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Calycanthus floridus “common sweetshrub”

A medium-sized, upright-rounded shrub with glossy dark green leaves in summer, yellowish in fall. It bears dark reddish-brown-maroon flowers and brown capsules that persist through winter. Easily transplanted and adaptable to various soil and light conditions. Perfect for mixed shrub borders, as a specimen, or for naturalizing. The flowers have a sweet banana-strawberry-pineapple scent. Native to Virginia and Florida.

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Calycanthus floridus “common sweetshrub”

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  1. Calycanthus floridus“common sweetshrub” SIZE: Medium shrub HABIT: Upright-rounded

  2. FOL: Glossy dark green in summer; yellowish in fall

  3. FL. & FR.: Flowers = 2” dark reddish-brown-maroon in May-June-July; Fruit = 2” brown capsule in September and persists through winter

  4. CULTURE: Easily transplanted; very adaptable; pH adaptable; sun or shade; prune after flowering PESTS: None USE: Mixed shrub border; specimen; naturalizing MISC.: Flowers are sweetly scented with a banana-strawberry-pineapple scent. An excellent plant that is underutilized; native Virginia to Florida; marginally hardy here

  5. Calycanthus floridus ‘Athens’

  6. Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’“dwarf winged euonymus” SIZE: Medium shrub HABIT: Rounded to horizontal spreading

  7. FOL: Dull dark green in summer; brilliant red in fall

  8. FL. & FR.: Flowers = not showy; Fruit = 1/3” red, dehiscent capsule containing 3 orange seeds (somewhat showy

  9. CULTURE: Easily transplanted; very adaptable; pH adaptable; tolerates heavy pruning; tolerates drought; will develop fall color even in shade PESTS: None USE: Hedges, groupings, mass, specimen, foundation, etc... overused!

  10. MISC.: This shrub, although the compact form of the species still does get large, it just takes a longer time!

  11. Cornus alba ‘Elegantissima’“variegated dogwood” SIZE: Small to medium shrub HABIT: Upright and slightly arching with age; suckers

  12. FOL: Green leaf with a creamy-white margin in summer; can develop a good reddish-purple color in fall

  13. FL. & FR.: Flowers = creamy yellow in 2” flat-topped cymes in June (ok); Fruits = 3/8” bluish-white drupe in July (ok)

  14. CULTURE: Prefers MWDS; partial sun best; tolerates severe pruning (in early spring) PESTS: Canker, leaf spots, powdery mildew, etc. USE: Shrub border

  15. MISC.: Bright red stems that are showy in winter! Also C. alba ‘Aureo-marginata’

  16. Cornus alba ‘Spaethii’

  17. Cornus racemosa“gray dogwood” SIZE: Medium shrub HABIT: Multistemmed; upright mounding; suckers freely

  18. FOL: Dull dark green in summer; purple-red in fall

  19. FL. & FR.: Flowers = white in 2” diameter cymose-panicles that cover every terminal stem; Fruit = white, 1/4” drupe in September (infructescence = red!)

  20. CULTURE: Transplants readily; tolerates both wet and dry soils; sun of full shade PESTS: None serious USE: Shrub border, hedge, mass, naturalizing MISC.: The stems and infructescence are red in fall and winter; native plant

  21. Cornus sericea (C. stolonifera)“red osier dogwood” SIZE: Small to medium shrub HABIT: Multistemmed; loose and spreading; suckers readily

  22. FOL: dark green in summer; reddish-purple in fall

  23. FL. & FR.: Flowers = Dull white in 2” flat-topped cymes in June (ok); Fruit = 1/3” white drupe in September (ok)

  24. CULTURE: Easily transplanted; extremely adaptable; tolerates wet sites; full sun to partial shade PESTS: Canker USE: Massing; along streams and ponds

  25. MISC.: Excellent red stems in winter; Cornus sericea ‘Flaviramea’ = “golden twig dogwood”

  26. Cornus sericea ‘Flaviramea’

  27. Enkianthus campanulatus“redvein enkianthus” SIZE: Small to medium shrub HABIT: Upright shrub with horizontal (tiered) branching

  28. FOL: Bright blue-green in summer; brilliant yellow-orange-red fall color

  29. FL. & FR.: Flowers = 1/3” creamy yellow “bells” with red-veins in pendulous umbel-like racemes in June; Fruit = upcurved capsule (not showy)

  30. CULTURE: Prefers MWDS, requires acidic soils; full sun to partial shade PESTS: None serious USE: Mixed shrub border; specimen MISC.: Marginally hardy here

  31. Enkianthus campanulatus ‘Sikokianus’

  32. Rhododendron calendulaceum“flame azalea” SIZE: Small to medium shrub HABIT: Upright and open

  33. FOL: medium green in summer; dull yellow to dull red in fall (deciduous!)

  34. FL. & FR.: Flowers = 2” funnel-shaped orange in June; Fruit = capsule (not showy)

  35. CULTURE: Prefers MWDS; requires acidic soil conditions; does not tolerate wet sites, salt, winter winds; full sun to partial shade PESTS: Pythium, Phytophthora and other root rot fungi; leaf spots USE: Mixed shrub border; naturalizing MISC.: Spectacular in flower; slightly scented in flower

  36. Rhododendron ‘Exbury hybrids’“Exbury azaleas” SIZE: Medium shrub HABIT: Upright

  37. FOL: Medium green in summer; yellow-orange-red in fall

  38. FL. & FR.: Flowers = Mostly whites, yellows, orange, and red funnel-shaped in trusses in May

  39. Fruit = capsule (not showy)

  40. CULTURE: Prefers MWDS; requires acidic soil conditions; does not tolerate wet sites, salt, winter winds; full sun to partial shade PESTS: Pythium, Phytophthora and other root rot fungi; leaf spots USE: Mixed shrub border; massing MISC.: Spectacular in flower, almost overwhelming! These are interspecific hybrids... MANY cultivars!

  41. Rhododendron mucronulatum“Korean rhododendron” SIZE: Small to medium shrub HABIT: Upright - oval

  42. FOL: Medium green in summer; yellow to bronzy-red in fall (deciduous!)

  43. FL. & FR.: Flowers = 2” rosy-purple, funnel-shaped in April (clustered), flowers before foliage; Fruit = capsule (not showy)

  44. CULTURE: Prefers MWDS; requires acidic soil conditions; does not tolerate wet sites, salt, winter winds; full sun to partial shade PESTS: Pythium, Phytophthora and other root rot fungi; leaf spots USE: Mixed shrub border; massing MISC.: Spectacular in flower; flowers often frozen out with a late freeze (protect plants from exposure to southwest sun in winter)

  45. Rhododendron schlippenbachii“royal azalea” SIZE: Small to medium shrub HABIT: Upright mounded

  46. FOL: Dark green in summer; yellow, orange, scarlet in fall; (deciduous)

  47. FL. & FR.: Flowers = 2” pale pink clustered in open trusses in May as leaves emerge; Fruit = capsule (not showy)

  48. CULTURE: Prefers MWDS; does NOT need as acidic a soil as other ericaceous plants! full sun to partial shade PESTS: Pythium, Phytophthora and other root rot fungi; leaf scorch if dry USE: Mixed shrub border MISC.: Spectacular in flower; lightly scented flowers; Dirr describes it as, “one of the finest azaleas with no adequate way to do justice to the beauty of this plant by the written word”

  49. Fothergilla major ‘Mt. Airy’“Mt. Airy fothergilla” SIZE: Small to medium shrub HABIT: Multistemmed, dense and rounded; tends to sucker

  50. FOL: Blue-green in summer; yellow-orange-red in fall (reliably spectacular!)

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