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Building Community Through Shared Memories

Building Community Through Shared Memories. Verónica Olivares Zapata. scrapbooklady.net. “ Those who ignore history are bound to repeat it .” - George Santayana. birdnest.org. INTRODUCTION. Why did I start this project ? Modalities and Disciplines involved in the project -

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Building Community Through Shared Memories

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  1. Building Community Through Shared Memories Verónica Olivares Zapata scrapbooklady.net

  2. “Thosewho ignore history are boundtorepeatit.”- George Santayana birdnest.org

  3. INTRODUCTION Whydid I startthisproject? Modalities and Disciplines involved in theproject - SociologyPsychologyPedagogy creativitymachine.net

  4. PROBLEM As a newerschool in thecommunity,ittakes time tobuildaccomplishments. Thestudentshave a lack of belongingbecausethey are notaware of thebenefittheschool has broughtthemovertheyears. creativitymachine.net

  5. DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION creativitymachine.net

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  9. JUSTIFICATION creativitymachine.net In ordertoappreciatesomethingyoumustidentifyyourselfwithit, and so youmustknow more aboutit. Theschool’s 20th anniversarycelebrationis a perfect time tocreate new connections and traditionsfortheschool and thecommunity.

  10. GENERAL OBJECTIVE Promote a sense of community at GI Schoolwiththe use of documentarymaterials in ordertobuild a strongeridentity. creativitymachine.net

  11. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Create a documentarythat shows thehistory of GI Schoolfromitsbeginnings in orderto show theadvancesmade in thepasttwentyyears Investigatethrough interviews thelives of theschool’sgraduates Searchtheroots of theschool and itshistory - people, places, ideals and so forth creativitymachine.net

  12. HYPOTHESIS Thecreation of a memoircollection at GI Schoolwillhave a significativeinfluenceontheperceptionthatthemembers of thecommunity and studentshave of theschool, thusgenerating a greatersense of community. creativitymachine.net

  13. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK creativitymachine.net

  14. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ANOMY: thelack of rules of an individual. Anomyisthe contrary of community. COLLECTIVE CONSCIENCE moral collectiveconsciencethatcontainsthreeelements - duty, commitment and personal responsibilitytowardsthecommunity GEMEINSCHAFTcommunity GESELLSHAFTsociety ESSENCIAL WILL thebasicwilltocreate a social structure of a community (gemeinschaft) RATIONAL WILLsecondarywillwherethereisanexternalinteresttocreateassociation (gesellschaft) creativitymachine.net


  16. FIELD WORK creativitymachine.net

  17. METHODOLOGY Surveysbefore and aftertheapplication of theproject Interviewstogetinformationaboutthecurrentperspective and materialsforthedocumentary Observations in specificsituationwherethecommunityshowed response toseveralevents creativitymachine.net

  18. OBSERVATIONS creativitymachine.net

  19. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Documentary and writtenhistory Picture Time Capsule Sense of Community – Process In Time creativitymachine.net

  20. TIME CAPSULE PICTURES creativitymachine.net

  21. RESULTS creativitymachine.net

  22. Your Memories at GI School creativitymachine.net

  23. Favorite Thing About GI School creativitymachine.net

  24. RESULTS creativitymachine.net

  25. RESULTS creativitymachine.net

  26. RESULTS creativitymachine.net

  27. RESULTS creativitymachine.net

  28. RESULTS creativitymachine.net

  29. CONCLUSIONS Alltheobjectiveswereaccomplished Thehypothesiswasvalidated Thereisstill a lotto do in orderfortheschooltohave a greatersense of community, (a processthattakes time) creativitymachine.net

  30. PROJECTIONS Over the next ten years, the collection ofmaterials and incorporation of school spirit in thecommunity and school should continue to be developed. The time capsule will be opened in ten years. People who wrote letters will open them and on the back of the letter, they should write a description of what has changed. The investigation then will be about the impact of the project on the sense of community and on the improvements in the sense of belonging to the school in the past ten years and continue into the future. creativitymachine.net

  31. RECOMMENDATIONS The area of Community Outreach (Proyeccion a la Comunidad) Should have some type of control through surveys. The idea with these surveys is to know how the perception of the students and the community changes over time. Due to the fact that the sense of community is a process in time, there are lots of rituals that should be kept, as well as many other aspects. (Events, mutual respect, etc.) creativitymachine.net

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