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ePSI plus the catalyst to exploiting PSI within Europe

ePSI plus the catalyst to exploiting PSI within Europe. Chris Corbin ePSI plus Analyst Reykjavik , Iceland, 5.09.07. funded by e Content Plus. Presentation outline. Section 1 Introduction Section 2 Overview of Directive 2003/98/EC (EEA Decision No. 105/2005)

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ePSI plus the catalyst to exploiting PSI within Europe

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  1. ePSIplus the catalyst to exploitingPSI within Europe Chris Corbin ePSIplus Analyst Reykjavik, Iceland, 5.09.07 funded by eContentPlus

  2. Presentation outline • Section 1 Introduction • Section 2 Overview of Directive 2003/98/EC • (EEA Decision No. 105/2005) • Section 3 Overview of ePSIplus thematic network • Section 4 Summary • Iceland in the European perspective • Sq. kms. Population Countries • (millions) (millions) • Iceland 0.103 0.3 1 • EU27 4.325 490 27 • Europe 9.9 728 44 • World 135.8 5,847 200+ www.ePSIplus.net

  3. S1: Definition Public Sector Information re-use “the use by person or legal entities of documents (data, information) held by public sector bodies, for commercial or non commercial purposes other than the initial purpose within the public task for which the documents (data, information) were produced. Exchange of documents between public sector bodies purely in pursuit of their public tasks does not constitute re-use.” Source: PSI Directive 2003/98/EC Article 2.4 31.12.2003 Iceland Law 50/1996 as amended Article 24 www.ePSIplus.net

  4. Public Sector European Union Level 0 Level 1 Member State level Level 1 Member State level Level 2 Regional, Provincial level Level 2 Regional, Provincial level Level 3 Local level Level 3 Local level Private Value Added Information providers Sector(for example real time road data) Civil Citizens, Education, Research, Voluntary SocietyRepresentative organisations Consumers (Customers) S1: PSI re-use diagrammatic perspective Value Chain www.ePSIplus.net

  5. New PSI & Updates to existing PSI Current or existing Public Sector Information available for reuse PSI moved to the National Archives PSI Deleted Wow opportunities galore! S1: PSI data flows (internal) Iceland Law 50/1996 as amended Article 25 paragraph 3 bullet b may need qualifying www.ePSIplus.net

  6. S1: Data www.ePSIplus.net

  7. Total set of public sector data held by the public sector Public sector data produced as part of the public task S1: Public Sector Information There is no Data Access framework in place at the EU level. Within Members States the access to data and information is often based on the Freedom of Information laws where they exist. Held by over a million public organisations within the EU and used by over 50+ million public sector employees! • Legal basis: • Data Privacy (Directive 95/46/EC & 2002/77/EC - MS compliant 24.10.98) • Database protection (Directive 96/9/EC) • Access to environmental information (Directive 2003/4/EC - MS compliant 14.02.05) • Re-use of PSI (Directive 2003/98/EC - MS Compliant 1.07.05) • Intellectual Property Rights (Directive 2004/48/EC - MS compliant by 29.04.06) • Public procurement (Directive 2004/18/EC - MS Compliant 31.01.06) • INSPIRE (Directive 2007/2/EC - MS Compliant 15 May 2009) • EU Treaty • Article’s 81 & 82 • In the wings! • eGovernment (COM/2003/0406 & COM/2004/0219) Few laws but the application of them within the public sector is as diverse as the EU populations DNA, fingerprints or images of the iris of the eye! www.ePSIplus.net

  8. Directive 95/46/EC Article 4.2 Directive 2003/4/EC Privacy 24.10.98 FOI Environment 14.02.05 Article 2.5 Directive 2003/98/EC PSI Re-use 1.07.05 Article 2.1 Directive 2007/2/EC Article 13.3 INSPIRE 14.05.09 All Directives listed appertain: - to data either access too or use of; - to all parts of society S1: PSI Directive legal relationships Iceland Law 50/1996 as amended article 26 Issues to think about in Icelandic context - How are these Directives (Laws) regulated and by whom? - Is the regulation consistent and seamless? www.ePSIplus.net

  9. The PSI POT Legislation Culture: Public Servants & Organisation Locating it! IPR Ownership Data S1: Data - the funnel effect! Iceland Law 50/1996 as amended Article 25 Iceland Law 50/1996 as amended Article 27 paragraph 2 Iceland Law 50/1996 as amended Article 24, 4th paragraph bullet 2. Available for re-use www.ePSIplus.net

  10. Considering the re-use of PSI opportunity! Customers Y An IDEA! IDEA Viable? Produce Business Plan Viable? Y Build Launch & Sustain N N Time to Market • Time factors that will be considered: • Window of opportunity • Time to achieve return on investment • Period of profitability • Business testing & planning • Market analysis • Resource analysis • Risk analysis • Price analysis • Growth analysis • Sustainability analysis S1: Assessing a business opportunity www.ePSIplus.net

  11. PSI Sold PSI re-users (Value Chain) Customer PSI Free PSI not available S1: PSI Data flows www.ePSIplus.net

  12. Economic analysis: simplified model for re-use of PSI Commercial re-use sector Other Data Suppliers Data, Games, Navigation, databases, etc. PSI Producer Information Consumers Risk, Catchment, Design (architecture, civil engineering), etc Professional Services Customer Information services, travel planning, catalogues, tourism, etc. Content Providers Related areas that impact: eGovernment as public sector moves down stream,procurement, PPP S1: Value chain www.ePSIplus.net

  13. Simplified Value Chain Public Sector Trading Customer Data Collector Data packager Data Integrator PSI Data Collector Data packager Data Wholesaler Data Distributor Data Integrator Linguistic Services Data Locator Services Semantic Services Directory Services Financial Services S1: Value chain www.ePSIplus.net

  14. S1: The European Union 490 Million people Multi-lingual (23+ Languages) Multi-cultural 900,000+ public sector organisation’s (Employs 45+ million people) 25 million SME’s (Employs 75+ million people) Euro Zone (2007) www.ePSIplus.net

  15. S1: EU Lisbon Strategy At the Lisbon Summit of March 2000, the EU Heads of State and Government set a goal for the EU over the next decade to become: "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion.” (by March 2010!) www.ePSIplus.net

  16. Liberalisation of Services Liberalisation of Data Liberalisation of Telecommunications S1: EU Lisbon Strategycontinued Building the EU Information Society and Knowledge Economy Services Directive PSI www.ePSIplus.net

  17. Presentation - section 2 An overview of Directive 2003/98/EC

  18. Presentation - Section 2 Above available from URL: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/policy/psi/library/index_en.htm www.ePSIplus.net

  19. S2: Background & history • July 1988: European Council agree establishment of an information services market. • 1989: Guidelines published for improving the synergy between the public and private sectors in the information market. (Sets out 19 principles) • Jan 1999: Green paper on Public Sector Information: A key resource for Europe adopted by the EC. • Oct 2001: European Commission adopts a communication on the re-use and the commercial exploitation of PSI: Creating a EU Framework for the exploitation of PSI. • Jan 2002: European Commission publishes a consultation document: Towards a EU Framework for the exploitation of PSI. • Jun 2002: European Commission adopts draft Directive. • 31st Dec 2003: The PSI Directive came into force giving member states (25) 18 months to implement. (1st July 2005) www.ePSIplus.net

  20. S2: EU PSI Directive Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 on the re-use of public sector information. (Published in the Official Journal of the European Union L345 31.12.2003 (Pages 90 to 96)) The PSI Directive is a legal instrument (at the macro economic level) which has the objective of stimulating the internal market by introducing a general framework for the conditions governing the re-use of public sector documents. www.ePSIplus.net

  21. S2: Establishing the PSI framework Status as at 31st May 2007 Year MS Transposed 2003 15 10! 2004 25 10 2007 27 2 Total 27 22 EFTA 2007 4 1 Grand Total 31 23 www.ePSIplus.net

  22. S2: Establishing the PSI framework www.ePSIplus.net

  23. Presentation - section 3 An overview

  24. S3: ePSIplus - Purpose The thematic Network will: • Support the implementation of the European Directive on PSI re-use; • Facilitate the major opportunities for business to develop value added products and services based on PSI. The network will be active for 30 months from the 1st September 2006 through to 28th February 2009 (which covers the period leading up to the PSI Directive review in 2008 by the European Parliament.) Cover all Member (EU, EEA, EFTA) and candidate states Covers all PSI domains ePSIplus will focus on five major themes www.ePSIplus.net

  25. S3: ePSIplus - Major themes 1. Legal and regulatory progress and impact (including implementation of the Directive) 2. Public sector organisation and culture change (including compliance with the Directive) 3. Encouraging PSI re-use business 4. The financial impact of the Directive: pricing and charging (including impact on public sector costs and budget) 5. Information management, standards and data quality www.ePSIplus.net

  26. S3: ePSIplus - Meetings 1 Network kick off meeting held in Prague, 30/31 October 2006 15 Thematic cross-border meetings(3 per thematic area) • Legal & Regulation theme • Meeting 1, 16 February 2007, Hague, Netherlands (Report published) • Meeting 2, 10 - 11 September 2007, Paphos, Cyprus • Public Sector Organisation theme • Meeting 1, 11 April 2007, Prague, Czech Republic • Meeting 2, 8 October 2007, Bratislava, Slovak Republic • Encouraging PSI re-use business theme • Meeting 1, 31 August 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark • Meeting 2, 19 October 2007, Brussels, Belgium • Pricing impact theme • Meeting 1: 19 - 20 April 2007, Helsinki, Finland (Report published) • Meeting 2: 1 - 2 November 2007, London, UK • Meeting 3: June 2008, Rome, Italy • Standards theme • Meeting 1: 5 July 2007, London, UK (Report published) • Meeting 2: 26 - 27 November, Riga, Latvia All the materials from the meetings are available on the ePSIplus web site Red - means the meeting has taken place or is taking place www.ePSIplus.net

  27. S3: ePSIplus - Meetings 35 National and Federal level meetings • Cyprus 20 February 2007 (Report published) • France 14 June 2007 • Iceland 5 September 2007 • Netherlands 27 September 2007 • Finland 2 October 2007 • Ireland 25 October 2007 • UK 30 October 2007 • Slovenia 7 November 2007 • Germany 6 December 2007 • Belgium 11 December 2007 Final Conference (May 2008) All the materials from the meetings are available on the ePSIplus web site Red - means the meeting has taken place or is taking place www.ePSIplus.net

  28. S3: ePSIplus web site Home page Live: 27.09.06 Objective: To become the first port of call for information on PSI re-use Target 5000+ Registered PSI stakeholders www.ePSIplus.net

  29. S3: ePSIplus - Publications Quarterly Update (Newsletter) available on the ePSIplus web site www.ePSIplus.net

  30. S3 - Encouraging PSI re-use business www.ePSIplus.net

  31. S3: Summary Assess and report on the impact of the Re-use PSI Directive. Demonstrate (through the network) the improved understanding of re-use of PSI across Europe Report and propose recommendations for the PSI Directive Review. www.ePSIplus.net

  32. Presentation - section 4 Summary

  33. PSI Re-users PSI Public Sector PSIH’s Framework PSI Re-users S4: Summary CONFIDENCE FRAMEWORK FOR THE RE-USER COST EFFECTIVE FOR THE PUBLIC SECTOR Boosts the knowledge economy www.ePSIplus.net

  34. S4: Summary PSI Directive - the WIN WIN framework The key to success is to KEEP IT SIMPLE! www.ePSIplus.net

  35. S4: Summary • The PSI Directive framework was established to: • minimise the burden on the public sector of enabling the re-use of public sector information to occur without resources being diverted from the public task. (apart from the establishment resource costs) • provides confidence to the potential re-user in that it provides a balance between the public sector defacto monopoly and the micro and small enterprises. • is simple and easy so that it encourages micro and small enterprises to re-use PSI. • time is of the essence • allow innovation to occur www.ePSIplus.net

  36. S4: Summary • Implementation: • Very poor across Europe as a whole - little political or public sector commitment • Member States resource allocation low • Regulation across Europe as a whole is almost non existent • Where regulation exists decisions are not always enforced • The spirit of the PSI Directive is not evident - approach often one of denial or resistance - partly a cultural issue but also due to competition between public and private bodies with public using dominant position. • In some Member States public sector raising legal challenges over Authority of regulator • Member State competition authorities have been so far slow to react and take action • Member State Data Protection (Privacy) Information Commissioners decisions not harmonised. • Task of compliance left to the Re-user of PSI! • The value chain is complex and is not simply public sector upstream everyone else down stream. www.ePSIplus.net

  37. S4: Summary • Transposition: • Is taking a long time and harmonisation even longer • The purpose of the Directive has been misinterpreted in some Member • States (considered to be an access law rather than an economic framework) • Member State lead bodies often do not understand their responsibility • (they see their task as a narrow one of transposition and not more) www.ePSIplus.net

  38. S4: Summary • The ePSIplus thematic network • is devoted to the PSI vision and strategy • is people oriented! • provides a forum within which to share knowledge • acts as a catalyst to change • provides the only European PSI knowledge base currently in existence (via the web site) • - is for everyone involved in PSI irrespective of which sector the stakeholder operates within. SO PLEASE STAY INVOLVED with ePSIplus The key to success is to KEEP IT SIMPLE! www.ePSIplus.net

  39. S4: Summary • Is the EU PSI Directive and its transposition into Icelandic law? • Entrepreneurial positive • (it encourages innovation and entry into the market) • Entrepreneurial neutral • (neither encourages or encourages innovation and entry into the market) • Entrepreneurial negative • (it discourages innovation and entry into the market) www.ePSIplus.net

  40. Thank you for your attention Interested in PSI? Then why not visit: www.ePSIplus.net

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