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Software Quality Management

Software Quality Management. Software Quality Management Processes V & V of Critical Software & Systems Ian Hirst. Agenda. review risk based V & V software & systems criticality criticality analysis & risk assessment (CARA) method impact & risk driver categories & values CARA steps

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Software Quality Management

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  1. Software Quality Management Software Quality Management Processes V & V of Critical Software & Systems Ian Hirst LECTURE 11-2005

  2. Agenda • review • risk based V & V • software & systems criticality • criticality analysis & risk assessment (CARA) method • impact & risk driver categories & values • CARA steps • CARA implementation recommendations • CARA benefits LECTURE 11-2005

  3. Review • many software projects fail to meet objectives • lack of objective quality evidence is common • a complex solution requires significant test planning and management effort and a complex set of testing activities • complete testing is usually not possible • testing should be focused on assisting with evaluation of the success of the project and the ‘quality’ of the delivered solution…. LECTURE 11-2005

  4. Risk based V & V • Risk = probability of occurrence x impact • V & V is primarily a risk management activity • risks can be associated with both product & processes • high impact elements are critical elements • V & V is aimed at reducing or eliminating uncertainty by the provision of evidence of the capability & quality of software & systems • V & V on all software is not necessary or financially feasible • risk based V & V is a targeted activity…. LECTURE 11-2005

  5. Software & systems criticality • Criticality is a measure of the impact of errors on: • system performance and operations • safety / security • cost & schedule • Risk is a measure of the likelihood of errors based on: • complexity • maturity of technology • requirements definition & stability • testability • developer experience…. LECTURE 11-2005

  6. The Criticality Analysis & Risk Assessment (CARA) method • CARA is a formalised methodology which evolved from a US Air Force V & V initiative. • CARA provides a systematic procedure for rank ordering development program elements with respect to well defined scoring factors associated with criticality & risks drivers • CARA is a means for evaluating the risk exposure for software or systems and sizing the V & V effort • CARA has been applied to space systems including : • space shuttle software and critical mission support software • space station flight software…. LECTURE 11-2005

  7. The criticality & risk driver categories & values • error impact categories & values • Catastrophic (4) • Critical (3) • Marginal (2) • Negligible (1) • risk driver categories & values • Complexity (high=3, moderate=2, low =1) • Maturity of technology (high=3, moderate=2, low =1) • Requirements definition & stability (high=3, moderate=2, low=1) • Testability (high=3, moderate=2, low=1)…. refer tables 14.3 & 14.4 LECTURE 11-2005

  8. The criticality categories & values LECTURE 11-2005

  9. The risk driver categories & values LECTURE 11-2005

  10. CARA steps • Step 1: Identify software functions • Step 2: Establish the evaluation team • Step 3: Develop the CARA evaluation criteria • Step 4: Perform criticality analysis & risk assessment • Step 5: Set V&V analysis level (VAL) thresholds • Step 6: Estimate software size • Step 7: Generate V&V effort estimates • Step 8: Evaluate effort estimate results • Step 9: Revise V&V scope…. LECTURE 11-2005

  11. Step 1: Identify software functions • Collect systems information (from CONOPS,specs, business cases) • Identify the required software capabilities (functions and performance) • Build a scoring matrix • A solution decomposition/ PBS based structure is useful • Values may be assigned at any appropriate level of abstraction (requirements, requirements groups, components, sub systems, etc) • Identify related systems domains / areas of specialisation…. LECTURE 11-2005

  12. Step 2: Establish the evaluation team • Engage system domain experts • Engage development process experts • Establish management team & processes…. LECTURE 11-2005

  13. Step 3: Develop the CARA evaluation criteria • Collect evaluation criteria from similar domains • Develop an understanding of the mission the system is to perform • Tailor criticality evaluation criteria in terms of what is catastrophic, critical, or of moderate impact to users, customers, and acquirers of the system • Tailor risk evaluation criteria ( by inclusion of additional drivers) • Identify criticality area or risk driver weightings, if necessary • Review criteria with the customer…. LECTURE 11-2005

  14. Step 4: Perform criticality analysis & risk assessment • Perform criticality analysis • consider the systems components, their interactions, failure modes & effects, and concepts of operations • rate the functions according to criteria and scoring rationale • Perform risk analysis • review software & system development, test and verification plans • review development methods, testing approach, reuse plans, organisational interfaces, integration requirements, risks & risk mitigation techniques • rate the functions according to criteria and scoring rationale • Calculate CARA scores (n = Criticality[xW] x Risk[xW]) • Rank elements in score order…. LECTURE 11-2005

  15. Step 5: Set V&V analysis level (VAL) thresholds • Functions with higher CARA scores receive higher VALs • Example VAL thresholds: CARA scoreVAL 1<CARA<2 None 2<CARA<5 Limited 5<CARA<8 Focused 8<CARA<12 Comprehensive e.g. 1: Safety impact of 4, complexity risk of 3, n = 12 (unweighted) e.g. 2: Cost impact of 1, maturity risk of 2, n = 2 (unweighted)…. LECTURE 11-2005

  16. Step 6: Estimate software size • This step can be performed anytime before step 7 • The size measurement is the V & V workload: V&V work = f (no. of requirements, external interfaces, output products) • An alternative size measure is the developer software size estimate (e.g. SLOC) LECTURE 11-2005

  17. Step 7: Generate V & V effort estimates (including an independent V & V effort estimate) • Apply V&V productivity factors to size estimates (these may vary according to VALs, software complexity & size, development methods, development types (initial production, block update), domains, developer maturity and experience, V&V agent experience) • Apply program project management (schedule and effort estimation) standards & conventions …. LECTURE 11-2005

  18. Step 8: Evaluate effort estimate results • Review the results with the customer • If the prescribed VALs for the software functions and associated costs are acceptable, generate the critical functions list (this defines the V&V scope and priorities) …. LECTURE 11-2005

  19. Step 9: Revise V&V scope • If the results are not acceptable, use the independent V&V estimate to re-scope the effort • VAL threshold adjustments may be used to aid breadth v. depth tradeoffs • VAL selective exceptions/adjustments may be used e.g. for safety critical functions with a score of 3 or more - apply focused V&V (instead of limited) .... LECTURE 11-2005

  20. CARA implementation recommendations • CARA scoring must be done by domain experts • CARA scoring must be done in a peer review environment • Project management should participate in scoring activities • CARA training should be done with all personnel • Automation tools are necessary for large projects • Capturing the scoring rationale is important • CARA should be repeated at least once every major development milestone…. LECTURE 11-2005

  21. CARA benefits • The results can be used to support V&V planning & management : • assessment of overall and relative risks • allocation of fixed resources across a set of V&V objectives and tasks • assessment of the need for future V&V resources • establishing V&V importance levels / focus points/ priorities • prioritisation of items for work sequencing • CARA establishes a structured approach to V&V which increased customer visibility into risk, risk mitigation and V&V activities…. LECTURE 11-2005

  22. Review • V & V is primarily a risk management activity • V & V on all software is not necessary or financially feasible • Risk based V & V is a targeted activity • The criticality analysis & risk assessment (CARA) method may be used to analyse, plan and justify a structured risk based V & V program LECTURE 11-2005

  23. References • Sommerville edition 7: • chapter 20: Critical Systems Development • chapter 24: Critical Systems Validation • handout: Determining the Required Level of IV&V Program [Boughton] • Marvin V. Zelkowitz and Iona Rus,Understanding IV & V in a safety critical and complex evolutionary environment: the NASA space shuttle program, ICSE 23 (23rd International Conference on Software Engineering) p 349-357, 2001, IEEE Computer Society LECTURE 11-2005

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