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4 Reasons Why Anger is a Dreadful Trigger for Addiction Relapse

Anger is a dreadful trigger for addiction relapse and many do not reconcile to the fact. We do get angry occasionally. People show their anger in different ways...<br>

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4 Reasons Why Anger is a Dreadful Trigger for Addiction Relapse

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  1. 4 ReasonsWhyAngeris a DreadfulTrigger forAddiction Relapse Anger is adreadful trigger foraddiction relapseand manydo not reconcileto the fact. Wedo getangryoccasionally. People showtheir anger indifferent ways. Some keep it hidden and others areopen. However, during addiction relapse, angercan bejust violent enough to create emotional and physical damages. Well, ifyou have enrolledyourself in asoliddrug rehab program,you cangetclasses on managingangerand recover fasterfrom addiction. Why arewesaying that angeris oneoftheworst relapse triggers? Anger is oneof the reasons that makepeople relapse afteraperiod ofsobriety. Anger starts makingthem think irrationallyandputs them beforesubstanceabuseoncemore. The individual comes to astancewhen theylongerthink about recoveryorwants to punish other people. Anger makesyou deal with thelack of progress, frustrations that graduallybuild up, and people areno longer happyin recovery. Let meshowyou how anger actsas a dreadful trigger fortheaddiction relapse that happens in anyone’s life– Increase theChanceofEmotional Upheaval When aperson is veryangry, hestarts actingimpulsivelyand stops thinkingin aclear direction. Actingimpulsivelymight forcethe individual to takepart in criminal activities.A recoveringaddict willgoback the old days andinterferewith theprogressmadein thedrug rehab program. Thefirst months of recoveryturn into an emotional roller coasteroften.And if theyfail to managetheir emotions and control anger, theyposehigh riskof addiction relapse. Anger might causedrastichealth problems Anger not onlytrigger relapsebut it is also responsible fortriggeringhealth issues like insomnia, fatigue,and violence. Theissues makeyourbodystressed andexhausted on top of their angerand affects thehealth badly. Peoplecan turn rude and violent.Itis vital for the addicts to learn how to handle anger and keep their bodyhealthy. Angercan hurt relationships Doyou know that too much ofanger can makeyou shout, be rude andaggressiveto the person in front?Thesetypes of action might createtension in a relationship and might lead to relationship decay. Thefamilyof the recoveringperson must understand anger management; on the other hand, therecoveringperson needs to learn angercontrol. This will help to strengthen the relationship and tighten thebonds. Might makeyou lose your job Ifyou are at theworkplace andyouareunable tocontrol the anger, it might affectyour colleagues andclients. The recoveringaddicts likeyou might lose thejob.This, in turn, puts

  2. morestress on thefamilyof theaddict and makesit even harder to control the angerand ebbing emotions of therecoveringperson. Howdoes a drug rehabcenterhelpinangermanagement? Weknow that recoveryis associated with highsand lows. Weknow that excessive anger can wreckall the efforts of recovery. Therefore, drugrehab centers provideanger management tools to control emotionsinyour life and upgradeyourphysical, mental, and spiritual inner being. Article Source: http://www.aimfitbody.com/4-reasons-why-anger-is-a-dreadful-trigger-for-addiction-relapse/

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