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Anemia. By : Devyn Sarno, Keith Martinez, Jasmine Massey Period 8. Anemia is a condition where your body has a deficiency of red blood cells. Anemia can occur if your red blood cells don't contain enough hemoglobin .

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  1. Anemia By: Devyn Sarno, Keith Martinez, Jasmine Massey Period 8

  2. Anemia is a condition where your body has a deficiency of red blood cells. Anemia can occur if your red blood cells don't contain enough hemoglobin. Can be inherited or acquired. Inherit, being that it is passed down through your genes. Acquire meaning you develop it. Anyone can develop it What is ANEMIA?

  3. Hemoglobin is made up of 4 protein molecules which are called globulin chains. Is an iron-rich protein that gives the blood its red color. Helps the red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body. One hemoglobin molecule has the ability to transport up to 4 oxygen molecules Hemoglobin?

  4. Symptoms

  5. There is over 400 types of anemia. In general, the types of anemia can be divided into three groups: • Anemia caused by blood loss. • Anemia caused by decreased or faulty red blood cell production. • Anemia caused by destruction of red blood cells. Facts

  6. Blood loss Lack of red blood cell production High rates of red blood cells destruction Nutritional Deficiencies, like iron and B12 (most common deficiency) Infection Main Causes

  7. Diet! If your diet lacks iron ,folic acid or vitamin B12. If you don’t have these nutrients it can prevent you from making enough red blood cells. Therefore, you can acquire Anemia. You also need small amounts of vitamin C, of riboflavin, and copper to create red blood cells. How can you acquire it?

  8. Iron Deficiency Anemia

  9. The B12 deficiency

  10. Blood loss is the most common cause in Anemia, especially if you have an iron deficiency. Young women are at a higher risk of acquiringAnemia due to excessive blood loss from the menstrual cycle and giving birth. About 1 percent of RBC are lost daily in healthy individuals Blood Loss

  11. Doctors may perform a blood test to check your RBC count. When they do this, they will spin it down in a machine called a centrifuge. The centrifuge will spin at a high speed and will separate liquids of different densities. Plasma being the lightest, will be at the top of the vile, WBC & platelets will be in the middle, and RBC’s will be at the bottom. How do you find out you have it?

  12. Centrifuge

  13. Take vitamin B12, vitamin C, iron, and/or folic acid supplements. You can take hormones to treat heavy menstrual bleeding. Take medicine to prevent the bodies immune system from destroying RBC’s Treatment

  14. Thomas Addison discovered the condition in 1849. He was the first to correlate a set of symptoms for Anemia. Dr. MichaelBiermer studied the disease along side Addison The two had thought that it was untreatable. Drs. And scientist later on saw that Anemia responded to some treatments. Who discovered A nemia?

  15. Thomas ADDISON April 2nd,1793- June 29th,1860 Born in longbenton, Northumberland Died in brighton, uk

  16. MICHAEL BIERMER October 18th, 1827-October 15th, 1892 Born and died in germany

  17. You CAN donate blood if your anemic. As long as your levels are normal on the day of donation, you can give blood. You would just have to make sure you eat iron rich meals prior to donation. More than 3.5 million people in the United States are anemic Anemia is not actually considered a disease, but actually a condition. Facts

  18. Nhlbi.nih.gov My.clevelandclinic.org mayoclinic.com Medicinenet.com Discovery.yukozimo.com http://health.usnews.com/ Bibliography

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