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Quantum Circuit Decomposition

Quantum Circuit Decomposition. from unitary matrices into elementary gates. Prologue. In classical logic synthesis, one may trivially decompose any boolean function into an OR of ANDs (sum of products) Local optimizations may then be applied to shrink the resulting circuit

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Quantum Circuit Decomposition

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  1. Quantum Circuit Decomposition from unitary matrices into elementary gates

  2. Prologue • In classical logic synthesis, one may trivially decompose any boolean function into an OR of ANDs (sum of products) • Local optimizations may then be applied to shrink the resulting circuit • Can the same be done in the quantum case?

  3. Objectives • Introduce the “controlled-U” gate • Exhibit a decomposition of a controlled-U into CNOT gates and 1-qubit rotation gates • Introduce the QR-decomposition • Use QR to decompose a unitary matrix into controlled-U gates • Conclude that any operator can be built of CNOT gates and 1-qubit rotations

  4. References • The A. Barenko et. Al. paper, and how to write a controlled-U gate in elementary gates • U(2) and SU(2) matrices • Controlled-U gates • The Cybenko paper, and how to write an arbitrary unitary matrix in elementary gates • QR decomposition • Making it a circuit

  5. Objectives • Introduce the “controlled-U” gate • Exhibit a decomposition of a controlled-U into CNOT gates and 1-qubit rotation gates • Introduce the QR-decomposition • Use QR to decompose a unitary matrix into controlled-U gates • Conclude that any operator can be built of CNOT gates and 1-qubit rotations

  6. The “controlled-U” • The block-matrix form of a “controlled-U” gate • These can be decomposed into • CNOT gates • 1-qubit rotations

  7. Objectives • Introduce the “controlled-U” gate • Exhibit a decomposition of a controlled-U into CNOT gates and 1-qubit rotation gates • Introduce the QR-decomposition • Use QR to decompose a unitary matrix into controlled-U gates • Conclude that any operator can be built of CNOT gates and 1-qubit rotations

  8. One Qubit Rotations • Let U be a SU(2) matrix. U must take the form • Where

  9. One Qubit Rotations • Define • So that

  10. Some Quick Facts • R takes sums to products (R=Rz or Ry) • R(0)=I. So: • Finally,

  11. Circuit Decompositions • The A. Barenko et. Al. paper, and how to write a controlled-U gate in elementary gates • U(2) and SU(2) matrices • Controlled-U gates • The Cybenko paper, and how to write an arbitrary unitary matrix in elementary gates • QR decomposition • Making it a circuit

  12. U A B C Controlled-U Gates • Consider the “controlled-U” gate • Claim: this circuit is equivalent

  13. A B C Controlled-U Gates • Check this circuit on basis states • One observes

  14. A B C Controlled-U Gates • Check this circuit on basis states • One observes

  15. A B C Controlled-U Gates • Check this circuit on basis states • One observes

  16. A B C Controlled-U Gates • Check this circuit on basis states • One observes

  17. A B C Controlled-U Gates • Check this circuit on basis states • One observes • And similarly,

  18. A B C Controlled-U Gates • Check this circuit on basis states • One observes • And similarly,

  19. A B C Controlled-U Gates • Check this circuit on basis states • One observes • And similarly,

  20. A B C Controlled-U Gates • Check this circuit on basis states • One observes • And similarly,

  21. A B C Controlled-U Gates • Check this circuit on basis states • One observes • And similarly,

  22. A B C Controlled-U Gates • Check this circuit on basis states • By linearity, this circuit performs “controlled-U”

  23. D U’ D A B C U Controlled-U Gates • If U’ is in U(2) (as opposed to SU(2)), • write U’=d U, where d2=det U’, U in SU(2) • Then = =

  24. = V V* V U Higher Order Controlled-U Gates • Recall (from two weeks ago) • Where V is a square root of U. • This generalizes straight-forwardly to higher numbers of qubits

  25. Objectives • Introduce the “controlled-U” gate • Exhibit a decomposition of a controlled-U into CNOT gates and 1-qubit rotation gates • Introduce the QR-decomposition • Use QR to decompose a unitary matrix into controlled-U gates • Conclude that any operator can be built of CNOT gates and 1-qubit rotations

  26. QR-Decomposition • Given a vector (a,b), this SU(2) matrix kills the second coordinate

  27. QR-Decomposition • The vector (a,b) might be sitting inside a matrix: • Think of this as a rotation of the plane in which the 3rd and 4th coordinates live • Note that this matrix is unitary

  28. Making it a Circuit • The matrix used to kill coordinates in the bottom row looks like • This is a (higher order) controlled-U gate!

  29. QR-Decomposition • One may iterate this process

  30. QR-Decomposition • One may iterate this process

  31. QR-Decomposition • One may iterate this process

  32. QR-Decomposition • One may iterate this process

  33. QR-Decomposition • One may iterate this process

  34. QR-Decomposition • One may iterate this process

  35. QR-Decomposition • This yields the formula • Where X was the original matrix, the Ui are planar rotations, and R is upper triangular with nonnegative real entries on the diagonal

  36. QR-Decomposition • Inverting the Q,

  37. QR-Decomposition • If X is unitary, then R is the product of unitary matrices and hence unitary. • A triangular unitary matrix must be diagonal • A diagonal unitary matrix with nonnegative real entries must be the identity

  38. Objectives • Introduce the “controlled-U” gate • Exhibit a decomposition of a controlled-U into CNOT gates and 1-qubit rotation gates • Introduce the QR-decomposition • Use QR to decompose a unitary matrix into controlled-U gates • Conclude that any operator can be built of CNOT gates and 1-qubit rotations

  39. Making it a Circuit • The matrix used to kill coordinates in the bottom row looks like • This is a (higher order) controlled-U gate!

  40. Making it a Circuit • Need to make other planar rotations controlled-U gates • For some j, given an operator Pj • PjUPj-1 is a rotation in the j,j+1 plane. (where U is a rotation in the n-2,n-1 plane)

  41. Making it a Circuit • Built the operator out of NOT and CNOT gates • How to do it for the case of 4 qubits, j=5

  42. 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 Making it a Circuit • Built the operator out of NOT and CNOT gates • How to do it for the case of 4 qubits, j=5

  43. 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 Making it a Circuit • Built the operator out of NOT and CNOT gates • How to do it for the case of 4 qubits, j=5

  44. Making it a Circuit • The general case is not much harder • First, flip all bits that are 0 in both j,j+1 • Then, CNOT every remaining bit that is zero in j+1, controlling by the unique bit that is 1 in j+1 and 0 in j • Finally, switch this unique bit with the low bit

  45. Objectives • Introduce the “controlled-U” gate • Exhibit a decomposition of a controlled-U into CNOT gates and 1-qubit rotation gates • Introduce the QR-decomposition • Use QR to decompose a unitary matrix into controlled-U gates • Conclude that any operator can be built of CNOT gates and 1-qubit rotations

  46. Conclusion • A unitary matrix can be written as a product of planar rotations • A planar rotation can be written as ZUZ-1, where Z can be decomposed into CNOT and NOT gates, and U is a (higher order) controlled-U gate • A higher order controlled-U gate can be written as a sequence of CNOT gates and singly controlled-U gates • A controlled-U gate can be written as a sequence of CNOT gates and one-qubit rotations

  47. Epilogue • The number of gates in this decomposition is exponential in the number of qubits • For certain operators, much smaller circuits are known to exist • Can we automate the process of moving towards these?

  48. Reduction • Could try to shrink a long circuit by local optimization techniques • One experimentally observed obstacle: long chains of CNOT gates • These long chains of CNOTs result from certain identities

  49. Reduction • Could apply classical techniques…

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