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Part Two- Theories from: Humanistic Trait Social Cognitive. Personality. Humanistic Perspective. importance of self and fulfillment of potential. Humanism. Personality = how you feel about yourself, how you are meeting your “goals”. Free will Self-awareness Psychological growth

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  1. Part Two- Theories from: Humanistic Trait Social Cognitive Personality

  2. Humanistic Perspective • importance of self and fulfillment of potential

  3. Humanism • Personality = how you feel about yourself, how you are meeting your “goals”

  4. Free will • Self-awareness • Psychological growth • Focus on healthy personality • Individual’s conscious, subjective opinion of self is most important

  5. Carl Rogers • Self-concept—set of perceptions you hold about yourself

  6. Positive Regard • Positive regard—sense of being loved and valued by other people--can be conditional or unconditional

  7. ConditionalPositive Regard I love you when you are doing what I approve of- if not, I will withdraw my love ...

  8. UnconditionalPositive Regard • I love you no matter what you say or do I still might be mad, but you know I love you- you can tell me anything

  9. Abraham Maslow • Hierarchy of Needs influences behavior- striving for self actualization

  10. Morality, Lack of Prejudice Self-Esteem, Confidence and Respect Significant Other, Family and Friends Economic and Physical security (Health and Job) Food, Water, Oxygen, Etc

  11. Evaluating Humanism • Difficult to test or validate scientifically • Too optimistic, minimizes some of the more destructive aspects of human nature

  12. Social Cognitive- Bandura understanding personality involves considering the situation and thoughts before, during, and after an event

  13. The importance of: observational learning, conscious cognitive processes, social experience, Self-efficacy Reciprocal determinism in personality

  14. Self-efficacy Belief that people have about their ability to meet demands of a specific situation (successful or not)

  15. Reciprocal determinism Model that explains personality as the result of behavioral, cognitive, and environmental interactions

  16. Evaluation of Social Cognitive Perspective May not reflect the complexity of human interactions Ignores the influences of unconscious, emotions, and conflicts

  17. Trait Theory • Description and measurement of personality differences

  18. What is a “Trait”? • A relatively stable predisposition to behave in a certain way

  19. Five Factor Model • Factors—usually rated from low to high • Openness to experience • Conscientiousness • Extraversion • Agreeableness • Neuroticism

  20. The Five-Factor Model of Personality

  21. Evaluation of Trait Perspective • Doesn’t explain why & how of personality (description only) • Doesn’t address how motives, unconscious, or beliefs about self affect personality development

  22. Psychological Tests • Test is useful if it achieves two basic goals: • Accurately and consistently reflects a person’s characteristics • Predicts future psychological functioning or behavior

  23. Self-Report Inventory • Standardized questions about your own behavior and feelings • The answers are then compared to established norms...

  24. MMPI – Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory • Originally designed to assess mental health and detect psychological symptoms • Most widely used self-report inventory

  25. MMPI • Has over 500“true/false” questions • Includes “lying scales”...why??

  26. Strengths of Self-Reports • Standardized—each person receives same instructions and responds to same questions Use of established norms: very objective!

  27. Weaknesses of Self-Reports • Evidence that people can “fake” responses to look better (or worse) • Tests contain hundreds of items and become tedious • People may not be good judges of their own behavior

  28. Psychodynamic Testing!

  29. “The first blot is easy. How fastyou answer is taken as an indication of how well you cope with new situations. The best reaction is to give one of the most common responses immediately. Good answers are bat, butterfly, moth, and (in center of blot) a female figure. Mask, jack-o'-lantern, and animal face are common responses too, but in some interpretation schemes they suggest paranoia. A bad response is any that says something untoward about the central female figure. "She" is often judged to be a projection of your own self-image. Avoid the obvious comment that the figure has two breasts but no head.”“Naughty bits: a pair of breasts (rounded projections at top of blot); a vertical female figure, her torso partly visible through a gauzy dress (along center line). “ Every Rorsehach plate has at least one obvious representation of sexual anatomy. You're not expected to mention them all. In some interpretation schemes, mentioning more than four sex images in the ten plates is diagnostic of schizophrenia.

  30. what is going on in the picture? • what has happened just before the event depicted? • what will happen next? Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

  31. Projective Tests • Personality tests that provide ambiguous stimuli to trigger projection of one’s inner thoughts and feelings

  32. Psychoanalytical ApproachAccessing the Unconscious Mind • Rorschach Inkblot Test • A set of 10 inkblots, without no discernible patterns or images, are presented to a patient. • Subjects identify what they think the inkblot looks like, and researchers interpret those identifications as personality characteristics.

  33. “This is the blot that supposedly can determine sexual preference. • Most people see the two human figures. Both figures have prominent "breasts" and an equally prominent "penis." If you don't volunteer the gender of the figures, you'll be asked to specify it. • By the traditional interpretation, seeing the figures as male is a heterosexual response (for test subjects of both sexes). Describing the figures as female or acknowledging the androgynous nature of the blot is supposed to be a homosexual response. Does it work? Not really--many straights describe the figures as women, and not all gays give a gay response. A 1971 study at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York showed the traditionally heterosexual response (two male figures) to be declining in popularity.” • Naughty bits: penises and breasts (at anatomically appropriate positions for each figure).

  34. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) • uses real pictures of objects or people • participant is asked to say what is going on in the picture, what has happened just before the event depicted and what will happen afterwards. • Like the inkblot, because the scene is ambiguous, the individual will project onto the scene something of themself and in this way their 'inner' or hidden self will be revealed. • The validity of projective tests is very difficult to assess and therefore they must be used with extreme caution.

  35. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) • what is going on in the picture? • what has happened just before the event depicted? • what will happen next?

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