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Anamaria Kudrna & Lana Ljevaković Department of Information and Communication Sciences

Student paper E-learning from the perspective of teachers at the University of Zagreb INFuture conference Zagreb, 2013. Anamaria Kudrna & Lana Ljevaković Department of Information and Communication Sciences Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

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Anamaria Kudrna & Lana Ljevaković Department of Information and Communication Sciences

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  1. Student paperE-learning from the perspective of teachers at the University of ZagrebINFuture conferenceZagreb, 2013 Anamaria Kudrna & Lana Ljevaković Department of Information and Communication Sciences Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

  2. E-learning from the perspective of teachers at the University of Zagreb • Summary • Introduction • Hypothesis • Method • Results • Conclusion • References • Post research

  3. E-learning from the perspective of teachers at the University of Zagreb • Summary - our research in short • Introduction • Hypothesis • Method • Results • Conclusion • References • Post research

  4. SUMMARY: ourresearch in short PURPOSE: • investigate teachers’ attitude aboute-learning TARGET: • teaching staff of the faculties of the University of Zagreb TOOLS: • online survey ASSUMPTION AND RESULTS: • based on SRCE’sresearch • motivation and interest exists • support and technical infrastructure lack • different needs, depending on the field of study

  5. E-learning from the perspective of teachers at the University of Zagreb • Summary • Introduction - why and what about e-learning • Hypothesis • Method • Results • Conclusion • References • Post research

  6. INTRODUCTION: why and what about e-learning IMPORTANCE: • improvement ofIT,widespread of internet • inevitable trendin education • integralenhancementof standard education SRCE’S STUDY: • (University Computing Centre)- annual e-learning surveyat UNIZG KEY ELEMENTS OF E-LEARNING: • technical framework(out) • facultysupport (SRCE) • teacher’smotivation (we) • studentparticipation (L. Pavišić)

  7. E-learning from the perspective of teachers at the University of Zagreb • Summary • Introduction • Hypothesis - how, why and what we assumed • Method • Results • Conclusion • References • Post research

  8. HYPOTHESIS: how, why and what we assumed SOURCE (SRCE): • facultyadministrationaffects techers’ attitude towards e-learning • University ‘s supportfor participation would be motivating 1ST ASSUMPTION: • teachers’ motivation and interestin e-learning exists 2ND ASSUMTION: • teachers lackincentive and supportin implementation of e-learning into their courses 3RD ASSUMTION: • teachers at technicaland naturalsciences faculties would be more prone to using e-learning than teachers in the social and humanistic field of study

  9. E-learning from the perspective of teachers at the University of Zagreb • Summary • Introduction • Hypothesis • Method - which tools we used and how we got thedata • Results • Conclusion • References • Post research

  10. METHOD: which tools we used and how we got the data TOOLS: • Google Form online survey QUESTIONS: • 20 questions about e-learning, in 4 categories: • demographics • activity and awareness • external incentives • ambition, motivation and attitude DATA PROCESSING: • collectedthrough the survey • organizedin a spreadsheet • sorted and filtered • correlationsbetween certain data groups were calculated

  11. E-learning from the perspective of teachers at the University of Zagreb • Summary • Introduction • Hypothesis • Method • Results - what the data showed • Conclusion • References • Post research

  12. RESULTS: what the data showed AGE: • mostly middle aged

  13. RESULTS: what the data showed ACADEMIC RANK: • mostly assistants

  14. E-LEARNING USE: • largely depends on the faculty

  15. RESULTS: what the data showed TRACKING NEEDS: • most would like to track student activity

  16. RESULTS: what the data showed COMPUTER USE: • vast majority uses

  17. RESULTS: what the data showed ORDER AND SUPPORT: • majority does not receive

  18. RESULTS: what the data showed OPINION ON QUALITY: • most have a positive opinion

  19. RESULTS: what the data showed INTEREST TO LEARN: • most are motivated

  20. RESULTS: what the data showed TIME TO LEARN: • majority has time

  21. RESULTS: what the data showed FIELD OF STUDY: • HUM and SOC most, ART and BIOMED least

  22. RESULTS: what the data showed AWARD AWARENESS: • most are aware of awards

  23. RESULTS: what the data showed COMPUTER USE: • vast majority uses

  24. RESULTS: what the data showed USAGE AND AGE: • not dependant

  25. E-learning from the perspective of teachers at the University of Zagreb • Summary • Introduction • Hypothesis • Method • Results • Conclusion - how we interpreted the data • References • Post research

  26. CONCLUSION: how we interpreted the data RESULTS: • e-learning use • largely DEPENDS ON THE FACULTY • does not depend on teacher’s age • most teachers are NOT ORDERED AND SUPPORTEd to use it • most teachers • use COMPUTERS • would LIKE TO TRACK student activity • LIKE the idea of e-learning • are MOTIVATED and HAVE TIME to learn it • are aware of awards • field of study • HUMand SOCmost • ART and BIOMED least CONCLUSION: • motivation and interestexists (confirmed) • supportand technical infrastructure lack (confirmed) • different needs, depending on the field of study (TECH and NAT has most need) (partly refuted)

  27. E-learning from the perspective of teachers at the University of Zagreb • Summary • Introduction • Hypothesis • Method • Results • Conclusion • References • Post research

  28. REFERENCES: what we used for research • Centarza e-učenje. Rezultatiankete o e-učenjunaSveučilištu u Zagrebu (prosinac 2012. godine). May 2013. http://www.unizg.hr/fileadmin/rektorat/dokumenti/e-ucenje/Sveuciliste_u_Zagrebu_Anketa_e_ucenje_2012_Rezultati_20130604.pdf (30.08.2013.) • GoogleForm. https://support.google.com/drive/topic/1360904?hl=en&ref_topic=2811744 (May 2013) • Pavešić, Leon. IstraživanjemišljenjastudenataFilozofskogfakulteta u Zagrebu o Omega sustavuzaučenjenadaljinu. Zagreb, 2012 • University of Zagreb. E-learning strategy 2007 – 2010. May 2007. http://www.unizg.hr/fileadmin/rektorat/dokumenti/eucenje_strategija/University_of_Zagreb-E-learning_strategy.pdf (30.08.2013.)

  29. E-learning from the perspective of teachers at the University of Zagreb • Summary • Introduction • Hypothesis • Method • Results • Conclusion • References • Post research - what all this means, and what next

  30. POST RESEACRH: what this means and what next KEY ELEMENTS OF E-LEARNING: • technical framework(supposed to lack) • faculty support(lacks) • teacher’s motivation(exists) • student participation(exists) WHAT NEXT: • research larger and bigger sample (onter UNI’s) • comparation to SRCE’s survey

  31. DO YOU HAVE: • a comment? • a question? • a suggestion?

  32. Thank you for your attention!Anamaria KudrnaLana Ljevaković

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