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Visualizing Hurricanes

Explore the impact of hurricanes and storm surge through interactive visualizations and scientific models. Learn about the formation, structure, and dangers of hurricanes.

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Visualizing Hurricanes

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  1. Visualizing Hurricanes A multimedia lesson about hurricanes, storm surge, and scientific visualizations from models http://images.nationalgeographic.com

  2. Scientific Visualization http://design.osu.edu/carlson/history/images/small/ibm-dx-MRIhead.gif http://www.designworldonline.com/uploads/ImageGallery/2nascar.jpg

  3. Scientific Visualization • The representation of data in a graphical and interactive way as a method of gaining understanding and insight into the data http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~ddgarcia/optical/lensnet.html

  4. Hurricane Katrina Visualization http://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/flash-video?vid=katrina&title=Hurricane%20Katrina%20Model%20Forecast

  5. A lesson plan focused on visualizations… • Project for a NSF grant - NG Coastal Hazard Collaboratory • http://ngchc.org/

  6. REAL Visualization Tool Rapid Estimates of Approaching Landfall

  7. Hurricane Review http://tuscweather.net/content/content/images/hurricane_formation.jpg http://library.thinkquest.org/03oct/00758/en/disaster/hurricane/structure.jpg http://www.katrina.noaa.gov/images/katrina-08-28-2005.jpg

  8. Storm Surge: The real killer during Hurricanes http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/surge/images/surgebulge_COMET.jpg Storm Surge Animation http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/surge/animations/hurricane_stormsurge.swf

  9. Storm Surge + Wave Setup Elevation above Sea Level Wave Setup Storm Surge Sea Level Image: C. Riley Image: C. Riley Wave Setup: An increase in water elevation in addition to storm surge caused by the storm’s waves

  10. Wave Setup vs Wave Height http://cawcr.gov.au/bmrc/pubs/tcguide/ch4/ch4_figures/fig4_12.jpg

  11. Storm Surge + Wave Setup + Tide Wave Setup Elevation above Sea Level Storm Surge Normal High Tide Sea Level Image: C. Riley Image: C. Riley While tide is not included in storm surge heights, astronomical tides can drastically effect how areas of coastlines are effected during a hurricane. STORM TIDE is the combined height of the storm surge and tide height.

  12. Storm Surge vs. Inundation Wave Setup Inundation Storm Surge Elevation above Sea Level Normal High Tide Sea Level Image: C. Riley Image: C. Riley Storm surge: the increase in normal water elevation caused by the storm' s winds and pressure Inundation: the depth of water over what normally would be dry land, including tides, surge and wave setup

  13. Inundation Math Total Possible Inundation = (Tide Level + Storm Surge + Wave Setup) – Elevation Wave Setup Inundation Elevation Storm Surge Tide Level Sea Level Image: C. Riley

  14. Inundation Math: High Tide Total Possible Inundation = (Tide Level + Storm Surge + Wave Setup) – Elevation Wave Setup = 6ft Inundation 10ft Elevation = 12 ft Storm Surge = 14 ft High Tide = +2 ft Sea Level Image: C. Riley Total Possible Inundation for the House = (+2ft + 14ft + 6ft) – 12ft

  15. Inundation Math: Low Tide Total Possible Inundation = (Tide Level + Storm Surge + Wave Setup) – Elevation 6 ft Wave Setup = 6ft Inundation Elevation = 12 ft Storm Surge = 14 ft Low Tide = -2 ft Sea Level Image: C. Riley Total Possible Inundation for the House = (-2ft + 14ft + 6ft) – 12ft

  16. Inundation Math Total Possible Inundation = (Tide Level + Storm Surge + Wave Setup) – Elevation Wave Setup = 2ft 2 ft Elevation = 12 ft Storm Surge = 14 ft Low Tide = -2 ft Sea Level Image: C. Riley Total Possible Inundation for the House = (-2ft + 14ft + 2ft) – 12ft

  17. REAL Visualization ToolRapid Estimates of Approaching Landfall

  18. Google Earth is our FRIEND! Compass Click to shift your view of the map (or click and drag) Click for street view Storm Surge Depth Key Zoom Bar (or you can double click a location) Layers: (Different things the map can show you) To turn on/off a layer, click on the box to the left of its name.

  19. Visualizing Hurricanes: The Lesson Plan stormsurge.disl.org

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