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EXPORT OF TABLE GRAPES TO CHINA BY KHOMOTSO MASHALA. PRODUCTS. Table grapes- Vitis vinifera Comply with phytosanitary requirements and regulation of China - GAPs Free from quarantine pest of concern for China. Quarantine pests. Ceratitis capitata Ceratitis rosa Aleurocanthus woglumi

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  2. PRODUCTS Table grapes- Vitis vinifera • Comply with phytosanitary requirements and regulation of China - GAPs • Free from quarantine pest of concern for China

  3. Quarantine pests Ceratitis capitata Ceratitis rosa Aleurocanthus woglumi Eutypa lata Frankliniella occidentalis Hemiberlesia rapax Planococcus ficus Raglius apicalis Grapevine Virus A

  4. Registration - DoA • Place of production (PUC) - vineyards • Packinghouses (PHC) • Storage facilities (at sea ports) • Cold treatment facilities NB: ALL THIS FACILITIES SHALL BE APPROVED BY DoA & AQSIQ

  5. Registered orchards • DoA shall undertake monitoring of effective IPM programs, GAPs and other measures • Producer to apply GAPs and maintain records • SATI will ensure implementation • DoA to provide those procedures and monitoring results to AQSIQ

  6. Requirements • Packing, storage & shipment of fruit will be strictly supervised by DoA • Before packing, table grapes must be manually selected, sorted and processed to insure free from insects, mites, rotten fruit, leaves, twigs & soil • Must be separately packed & stored from other fruit not to China- line for China

  7. Packaging • Fruit must be packed in new and clean packing materials • The following Chinese word must be clearly displayed on the business side of each box (carton):

  8. PACKAGING • The following words in English on the business side of each box (carton): • Place of production (PUC) • Name or registered number of vineyard, • Packing house (PHC) and • Storage facility • Durban-MFT-D or FPT-D • Cape Town - FPT-C

  9. Sampling Procedure • 2 % sample • If quarantine pest of concern is found, • Consignment will not be exported to China • DoA will issue Phytosanitary certificate for each consignment that meets all requirements

  10. Additional declaration “The consignment is in compliance with requirements described in the Protocol of Phytosanitary Requirements for the Export of Table Grapes from South Africa to China signed on 06 February 2007and is free from the quarantine pests of concern to China” • The cold treatment temperature and starting date will form part of phyto certificate

  11. Cold treatment • Grapes fruit must be treated by cold treatment to control fruit flies In transit cold treatment : • Conducted in PPECB registered containers with the pulp temperature of -0.5 °C or below for not less than 22 days • Pre-cooling storage at -0.6 °C for 72 hours • If the temp. exceeds -0.3°C on any day or part of a day, the treatment will be extended by 8 hours for each day or part of a day. • If the temp. exceeds 0°C at any time, the treatment will be nullified and restarted again from the beginning. • Loading in the port • Packed fruit must be loaded into the shipping containers under quarantine (DoA) officer supervision

  12. Ports of entry 1. Dalian 2. Tianjin 3. Beijing 4. Shanghai 5. Qingdao 6. Nanjing 7. Guangzhou 8. Shenzhen • At the port of entry, AQSIQ will: • Examine relevant certificates, labels, & records of cold treatments • Conduct quarantine inspection

  13. Participation Termination • If fruits from unapproved vineyards, packinghouses, storage or cold treatment facilities are found, • The consignment will not be allowed entry • If live species of Ceratitis capitata or Ceratitis rosa is found on arrival, • Consignment will be returned or destroyed • Importation of table grapes from South Africa will be suspended

  14. Participation Termination • If any other quarantine pests (annex 1 of the protocol) are found: • Consignment will be treated, returned or destroyed • Importation of table grapes from the relevant packinghouse and vineyards will be suspended • If any other quarantine pests are found: • Fruit will be treated in accordance with the AQSIQ laws. • One rejection at the point of entry-PUC will be allowed to export for the whole season • 2 rejection-PUC will be withdrawn for the whole season

  15. Program Initiation • Prior to program initiation: • AQSIQ will dispatch officials for monitoring • Pest, system of quarantine management practices & phytosanitary condition of the PUC, PHC & storage facilities - DONE • DoA to submit a list of vineyards and packhouses registered with approved codes before initiation of the programme – DONE • 327 PUC were registered and approved by both DoA and AQSIQ • For 2007/2008 season, only 327 PUC will export

  16. ADDITIONAL LIST OF PUC • In future, the changed list will be provided to AQSIQ by DoA • The export will then continued only if AQSIQ accepted the changed list • The initiative of the programme will be approved by AQSIQ • Based on official documents & technical information from DoA • Chinese inspectors ‘inspection results

  17. RISK ANALYSIS • During the process of trade, AQSIQ will develop a risk analysis based on the situation of pest occurrence and interception • The list of quarantine pests and the relevant quarantine measures may be adjusted in a timely way – DoA/AQSIQ consultation • DoA and AQSIQ will conduct timely reviews and evaluate the protocol to ensure effective implementation of risk management measures and performance • Any dispute arising from the implementation of the protocol will be settled through negotiations between AQSIQ and DoA

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