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REvitalizing networks and New Emphasis in Transfer:

REvitalizing networks and New Emphasis in Transfer: preventing and facing early school leaving by sharing solutions and tools. 1st Transnational Workshop Rome, 18 th -19 th March 2010. WORKPROGRAMME APPROVED. PROJECT TIMING. The Project starting date is the 01/10/2009

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REvitalizing networks and New Emphasis in Transfer:

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  1. REvitalizing networks and New Emphasis in Transfer: preventing and facing early school leaving by sharing solutions and tools 1st Transnational Workshop Rome, 18th -19th March 2010 WORKPROGRAMME APPROVED

  2. PROJECT TIMING The Project starting date is the 01/10/2009 The Project closing date is the 30/09/2011

  3. RENET focuses on educational interventions implying the creation of teaching and transferring environments and contexts fostering actions different and integrative with respect to the scholastic and “traditional” ones (as counselling for example), since they represent the best strategies when coping with YOUNG unease, apt to support the reintegration of subjects dropped out of compulsory education and training. However, these actions, in general are fragmentary and not sufficiently valorised and divulged. Their main characteristic is to be developed within complex relational contexts, involving different actors and promoting territorial and local networks. The aim of RENET project is to valorise the existing networks linking subjects that share the objective of coping with the school abandon phenomenon, providing them with tools and procedures that proved to be efficient and innovative. In particular, within the “Resource Centres Network” (140 Schools on 6 different Regions), activated and implemented during 2000-2006 (ESF), are traceable experiences and practices facing the problem of school abandon and failure, and nevertheless there is still a lack of visibility and, consequently, problems of transfer and exploitation of solutions, linger on.

  4. RENET answers to this evident difficulty, following two main lines: to verify the training needs of the Schools, related to competences of network building and maintaining and, so, to provide them with didactic tools and devices aimed at transferring the specific “missing” competences; to transfer to Schools a tool functional to collect, record, manage, organise and disseminate knowledge and information related to current practices and experiences, stressing the related potential copy strategy. From a technological point of view, the solution has been identified in a Vertical Thematic Portal, following a Model already tested within a LdV pilot project, transferable and adaptable with reduced costs and timings.


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