • Sequencing Influenza A (human samples) BSL2

  13. In the pipeline – molecular dg • CCHF • Other hemorrhagic fevers • Poxvirus • Rickettsia • Virus isolation and immunopathogenesis research – ntl and intl research resources? BSL2 BSL3

  14. Greetings from Croatia and thank you for the attention ! alemka.markotic@gmail.com

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