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Carbon-14 Dating Arnold C Mendez Bible Study 1-28-17 Harlingen, TX

Carbon-14 Dating Arnold C Mendez Bible Study 1-28-17 Harlingen, TX. The Importance of Carbon-14 Dating and Evolution. C-14 is used to date fossils that contain carbon-once living. Includes wood, charcoal, animal and human tissue, non-mineralized bones, shells, or anything organic.

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Carbon-14 Dating Arnold C Mendez Bible Study 1-28-17 Harlingen, TX

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  1. Carbon-14 Dating Arnold C Mendez Bible Study 1-28-17 Harlingen, TX

  2. The Importance of Carbon-14 Dating and Evolution • C-14 is used to date fossils that contain carbon-once living. • Includes wood, charcoal, animal and human tissue, non-mineralized bones, shells, or anything organic. • Used to date the recent history of fossil men, including Neanderthal, and Homo erectus fossils. • These dates imply that man has existed for > 70,000 years. • C-14 has been used to support the idea that the dates in the Biblical record are incorrect.

  3. C-14 is used to date: 36 KYA 55 KYA

  4. Carbon-14 and the Bible • C-14 Dates and the Biblical dates do not agree. • The Bible through the use of genealogies reveal that humans are only a few thousand years old approximately 6,000 years. • C-14 dates can be compared to historical artifacts. For example we can date wooden beams found in ancient temples. • The C-14 dates and historical dates/artifacts agree until about 4,400 ybp or about 2300 BC. After that the C-14 dates are older than the Biblical record. • C-14 and the Bible do not agree when older dates are examined (4-5K). • For example the Stone age lasted several million years and ended about 7,000 ya.

  5. How is C-14 Used to Date Fossils • All living things absorb carbon, through eating and respiration, some of this carbon is Carbon-14. • A living organisms when it dies quits collecting carbon, including C-14. • After the organism dies about ½ of the C-14 will change/decay into nitrogen in about 5,730 years. • By measuring how much C-14 is left in the fossil or artifact the date can be calculated.

  6. The nucleus of an atom is made up of protons and neutrons. All carbon atoms have 6 protons. • If the carbon atom has 6 neutrons then it has an atomic mass of 6 + 6 = 12. • A carbon atom with 6 protons and 6 neutrons has an atomic mass of 12 and is know as Carbon-12. Carbon Atoms

  7. Carbon and its Isotopes Carbon atoms can have three different configurations

  8. Cosmic Rays From Outer Space How is Carbon-14 Produced? • Cosmic rays are composed of protons (83%), helium nuclei called (α) alpha rays (16%), elemental nuclei, and electrons traveling at the speed of light. These high-speed particles are emitted from the sun and supernova explosions. • These cosmic rays strike the atoms in the upper atmosphere, mostly oxygen and nitrogen atoms. • They form secondary rays from broken up particles of the oxygen and nitrogen atoms. These secondary rays include slow moving neutrons. • 14C is formed when these neutrons strike the nitrogen atom causing the emission of a proton. The nitrogen is then converted into 14C. Over time the carbon-14 decays back into non-radioactive, stable 14N. Secondary Rays of Neutrons C-14 is formed N-14 C-14 N-14

  9. C-14 Production from Nitrogen and C-14 Decay back to Nitrogen

  10. The Carbon-14 Cycle

  11. C-14 Assumptions Major Assumption--- The Carbon-14 cycle has not varied The amount of cosmic rays coming from the sun and other stellar sources has not varied. The composition of the atmosphere has not varied, including CO2, nitrogen, ozone, and other atmospheric gases. The strength of the magnetic field of the sun and earth has not varied. The ratio of C-14 and C-12 has not varied, this would include volcanic eruptions and the amount of C trapped in the oceans, and other areas.

  12. The Carbon 14 Cycle has varied In this Bible Study we are going to look at some of the factors that have varied. Earth’s Magnetic Field Solar Activity has varied the amount of cosmic rays Supernovas Volcanic activity has varied the C-12 and C-14 ratio.

  13. The Flood of Noah Genesis 6: 9-13 This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God. And Noah begot three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. So God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. And God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth.

  14. Earth’s Magnetic Field

  15. Earth’s Magnetic Field and Cosmic Rays • The Strength of the Magnetic Field of the earth will affect the amount of cosmic rays that come into the upper atmosphere. • If more cosmic rays enter the atmosphere more C-14 will be produced. C-14 dates will be too young. • If less cosmic rays enter the atmosphere less C-14 will be produced. C-14 dates will be too old.

  16. Earth’s Magnetic Field and C-14 ProductionAdapted from Bucha

  17. Solar Activity • Sunspots • Solar Flares

  18. Sunspots • Sunspots are places of intense solar and magnetic activity. • With increased solar activity the magnetic field of the sun intensifies, which shields the earth from cosmic rays from the sun. • So less C-14 is produced when the sun has a high sunspot population.

  19. Solar Flares • Solar flares last a few hours or days. • Solar flares increase the cosmic ray production by +1000%. • This increases C-14 production. • Solar flares also insert into the earth atmosphere C-14 produced in the sun’s interior.

  20. Supernova Explosions • Supernova is the titanic explosion of a dying star. • As the star explodes it expels all of its stellar matter into space. • This produces an expanding shock wave of stellar material which sweeps up other material along its path. • This shock wave is know as a SuperNova Remnant Shell or SNR.

  21. Supernovas • Crab Nebula is a SNR of a supernova that was visible about 900 ya. It is in the same place of the sky where a bright supernova recorded in 1054 AD by Chinese astronomers. • It is about 11 ly across and is expanding at the rate of 930 miles/sec.

  22. Supernovas • SNR 0519-69.0 • Located 150K light years from the earth. • Southern constellation Dorado (Dolphin fish).

  23. Supernovas • SNR 0509-67.5 • Visible about 400 ya. • It is located in the Large Magellanic cloud. • The SNR is 23 light years across.

  24. SuperNova Remnants • Supernovas are prime producers of cosmic rays. • Cosmic rays are simply high energy fast moving particles of matter. • Cosmic ray composition: 83% helium nuclei called alpha particles (α), the other 16% are nucleus of various atoms and some electrons. • Cosmic ray are responsible for the production of C-14.

  25. Volcanic Activity • Mt. St. Helens erupted in 1980. • Released 24 megatons of thermal energy, and .64 cubic miles of material. • The mountain’s height was reduced by 1300 ft. Mount St. Helens

  26. Volcanic Activity • Releases large amount of CO and CO2 into the atmosphere. • Mt. St. Helens released approximately 650 metric tons per day. • Volcanic Carbon is nonradioactive C-12. • It dilutes the carbon balance and makes the C-14 ratio smaller. • This will give false dates for material that absorbs this carbon, giving older C-14 dates.

  27. Volcanic Emissions • Plants and trees growing near volcanoes that are dormant have reduced ratios of C-14 and increased amounts of C-12. • Wood from mine timbers in a volcanic mountain gave ages of 1805 years BP, 1820 years BP, 2540 years BP, and 4350 years BP. Source: Saupe F. et al.

  28. Summary of Factors Affecting C-14 • Carbon-14 production and ages can vary. • Intensity of the earth, sun, and galactic magnetic field. • Solar Activity such as sunspots and solar flares. • Supernovas causing an increase in cosmic ray intensity. • Volcanic activity diluting the C-12/C-14 ratio.

  29. Various Other Factors • Astral body striking the earth. Large amounts of carbon in the air, nitrogen production levels would be changed. • Change in the carbon holding capacity of the oceans. Size of the Oceans, etc. • Changes to the earth’s upper and lower atmosphere. Hundreds of Other Factors

  30. Genesis Flood Affects C-14 • Gen. 6:5-13 The flood destroyed the Earth. • Gen. 7:11 Great fountains of the deep broken. • Gen. 7:19-20 The water covered the oceans. • Gen. 10:24 Ocean basins were rising. Ice was melting. Pelagic (def.)- relating to the sea/oceans. • Psalms 104:8 Mountain building, ocean basins.

  31. Bible is More Reliable • Historic record via genealogies. Genesis 5 & 10. • Most C-14 dates are accurate for the last 4,000-5,000 years. • Before this time period C-14 dates are too old compared to chronological years. • The Noachian flood occurred about this time period.

  32. Question and Answers Carbon-14 Dating Arnold C Mendez Sermon 1-28-17 Harlingen, TX

  33. Works Cited and Research Notes • . Pavel P. et al. Human presence in the European Arctic nearly 40,000 years ago. Nature. 413:64-67. 2001 (figure 1). • . Stanely SM. Earth and Life Through Time. W. H. Freeman and Co. New York. 1986. p 585. • . Tarbuck EJ. Lutgens FK. Earth an Introduction to Physical Geology 5th ed. Prentice Hall. Upper Saddle River, NJ. 1996. p 185 (slide 9).. • . Lingenfelter RE. Ramaty R. Astrophysical and geophysical variation in C14 production. 12th Nobel Symposium,1969, Uppsala Universitet. Wiley Interscience Division. New York. 1970. • . US Dept of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Art work by Endo, K. Nikkei Science Inc. Japan. http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/seg/potfld/magdata.shtml. June 2002 (slide 15).  • . Tarduno JA. Cottrell RD. High geomagnetic intensity during the Med-Cretaceous from Thellier analyses of single plagioclase crystals. Science. 291:1779-1783. 2001. • . Bucha V. Influence of the Earth's magnetic field on radiocarbon dating. 12th Nobel Symposium, 1969, Uppsala Univesitet. Wiley Interscience Division. New York. 1970. • . Suess HE. The three causes of the secular C14 fluctuations, their amplitudes and time constants. 12th Nobel Symposium,1969, Uppsala Universitet. Wiley Interscience Division. New York. 1970. • . Burchuladze AA. Pagava AV. et al. Short-term variations of cosmogenic radiocarbon with solar activity. Proceeding of the 16th International Cosmic Ray Conference. University of Tokyo. Japan. MG3-1:200-5. 1979. • . Rampino MR. Ambrose SH. Volcanic winter in the Garden of Eden: the Toba supereruption and the late Pleistocene human population crash. Geological Survey of America. Special paper 345. 71-82. 2000. • . Saupe F. et al. A possible source of error in 14C dates: volcanic emanation (examples from the Monte Amiata District, Provinces of Grosseto and Sienna, Italy). Radiocarbon. 22:2:525-531. 1980. • Photos of stellar and geological objects courtesy NASA/USGS.

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