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Chapter 5 Review

Chapter 5 Review. Criminal Laws. W illful and illegal burning of buildings? Extortion or Arson. Improperly obtaining money or other things of value through force or fear Bribery or perjury. Wrongful taking of another's property by threat of force or violence robbery or burglary.

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Chapter 5 Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 5 Review Criminal Laws

  2. Willful and illegal burning of buildings? Extortion or Arson

  3. Improperly obtaining money or other things of value through force or fear Bribery or perjury

  4. Wrongful taking of another's property by threat of force or violence robbery or burglary

  5. Parker and T.J. are planning to do something harmful to another students car white collar crime or conspiracy

  6. Punishable offense against society criminal or civil

  7. Taking another's property or money by a person to who it has been entrusted embezzlement or vicarious liability

  8. Blackmail is another word for? infraction, extortion, arson

  9. Jon has been found guilty of larceny. He is being sentenced to county jail for 6 months. Is this considered a… misdemeanor or felony

  10. Justin needed money! He found his mom’s checkbook, filled out a check for $300.00, went to the back and cashed it. What crime did Justin commit? bribery or forgery

  11. Sammy committed a crime that does not entitle her to a jury. Her case will be held with just the judge. Her crime would be considered a…... misdemeanor or infraction

  12. Lauren realized that the bike company she worked for had defective wheels. She told her boss, Tyler; however, Tyler told her to ignore it and continue making the bikes. Jimmy bought a bike and while riding it the front wheel fell off. Jimmy broke both his legs and arms. What crime has the company committed? false pretenses or vicarious criminal liability

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